  • 博客訪問:

速描《金瓶梅》第 37 回/100

(2016-11-22 07:12:38) 下一個

西門慶為聯姻結黨, 把他綢店夥計韓道國15歲女兒貢給首都蔡太師的翟管家做二房。西門慶全包韓女嫁妝費用,另給韓家銀兩,又派人護送至京城。蔡太師曾給西門慶“山東法官”要職。 巴結管家,必可騰達。 西門慶趁韓爹送女進京出嫁,與其妻王六兒偷情。

Ximen uses marriage to connect with power; he introduces Ms. Han, his employee’s daughter, to the chief assistant of the Cai Official in the capitol. Cai Official is the person who gave the Jury position to Ximen.  Connecting with his assistant will help Ximen climb higher in future.  Ximen covers all the wedding expenses for the girl, in addition,  gives Han’s family a great amount of cash - silver coins, then has his people escorted Dad and daughter to the capitol.  Ximen takes advantage of the opportunity Mr. Han’s absence,  fooling around with his wife Wang Liu-er. 

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