
第五章 尋歡牽羊 7 婚壇老板娘

(2005-10-31 17:17:28) 下一個



豬耳朵下酒一起批 - 談寂寞和性別 -清晨~~- (499 bytes) (133 reads) 2003-12-2





    Disagree:-):-) -陳年酒-

    The social rule man have to play makes it more difficult for man to cry, to show weakness, to seek sympathy. Social study have found that woman’s relationship are built on connection whle Man’s relationship mostly are built on status. For that, man are indeed lonelier simply because they cry less ...

       Re:Disagree:-):-) -焚琴煮鶴-

       “when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms,
      You know you really love a woman”

      from "have you ever really loved a woman" by Brian Adams. ??

         love is a temporary thing. --

             Love is a verb. -焚琴煮鶴-

                a tentative action --

            disgree. if people take care -紅塵一笑-

            of their love, it never ends.

            Love is like bank account, you can not withdraw without deposit into it.

                haha. it is not love anymore -

                it is called responsibilities.

                    responsibility is part of love -紅塵一笑-

                    if can not be separated from love.

        Agree. Love last few -狼尾巴-

        seconds to few years. If you are of mankind, don't ever believe in love. Mankind is in the catogery of animals.

           let us yell loudly. --

           no eternal love in this world.

              there is, rare, but it exists -馬甲妹妹-

      回複:love is a temporary thing. -two.cents-

      Dependents how do you think what is love. 

      Love is there is a person who had lots of argue with you, but still cook for you everyday.

      Love is there is a person can tolerate your bad temp.

      Love is when you become old, there is a person company you to go to hospital together.

          what is love -霞飛路-

          love is you even don't need to agree with each other, you'd rather enjoy the fighting, but can stop at a certain point. 

         love is you don't even need to expect when you can be together, but you couldn't leave the other alone.

         love is you can do anything for the other because your heart is melted.

      Disagree:):) -清晨~~-


還有知性的寂寞 - 沒有人理解你沒有人可以交流的寂寞。

還有靈魂的寂寞 - 有人理解你,有人愛你,你也愛人,可是仍然寂寞。- 和愛人朋友開懷暢談一夜,轉身即撲麵而來的那種寂寞,就是這種了。

可是靈魂的寂寞.. 除非男人和女人連靈魂都可以不同。

         回複:Disagree:-):-) -two.cents-

         I bet if a man want to find a soul mate, that must be a lady who he can cry to, he can express his weakness frankly.

            :-):-):-):-) -陳年酒-

        同誌們,戰鬥的號角吹響了,向前衝啊!!! -Xiqu-

        什麽是人性? --

        當你壓抑自己,你更有人性. 或釋放自己,你更有人性

            find the balance point. -焚琴煮鶴-

               absolute right --

               why do we talk such thing? everybody has its own balance point. The balance point is different from one person to another one. nothing is right. nothing is wrong.

               My suggestion. Do what you want to do. Find your balance point. Don't worry your peers.

            即表現自己,等完全回到動物,就更有人性了。 -狼尾巴-


                find your balance point. --

                nobody wants to be a pure human being or pure animal. everybody is moving around between human being and animal. haha.


           方塊,你說的階級敵人是不是指 -婚壇老板娘-



               yep. release all pressure --

               and desire you have now. Don't suffer too much. be a animal for a while and come back, pretend a lady again.


                  impossible. -婚壇老板娘-

                  老板是個very decent man.


                      你是誰? 不想玩就別玩 --


                          it's not a matter of -婚壇老板娘-

                          你記得自己說的,lover is better?

另:你好像還不懂what is love.


                              我們什麽時候練練. 我走了. --


                      being an animal for while -紅塵一笑-

                      can make you a better 老板娘. It is doing your 老板 a favor.


                         doing favor for all. -婚壇老板娘-




            人性裏有罪性和善性 (找不到合適的詞了) -清晨~~-

有點,怎麽說呢,- 喜歡自然風光,可院子裏的草還是要修的。




階級敵人出洞了. 哈哈 -- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 2003-12-2




Just my thought -itisjustme- (526 bytes) (138 reads) 2003-12-2

I've been to this forum for a long time, like most of the people here, I think the reason is I just want a little space aside from my family.

I want to talk to someone else beside my wife, not saying I don't like her anymore, it's just after all these years, there are so many things we don't talk about anymore.

I'm not looking for an affair, I want a female friend.

People post everything here, but is that really everyone want to share? Especially right now, this forum is getting boring. ... 


    回複:您最好還是把這種想法扼殺在搖籃裏 -蠢女人-


    relax, man. -黑桃老K-

    you should learn from me. I sit here everyday broken-hearted.I try very hard to shit, but only fart instead, hahahaha.....have fun.


    婚壇興亡,我的責任。我一定為了你把婚壇辦得更好。 -尋歡-


       haha, 頂! -colala-


   看了你的貼子, 簡直有點感傷了 -colala-

   很多時候, 我們都不 知道我們要什麽了。



      同感.who am i? --


         Colala有的時候是那樣的。 -一點隨想-



   回複:Just my thought -two.cents-

   I almost understand you. But one point: you wrote you want to a female friend. Don’t you think this might jeopardous your marriage? Why not treat everyone as a friend? If you post your thought, everyone can contribute their ideas to you.


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