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迷迭香是古埃及的一種神聖的防腐草藥,它的幹枝出現在公元前3000年的埃及墳墓中。至少從公元前500年開始,古希臘人和古羅馬人就將迷迭香作為一種有效的草藥。與老普林尼(Pliny the Elder)和蓋倫(Galen)同時代的迪奧斯科裏德斯(Pedanius Dioscorides ,公元40–90 ) 在他的代表作《藥物論》(De Materia Medica)就介紹了迷迭香。



英國國王愛德華三世(1312 – 1377)的王後菲利普皇後(Queen Phillippa 1311 – 1369)曾收到母親贈送的迷迭香小苗。母親建議女兒:丈夫睡覺時,將迷迭香的葉子擺在他頭下,“可以驅趕邪靈,不會在夢見猛禽並受其困擾doth away evell sprirites and suffereth not the dreeme fowl dremes ne to be afearde)。該書信的原稿在大英博物館裏保存著。

從流傳至今的文獻上看,最晚在14世紀左右,迷迭香就被引種到英國。1525年,英國有史以來印刷了第一本草藥書,是匿名四開本(無插圖)的《草藥》(Herball)。該書的最後一頁有一行字:“由倫敦人理查德·班克斯(Richard Banckes)銘刻”,因此該草藥書被後世稱為“Banckes' Herbal”(班克斯的草藥)。嚴格地說,它並非一本藥用書,作者對草藥屬性的描述充滿了詩意。迷迭香是書中最具魅力的草藥之一, 作者如是建議:將花朵磨成粉,夾在麻布衣物的右腋下,會讓人輕鬆愉快…也可以把花朵放在你的衣襟和領結處,防止蟲蛀……用白葡萄酒煮葉,用來洗臉…你將有一張漂亮的容顏。把葉子放在床頭下方,你不會發惡夢…如果你出售這些葡萄酒,你會幸運地很快賣出…用其木做一個盒子,聞著它將永葆青春。把其置於門邊或房內,可防蟒蛇或其他毒蛇。用其製桶並飲用置於桶中的酒,你不必害怕中毒。如果你將其種植在花園裏,好好對待它,因為它非常有利可圖。”

take the flowres and make powder therof and bynde it to the ryght arme in a lynen clothe, and it shall make the lyght and mery... Also take the flowres and put them in a chest amonge youre clothes or amonge bokes and moughtes shall not hurte them.... Also boyle the leves in whyte wyne and wasshe thy face therwith...thou shall have a fayre face. Also put the leves under thy beddes heed, and thou shalbe delyvered of all evyll dremes.... Also take the leves and put them into a vessel of wyne...yf thou sell that wyne, thou shall have good lucke and spede in the sale.... Also make the a box of the wood and smell to it and it shall preserne [preserve] thy youthe. Also put therof in thy doores or in thy howse and thou shalbe without daunger of Adders and other venymous serpentes. Also make the a barell therof and drynke thou of the drynke that standeth therin and thou nedes to fere no poyson that shall hurte ye, and yf thou set it in thy garden kepe it honestly for it is moche profytable.


威廉·朗厄姆(William Langham)在1579年的著作《健康花園》(The Garden of Health)中建議:“隨身攜帶花朵,讓你快樂,並被所有的男人傾慕……把花朵掛在你的床上,把迷迭香放在浴缸裏,使你精力充沛、活潑、開心、堅強而年輕。為了舒心,將迷迭香花朵浸在玫瑰水中並飲用它。”

Carry the flowers about thee to make thee merry and glad and well beloved of all men...hang the flowers on thy bed and place Rosemary in the bath to make thee lusty, lively, joyful, strong and young. To comfort the heart steep Rosemary flowers in rose water and drink it".

據說匈牙利的伊麗莎白王後飲用了由葡萄酒和迷迭香混合成的濃湯後,治愈了半癱瘓。因此這種混合物被稱為“匈牙利王後水”( Queen of Hungary Water),後又用於治療皮膚疾病、痛風、頭皮屑過多和預防脫發。

查理一世的禦用植物學家帕金森(Parkinson 1567-1650)寫道:“迷迭香和月桂葉一樣有用,是一種外用和內用藥物,兼具民事和藥用價值。內服可治療頭部和心髒疾病,外用可治筋骨和關節毛病;眾所周知,其用於婚禮、葬禮等民事場合,例如,作為贈送朋友們的禮物;藥用價值如此之多,如果我把所有的都寫下來,你在閱讀過程中以及我在寫作過程中均會感到疲倦。”

Rosemary is almost as great use as bayes, both for outward and inward remedies, and as well for civill as physicall purposes; inwardly for the head and heart, outwardly for the sinews and joynts; for civill uses, as all do know, at weddings, funerals, etc., to bestow among friends; and the physicall are so many that you might as well be tyred in the reading as I in the writing, if I should set down all that might be said of it.

他是這樣闡述迷迭香作為一種園林植物的受歡迎程度的:“在每個女人的花園中,它在其它的香草和香花植物中具有足夠的觀賞性。在我們這片土地上,它種植在貴族們的花園中,靠著磚牆,隨著時間的推移長到一個很高的高度,擁有巨大的圓形木質莖,莖被切成木板,可以用來製造琵琶或類似的樂器、木工尺或其它用途的器具。”(Being in every woman's garden, it were sufficient but to name it as an ornament among other sweet herbs and flowers in our gardens. In this our land, where it hath been planted in noblemen's and great men's gardens against brick walls, and there continued long, it riseth up in time unto a very great height, with a great and woody stem of that compasse that, being cloven out into boards, it hath served to make lutes or such like instruments, and here with us carpenters' rules and to divers others purposes.


文藝複興時期的英國醫生和草藥學家約翰·傑拉德(John Gerard1545年-1612年)在他的1597年出版的經典著作《植物史》(Historie of Plants,也叫Herball)裏提到了一位名叫塞拉皮(Serapio)的人,此人建議在頭上戴一個迷迭香花環,以治療“因大腦受寒而引起的頭部混沌。”(stuffing of the head, that commeth through coldnes of the brain.)。關於迷迭香的藥用價值,作者還補充道,“迷迭香的花朵與糖合成含片,食用後可快速提振精神,使精力更加充沛”(The flowers of Rosemary, made up into lozenges with sugar and eaten make the heart merry, quicken the spirits and make them more lively )此外,他還指出迷迭香水可作為口氣清新劑。

傑拉德還提到迷迭香在朗格多克(Languedoc,法國東南部的一個前省)大量繁殖,以至於“居民燃燒著其他稀缺的燃料”。(the inhabitants burne scarce anie other fuel)。此書在當時的歐洲產生了一定影響力,據說與傑拉德同時代的莎士比亞從他的著作中獲得了豐富的植物學知識,並用於戲劇創作中。


英國植物學家和草藥學家尼古拉斯·卡爾佩珀(Nicholas Culpepper 1616-1654)於1653年出版的《倫敦藥典》(Pharmacopeia Londoniensis)中提到,迷迭香水是“一種令人稱讚的治療感冒、記憶力減退、頭痛及昏迷的萬能藥物。它吸收並保存自然熱量,即使在年老時也能恢複身體功能。沒有太多的藥物可以產生如此好的效果。”(an admirable cure-all remedy of all kinds of cold, loss of memory, headache, coma. It receives and preserves natural heat, restores body function and capabilities, even at late age. There are not that many remedies producing that many good effects



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無法弄 回複 悄悄話 誰翻譯的迭迭香,真好聽,跟這個香料的樣子一樣。去年我從朋友家花園揪了一大把,回來種花盆裏,沒活,看來得從根上挖
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 學習了,平安是福。