
雪中梅 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2018-11-09 17:27:04) 下一個




  "Earth is the only planet in the universe known  to harbor life. It is surrounded by a protective blanket of air --the atmosphere--that allows us to breathe and prevents the planet from becoming too hot. The Earth's orbit around the Sun, and its tilted axis, are responsible for its weather , its climates and its seasons. The planet's often dramatic landforms--its mountains, valleys and caves--were formed over millions of years by erosion and the movement of the Earth's crust.”


  “The protective blanket of air that covers the Earth is called the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere not only prevents too much heat from entering the planet, but also protects us from asteroids and meteors. The Earth's gravity helps hold the atmosphere in place.”

  象地毯般的空氣覆蓋在地球上的叫做大氣層。大氣層不僅防止熱量進入地球,而且還能保護我們來自小星球和流星的傷害。來自地球的吸引力使大氣層能夠圍繞在地球上 。

  Question:“How many layers does the Earth's atmosphere have?

   Answer: The Earth's atmosphere is composed of several layers. these include the troposphere and the stratosphere. Each layer is divided according to the temperature and density of air in that layer.”



  Question:“What are the gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere?

  Answer: The Earth's atmosphere is composed of many gases. Nitrogen is the main gas found in the atmosphere. It accounts for about 78 percent and oxygen makes up 21 percent. The remaining one percent is a combination of carbon dioxide and water vapor. There are also very small amounts of trace gases like neon and helium that go to make up the Earth's atmosphere.”



  Question: "What is the significance of the troposphere in the weather pattern?

  Answer: The troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth's surface, and it is here that weather is created. Air in the troposphere rises and falls, helping to form clouds, rain and snow. This layer stretches about 8-14.5 kilometers(5-9miles) above sea level."


  在大氣層中,對流層是最接近地球表麵的一層。在對流層裏,演繹著天氣的變化。氣流在對流層裏上升和下降,幫助雲的形成,如降雨和降雪。這一層能延伸到5-9miles 直到海平麵。

 Question: "How does the stratosphere help us?

  Answer: The stratosphere is the layer just above the troposphere. It extends upward from the troposphere to above 50 kilometers (31miles) above the Earth's surface. Compared to the troposphere which is full of moisture, the stratosphere is dry. The stratosphere contains the ozone layer. ozone absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun."



 Question:“What is the exosphere?

  Answer:The exosphere is the final layer of the Earth's atmosphere . It extends way into outer space. The air in the exosphere is very thin, but the temperature is very high, because the Sun's rays shine directly on it.”



  Question:“Why is the ozone layer important?

  Answer:The ozone layer is important because it stops harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun from reaching the Earth. If the rays are allowed through the atmosphere, they can cause severe health problems like skin cancer. Chemicals called CFCs have made a hole in the ozone layer above the North and South Poles.”



  Question:How is weather different from climate?

  Answer: Sunlight falls at varying angles onto the Earth's surface. heating up each of its regions differently. The difference in temperature eventually leads to different types of weather. A climate is when particular weather conditions prevail in a place for an extended period of time. So we can talk about the weather tomorrow or this month, but when we talk of climate we are talking of much longer time periods--decades or even centuries.



  Question: What is a season?

  Answer: A season is a period within a year defined by distinct waether. The tilt in the Earth's axis is responsible for seasons. In temperate and polar regions four seasons are recognized--spring, summer, autumn and winter. Some tropical and subtropical regions have a rainy season(sometimes called a monsoon season) and a dry season, while others have hot, rainy and cool seasons.



  Question: What are the factors that influence weather on the Earth?

  Answer: Temperature, rainfall, wind, cloud and atmospheric pressure are the main factors that influence weather patterns across the world. Wind is caused by the unequal heating of the Earth's surface. When the air above a certain region becomes warm and light, it rises and heavier, cooler air sweeps across from another area to take its place. This movement of air is called wind. Atmospheric pressure also affects the movement of wind, which always flows from a region of high pressure to that of low pressure. The difference in pressure between the two areas determines the speed with which the wind blows. If there is a small difference , we feel a breeze. If the difference is large, it leads to a storm. If the wind is flowing over a large water body such as a sea, it can pick up moisture and carry clouds and rain with it. Low pressure usually means stormy weather and rain, while high pressure usually means lots of sun and not much wind. There are other factors, such as the ocean currents created by the Earth's rotation, which also influence weather.


  影響世界天氣模式變化的主要因素是:溫度,降水,風,雲,和氣壓。 風的形成是因為地球表麵不相等的熱量分布造成的。當某各區域的空氣變暖和變輕,它就會上升和變沉,冷空氣移動穿過後就占據在那裏。這個運動就叫做風。氣壓也會影響風的移動。它使空氣從高壓流向低壓。不同的氣壓在不同的地帶之間會決定風吹的速度。小的時候,我們就會感覺到是微風。如果不同之處很大,那就會形成暴風。如果風在大麵積的海上吹過,就能帶入濕氣和雲以及雨水。低壓通常是雷雨或者降雨天氣,而高壓則會意味著晴天或者小風。另外一點就是海水的流動還會受到地球轉動的影響,所以也會影響到天氣的變化。

  Question: How are clouds formed?

  Answer: The Sun's heat causes water in the oceans, rivers and lakes to evaporate and form water vapor. The warm water vapor rises upward, and as it rises, it cools down. As a result. the water vapor in the air condenses to form clouds containing tiny droplets of water. These droplets grow larger in size and finally fall down as rain. Sometimes, the temperature is so low that these droplets freeze into ice crystals and fall down as snow.



  Question: What causes day and night?

  Answer: The Earth turning on its axis is responsible for day and night. At any time, half the Earth faces the Sun, where it is day, and half faces away, where it is night.


  地球繞著自己的地軸不停的轉動,於是就產生了白天和黑夜。在任何的時間裏,向著太陽的一麵,就是白天,而背向太陽的一麵, 就是黑夜。

  Question: Does the Sun really rise in the east?

  Answer: The Earth spins in an eastward direction. This makes the Sun appear as if it is rising in the east and setting in the west.



  Question: Why are days longer in summer and shorter in winter?

  Answer: The angle at which sunlight falls on a particular area determines the length of day and night in that region. During summer the Sun stays above the horizon longer, making the days longer.










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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 '老生常談12' 的評論 : 歡迎光臨和留言,平安是福.
老生常談12 回複 悄悄話 若是能種東北的大青蘿卜或北京的心裏美蘿卜就好了。
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 '星海溪穀' 的評論 : 種別的不行,隻能種蘿卜.歡迎光臨和留言,平安是福.
星海溪穀 回複 悄悄話 複習了地理知識。謝謝。

雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 願和平的陽光普照著大地.
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 地球是大家的,是人類生長的搖籃,愛護地球和保護地球,人人有責.人類隻有團結一致,互相協助,才會使地球更加美麗.
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ARooibosTea' 的評論 : 歡迎光臨和留言,平安是福。
ARooibosTea 回複 悄悄話 欣賞了,重溫地理知識。周末愉快!
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 '曉青' 的評論 : 歡迎光臨和留言,平安是福。
曉青 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享!周末愉快!