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(2018-03-14 21:40:57) 下一個


A Decade After Bear’s Collapse, the Seeds of Instability Are Germinating Again

A big financial-firm collapse in near future is exceedingly unlikely, but another crisis isn’t

By Greg Ip

March 14, 2018 9:46 a.m. ET

Since the bailout of Bear Stearns Cos. a decade ago this week and the failure of Lehman Brothers six months later, regulators have made it their mission to prevent a repeat.

Yet even though a big financial-firm collapse in the near future is exceedingly unlikely, another crisis isn’t. Bear and Lehman were the manifestation of deeper economic forces that since the 1970s have produced crises roughly every decade. They are still at work today: ample flows of capital across borders, mounting debts owed by governments, corporations and households, and ultralow interest rates that nurture risk-taking in hidden corners of the economy.

For a quarter-century after World War II, the world was virtually crisis-free. Widespread defaults during the Great Depression and the war left a relatively debt-free path for economic growth, says Harvard University economist Kenneth Rogoff, co-author with Carmen Reinhart of “This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly.” Capital controls limited how much money could cross borders, while rules such as interest-rate ceilings limited who could borrow and how much.

By the early 1980s, though, deregulation had allowed capital to flow freely within and across borders and crises became a regular occurrence: the Latin American debt crisis that began in 1982, the U.S. commercial real estate and savings and loan crisis of the 1980s, the Asian and Russian financial crisis of 1997-98, the dot-com bubble of 1998-2000, the U.S. mortgage crisis of 2007-2009 and the European sovereign debt crisis of 2009-2013, interspersed with country-level crises such as in Scandinavia in the early 1990s and Japan throughout that decade.

Bear was both facilitator and victim of a housing bubble inflated by low interest rates and huge inflows of foreign capital—a “global saving glut” as then-Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke put it. It arranged mortgages that financed the housing bubble while borrowing heavily with short-term IOUs. When those mortgages went bad, Bear’s creditors yanked their funds—a de facto run on the bank.

Most of the regulatory effort since has been to ensure the largest financial institutions such as JPMorgan Chase & Co., which bought Bear Stearns in a fire sale brokered by the Fed, don’t succumb to anything similar: thicker buffers of capital to absorb losses, more reserves of cash and liquid assets to pay off skittish creditors, restrictions on trading and compensation that incentivize risk-taking, and new procedures for winding down failing institutions without taxpayer bailout or a chaotic bankruptcy. Though President Donald Trump’s appointees and Congress are beginning to dial back the regulations, the failure of a systemically-important institution now looks pretty remote.

But Hyun Song Shin, research chief at the Bank for International Settlements, warned in a 2014 speech against the tendency to “focus on known past weaknesses rather than asking where the new dangers are.” Banks may be stronger than a decade ago, but the financial system hasn’t returned to its pre-1980 repressed state.

Mr. Shin pointed out that bond markets are growing at the expense of banks in supplying credit, enabling business and government debt loads in many countries to surpass their precrisis peaks. Emerging markets have borrowed heavily in dollars, which leaves them vulnerable should the dollar’s value rise sharply. Before the crisis, 80% of investment-grade corporate debt world-wide yielded more than 4%; as of last October, less than 5% did, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Total U.S. debt, at around 250% of GDP, still stands at crisis-era peaks while debt levels in China have caught up and passed the U.S., according to the BIS. U.S. companies’ debts had reached 34% of assets by the end of 2016, the highest at least since 2000. Debt-servicing burdens haven't risen commensurately thanks to low inflation and low rates, but they have begun climbing. More than $1 trillion a year still flows into emerging markets each year, according to the Institute of International Finance.

The collapse of Bear Stearns marked a turning point for global markets and the world economy, presaging the financial crisis that would strike Wall Street six months later and rattle institutions in America and across the West for years afterward.

Market rumors say Bear may not have enough cash to do business. "There is absolutely no truth to the rumors of liquidity problems that circulated today in the market," Bear says. The company's shares fall 11% to $62.30.

This tells us little about when or where a crisis will happen or what may trigger it. Crises surprise because they usually start with an assumption so sensible that everyone acts on it, planting the seeds of its own undoing: in 1982 that countries like Mexico don’t default; in 1997 that Asia’s fixed exchange rates wouldn’t break; in 2007 that housing prices never declined nationwide; and in 2011 that euro members wouldn’t default. James Bianco, who runs his own financial research firm in Chicago, speculates that the equivalent today might be, “We will never see higher inflation or higher growth.” If either in fact occurs, the low interest rates that have raised household stock and property wealth to an all-time high relative to disposable income won’t be sustainable.

Mr. Rogoff concurs: “It’s much harder to get a crisis when you can borrow for virtually nothing and keep rolling it over.” A 1.5 to 2 percentage point increase in real interest rates, which he isn’t forecasting, would be small by historical standards but could potentially make the debts of Italy or Portugal unsustainable.

Central banks know this, of course, which is one reason they are wary of raising interest rates too quickly—while nervous that if they raise them too slowly, the problem will get worse.

Write to Greg Ip at greg.ip@wsj.com



When the Fed Wishes for Inflation

Modest price increases but rising asset prices make the central bank’s job harder

By Justin Lahart

March 13, 2018 12:53 p.m. ET

Inflation is dead, at least for now, and that is making life more difficult for the Federal Reserve.

By all rights inflation should be accelerating, driven by a tight jobs market strengthening further, a big stimulus hitting the economy and a weak dollar. But it isn’t. The Labor Department on Tuesday reported that consumer prices rose 0.2% in February from a month earlier, putting them 2.2% higher than a year ago. Prices excluding food and energy—the so-called core that better reflects inflation’s trend—rose 0.2%, leaving them up 1.8% on the year. Friday’s strong jobs report makes the modest inflation numbers more vexing.

Inflation isn’t dead, of course. Economists point out that over the past six months core prices have risen at a 2.5% rate. Fed policy makers won’t hesitate to raise rates when they meet next week.

But if inflation remains quiescent, and the fiscal stimulus propels asset prices higher instead, the Fed could face some tough decisions. The housing and credit bubbles that led to the financial crisis came about during a period of unexpectedly low inflation and good economic growth. The same goes for the dot-com bubble.

The Fed, and economists in general, now think asset-price excesses can cause real economic problems. But acknowledging this isn’t the same as knowing what to do. Economists still don’t agree on what makes a bubble a bubble, so it comes to a gut call. At the moment, the stock market seems pricey, but doesn’t seem like a bubble. But where would the line between the two be? And at what point would it be appropriate for the central bank to start leaning against the market, and how should it go about doing it?

If the economy and job market keep doing well, but inflation stays low, the Fed can, and probably will, raise rates four times this year. But even if it is worrying about asset prices, it could have a hard time justifying raising rates any more than that. As far as the central bank is concerned, a little more inflation might be a welcome thing.

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閱讀 ()評論 (21)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '閑閑客' 的評論 : 閑閑好!差點漏了你的留言。我的報紙這個季度已經停了,看不過來了,所以索性不看了,反正也摸不透。謝謝閑閑留言,我也不懂的。
閑閑客 回複 悄悄話 暖冬愛學習,我不懂,看你們的評論 :)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '夏圓' 的評論 : 師傅說得極是,防患於未然,但是呢,其實我們是防不了的,真正來不來,什麽時候來,我們不知道,而且往往也來不及。問候師傅好!
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 厲害了,我的徒弟!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水沫' 的評論 : 水沫周末好!哪裏哪裏,我隻是關心股市股票,順帶關心的,不懂的,就是想保持警醒的,是有點怕了。謝謝水沫來訪!
水沫 回複 悄悄話 記得以前買房子的時候很關心這個問題,最近對於這些完全不去關注了,暖冬厲害~~~
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'qun0' 的評論 : 是的,一份華爾街相當一本薄薄的書,堅持下來,一定有成效,哪怕一天一小部分,自己感興趣的內容。一般人會認為報紙就是時事新聞,WSJ的內容其實很廣,有書評還有地產、藝術類的,我舊報紙都還舍不得扔,時間不夠用。祝周末好!讀報愉快!
qun0 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 :
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'qun0' 的評論 : 歡迎qun0!你在美國當老師啊,厲害了。我以前在國內也當過幾年老師,握個手!我去年一年的WSJ是用mileage換的,今年自己掏錢訂,還有電子版的,每天堅持讀,量很大的,我堅持不下來,你厲害了!你說的對啊,是會加息的,當然這些都是猜測,我們關注關注。謝謝來訪留言!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒謙虛了,你懂財務的,這個隻是從債務的角度分析經濟的不穩定性,我也不懂的,讀一讀有時隻是警醒一下。菲兒周末愉快!
qun0 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 :
qun0 回複 悄悄話 我也讀過這兩篇華爾街日報的文章。由於要求學生閱讀,報社每周6天免費送到家門口,所以多年來也必須每天都粗略的讀一下。經濟和市場以後會如何,大家都是在猜測,誰也不能肯定啊。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 全英文的,不懂,不懂啊,尤其這個問題!:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '彩煙遊士' 的評論 : 遊士好!是啊,但願曆史不要重演啊,現在的情況是全球性的。我們退休的錢都在股市裏啊,當然也可以選擇保守的基金的。祝遊士周末愉快!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '山韭菜' 的評論 : 加肯定會加的,但是什麽時候,加多少要問聯邦:))祝韭菜周末好!
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 暖冬好!今天我也看了一些關於Bear Stearns的文章。但願曆史不要重演!

山韭菜 回複 悄悄話 到底是加息還是不加息?問好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬早!是啊,股票居高很多年了,像前一陣的correction一來,大家就像無頭蒼蠅,恐慌的。但願現在不是暴風雨前的平靜和繁榮。子喬周五周末好!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 最近的股市這麽不穩定,多少也反映出人們的擔憂。加息好像也勢在必行,但願不是熊市的開始。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 : Don't know too much about Kundlow. But look, how many people got hired and fired within a year of his presidency, and what Trump did so far, tax cut, tariff, trade wars, etc. We will see where we are heading. Thanks for your visit, Yijiang, and your comment.