  • 博客訪問:

速描《金瓶梅》第 81 回/100

(2017-01-08 10:09:43) 下一個

西門慶的夥計韓道國得兩千銀子在江南飄嫖置貨, 家妻供西門慶玩耍, 得知西門慶死, 韓返家與妻拐走一千兩銀,直奔首都女兒。同夥的名叫來保從江南歸來,暗中偷利藏貨,奸女欺詐,被西門慶正妻轟出後,坦然開起綢店。奴欺主!西門慶綢店被迫關掉,隻留藥店。

Han, Ximen’s employee, got 2000 pcs of silver from silk goods trading along the river coast. While letting Ximen play with his wife at home, he visits prostitutes on the road. When learning Ximen dies, Han takes 1000 of the 2000 pcs of silver and moves with his wife to the Capital to live with his daughter.

Lai, Han’s co-worker, hides profit and silk, rapes house maids, the 1st wife kicks him out, Lai immediately opens a silk store. The servants cheat the master! All Ximen's silk stores are closed except the drug store.

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