
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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Change of cubicles

(2019-10-05 23:34:51) 下一個


My cubicle at the workplace used to be a good one. Years ago, I was luckily shuffled to a window cubicle, i.e. the last cubicle without anybody but a window in the back.  It is a big see-through window. As a matter of fact, it is so transparent that once a bird banged into (against?) it and dropped to the ground unconscious.  Hung in front of the window, from the ceiling to almost the floor, are horizontal adjustable blinds, through which light filters in.  When the sun comes out, as it does almost every day, the light could flood in from the widely open blinds. Its brightness and warmth help disperse the gloominess, if any, inside the office.  Toward the end of a day, I would occasionally spare a moment peering at the parking lot, watching cars exiting, making turns and disappearing into the driveway in the depth of tall willow trees, knowing that soon it will be my time to go home.  When days get short, and nights come early, a glimpse of sunset sky before it turns complete dark sometimes entertains me. Then I would remember to close the blinds, to shut off the darkness from the brightly lit office. 

A window corner gives me some views that would otherwise be unavailable had I buried myself in the enclosed cubicle.  But the best part of seating myself at the end of aisle is the considerable privacy it entails.  I can read or write at the interval furtively without anyone walking behind and seeing it.  The only person that I need to be on alert is my supervisor, a micro manager, who likes to check me by appearing sneakily in front of my cubicle.

But this privilege was taken away yesterday. As a new payroll person joined our team recently, rumors of moving payroll persons to an office were in the air. When they failed to secure an office, my cubicle was coveted. A move is planned, scheduled and carried out.  I was moved to a cubicle, darker, noisier, with my back facing the aisle, where my manager could lurk from behind and catch me off guard but on spot if I am doing anything unrelated to work.:))

A lot of time we are not offered with choices. But where there is a will, there is a way. 


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閱讀 ()評論 (21)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '天涼好秋' 的評論 : Hi,好秋! Thanks for your visit and comment. True that a lot of things are not in our hands, but still we can choose to be happy or not happy. I am good now. The cubicle that has hanging flowers is actually an old one. It happens that the picture is saved in Wechat Moments, and I put it here for additional record. Thanks again, and you take good care of yourself!
天涼好秋 回複 悄悄話 There are a lot of things out of our control, but to be depressed or to be happy are still our choices. You can't switch your cubicle, but you can decorate it in a way to feel home. I like the picture of your new cubicle with hanging flowers :)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 原來如此!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 謝謝魏薇你們仔細地讀。我這裏用了一個bang字,是想用一個象聲詞來表達鳥撞擊時的聲音,用crash into可是對的。我寫的時候有時不肯定就放上問號,以後讀時再留心一下,這裏不確定的還有就是into/against.花倒掛是想讓花兒幹時的形狀好看:)謝謝魏薇。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 我讀得很仔細,學習了:)。查了下,好像用birds crash into the window, or hit the window比較普遍。把花倒掛在那裏,是表示不高興的意思嗎?
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 :一講說的好,Jeff Bezos也說過,We are our choices.但是人不是時時刻刻都有選擇的。謝謝一講,周二快樂!
每天一講 回複 悄悄話 A lot of time we are not offered with choices. But where there is a will, there is a way.

暖冬,Life is a sum of all your choices.It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小溪姐姐' 的評論 : 小溪姐早!你說的對,就是這樣一直混著,明知道沒有未來的。做一天算一天。現在對老板有時就當是耳邊風呢,否則太認真了,損失的是自己。謝謝小溪姐,你不要有壓力啊,想讀就讀,想留言就留言,反之不想的時候隨意就好,這樣方能長久。祝小溪姐姐新周好!
小溪姐姐 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 暖冬妹妹的輕鬆,離家近,沒有壓力的工作還是值得Keep的,那位討厭的老板 Just ignore him. 新cubicle門前的幹花也是暖冬妹妹的詩的理念。再次溫習,共勉
A lot of time we are not offered with choices. But where there is a will, there is a way.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒啊,我們這些中國人幹起活來都是一等一的,不像你管的那些老美又慢又懶,所以要看人的,像我這樣的是要給點自由的:) 謝謝菲兒臨博。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 回複 '邊走邊看66' 的評論 : 嘿嘿,我原來就是個micro manager,老是耳朵豎著聽別人是不是在幹活,因為老美實在是太慢太笨了,好幾次錯過dead line, 我要給他們擦屁股,加班!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm說的對,我們的cubicle還是不錯的,高高的divider,如果不是小老板要突擊檢查,還是有privacy的。你們不一樣,高薪,這得多榨點出來啊:) mm還做過三個落地窗的office,多美啊。可惜好日子過去了,不能永駐啊:)
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 暖mm那你們cubicle很人性化了,我們公司現在靠窗辦公室都打掉(好懷念當初的三大落地窗),少有的幾個辦公室既小又沒窗,而且全玻璃透明。cubicle跟desk一樣,一進大廳,每個屏幕一目了然。所有的私事在這裏都是公事。:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm早! 第一張照片就是新的cubicle,上星期四已經換了。我這個小老板其實人不壞,技術型的,但是人不成熟,不知道怎麽做老板,喜歡發號施令,恨不能全部門的人都聽她的,得罪的人不少。而且此人有點油鹽不進,你對他好也沒用。我現在就圖這工作輕鬆,離家近,混吧。Cubicle換了就換,沒事,隻要自己有心想做,總有機會做的。對了,這花是一個同事的,我拿來做幹花,情人節一人一支:))。謝謝mm的關心。祝新周快樂!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm早上好,特別喜歡你這最後一句,where there is a will, there is a way. 你以前那個位置確實好,剛剛換會有點不適應,慢慢就會好了。我老板一開始也是整天來“看”我,現在估計審美疲勞了,不想天天來看我有多“美”了。有時還要我主動去“看”他。:)你的cubicle很漂亮,還掛著某人送你的玫瑰呢。等換了新的放上來給大家看看,說不定可以幫你出主意如何防備你那小老板。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '邊走邊看66' 的評論 : 邊邊啊,這個小老板的故事我真是有一肚子啊,現在早想開了。你這個小鏡子的主意不錯,隻是她的方向是從前麵背後走過來,等我看到鏡子裏的人,她已經看見我在做什麽了:( 唉,我得想想,如何道高一丈魔高一尺:)邊邊新周快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 鬆鬆好,謝謝你又來看我,是的,原來的是好,現在沒了:( 鬆鬆新周快樂!
邊走邊看66 回複 悄悄話 哎呦,暖冬姐的好地兒要沒了。 上班最煩的就是micro manager了,教你個法子,在電腦上貼一個小鏡子,能看到背後發生的事。
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 原來的格子間真好啊:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Nice catch, my friend. You know what, both mistakes arise from making changes. Originally the sentence is not inverted, then I changed it into an inverted one:( The expression " turn off" is at first used and then changed to "close", and I might have deleted " the" at the same time. Thanks, my friend. Having a great reader like you, I will double check:))
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 Like the descriptions of your workplace. Just a couple of feedback:

> ... close blinds
close the blinds

> is horizontal adjustable blinds,
are horizontal adjustable blinds,