昨天晚上包了有點好吃的韭菜餃子,多吃了幾個,臨睡前從天氣預報看到Snow Fall Warning,有點猶豫還要不要按照計劃出遊,早上因為肚子覺得有點撐很早醒來了,從窗簾縫中就看到外麵已是白雪皚皚。
相比於中國詩人的詩情畫意,加拿大國寶級女作家Lucy Maud Montgomery借可愛的小安妮的眼睛描述的聖誕節雪景也是如此美麗:
Christmas morning broke on a beautiful white world. It had been a very mild December and people had looked forward to a green Christmas; but just enough snow fell softly in the night to transfigure Avonlea. Anne peeped out from her frosted gable window with delighted eyes. The firs in the Haunted Wood were all feathery and wonderful; the birches and wild cherry trees were outlined in pearl; the plowed fields were stretches of snowy dimples; and there was a crisp tang in the air that was glorious. Anne ran downstairs singing until her voice reechoed through Green Gables.
"Merry Christmas, Marilla! Merry Christmas, Matthew! Isn't it a lovely Christmas? I'm so glad it's white. Any other kind of Christmas doesn't seem real, does it? I don't like green Christmases. They're not green-- they're just nasty faded browns and grays. What makes people call them green? Why--why--Matthew, is that for me? Oh, Matthew!"
Every snowflake is God's forgiveness by blanking the ugly, frozen earth and making it beautiful。
I am excited to have whole new year in front of us, just bursting with possibility, the last one is quite adventurous, wasn't it?
特別喜歡這段話:Every snowflake is God's forgiveness by blanking the ugly, frozen earth and making it beautiful。