High Low %Change
Apple 233 142 64%
Google 1291 977 32%
Microsoft 116 84 38%
Exxon Mobil 89 65 37%
Amazon 2050 1188 73%
BRK-B 224 185 21%
Facebook 218 123 77%
J&J 149 119 25%
GE 19 7 171%
AT&T 39 27 44%
Average Change% 54%
“If you look at the typical stock on the New York Stock Exchange, its high will be, perhaps, for the last 12 months will be 150 percent of its low so they’re bobbing all over the place. All you have to do is sit there and wait until something is really attractive that you understand.”
“There’s almost nothing where the game is stacked more in your favor like the stock market”
“What happens is people start listening to everybody talk on television or whatever it may be or read the paper, and they take what is a fundamental advantage and turn it into a disadvantage. There’s no easier game than stocks. You have to be sure you don’t play it too often”