


(2024-02-04 17:57:41) 下一個

我們健身中心的教練 Christy 發起了一個 ”5 minute chanllenge" 的活動。我們報名(給她手機號碼)後她每天發一個自己錄製的短視頻指導我們做5分鍾的鍛煉。很多動作是我們TBC(見注)課上常用的。我們上午在健身房上健身課,下午晚上經常坐在書桌前或者歪在沙發上看電視(couch potate),這個5 分鍾鍛煉太好了, 簡單易行,可以做5分鍾,也可重複做。征得Christy的同意,我把她這五天的視頻轉載如下,希望你也動起來,耗時不多,收益非淺。

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

1. Hopping squats

2. Stationary lunge R

3. Stationary lunge L

4. Down down (hold 3), Up up (hold 3).

Alternating sides

5. Elevated leg crunches

1. 跳躍, 深蹲
2. 固定弓步R
3. 固定弓步L
4. 向下(按住 3),向上(按住 3)。
Day 4 
1. Five jumping jacks/1 star jack
2. Side squat/squat/side squat 
3. Bridges
4. Crunches w/legs dropped to right 
5. Crunches w/legs dropped to left
Day 5
1. Squat Jacks
2. Squat w/calf raise
3. Alternating curtseys
4. High plank w/shoulder taps
5. Seated knee raises
Day 6 exercises:
1. High knees
2. Five pulse squats 
3. Walkout to push-up
4. High plank jacks
5. Crunch toe touches
Day 7 exercises:
1. Lateral shuffle w/trunk rotation 
2. Squat w/alternating kicks 
3. Squat jump w/ alt punches 
4. Three count pushups/ three count hold/ up
5. Crunches w/ split leg toe touches
Day 8 exercises:
1. Lateral shuffle with/punch
2. Squat w/uppercut
3. Lateral hop w/hook
4. Launcher plank w/ shoulder taps 
5. Side planks (30 sec each side)


Here's Day 11 exercises:

1.  Jog in place 

2. Reverse lunges w/hop and knee lift(R)

3. Reverse lunges w/hop and knee lift(L)

4. Walking pushups 

5. Low planks w/alternating knee drops 


Here's Day 12 exercises:

1. Horizontal shuffling 

2. Rev lunge, hop and lateral hop

3. Deadlift to squat

4. Pushup to 2 shoulder taps

5. High plank w/knee drive


Here's the Day 13 exercises:

1. Squat w/clap under

2. Step up (R)

3. Step up (L)

4. Single leg deadlift (R)

5. Single leg deadlift (L)


Here's the Day 14 exercises:

1. Hopping squat to deadlift 

2. Hopping lunge (R)

3. Hopping lunge (L)

4. Tricep pushups

5. High plank w/ 2 shoulder taps and 2 leg raises


Here's Day 15 exercises:

1. X jacks 

2. Frog squats

3. Half burpees 

4. Breakdancers

5. Low plank w/ hip drops 


Remember, if you can to either do this twice or do these 5 exercises and add another 5 from a previous day.


Here's the Day 16 exercises:

1. Lateral shuffle w/hopping jumps 

2. Lunge down ups (R)

3. Lunge down ups (L)

4. Walkout to high side plank (alt sides)

5. Pushup to plyo pushup


Here's the Day 17 exercises (I apologize, I think I said Day 16 on the video):

1. Hopping squat to lateral hopping squat 

2. Lunge to split stance deadlift (R)

3. Lunge to split stance deadlift (L)

4. Tricep dips

5. High plank walkouts


Here's the Day 18 exercises:

1. Jumping Jack/star jack

2. Cossack squats

3. One leg bridge (R)

4. One leg bridge (L)

5. High plank w/cross knee raises


Here's the Day 19 exercises:

1. 180 hopping squats

2. Runner's lunge (R)

3. Runner's lunge (L)

4. Pushup to runner's lunge (alt sides)

5. Windshield wipers

Here's the video...make sure to see the hadrosaurus tracks at the end


Here's the Day 20 exercises:

1. Seal jacks

2. Squat w/knee to elbow crunch

3. Sumo squat w/heel raises 

4. Lateral arm raises 

5. Down dog to pushup


Here's the Day 21 exercises:

1.  Four hooks w/ floor tap

2. Jab, cross and hop switch 

3. Side lying tricep press (R)

4. Side lying tricep press (L)

5. Down down to 2 plank jacks


Here's Day 22 exercises ( I said Day 21 in the video by mistake):

1. Lateral shuffle w/hop squat and jumping jack 

2. Fast feet w/burpees

3. Side lunge to sideway facing lunge (R)

4. Side lunge to sideway facing (L)

5. Spiderman


Here's the Day 23 exercises:

1. Hop the bases

2. Rev Lunge to side lunge (R)

3. Rev lunge to side lunge (L)

4. Hand release pushups 

5. Standing lateral knee to elbow


Here's the Day 24 exercises:

1. Hop forward, back, side

2. One legged squat (R)

3. One legged squat (L)

4. Wide pushup 

5. 4 Mtn climbers, 2 plank jacks


the exercises for Day 25:

1. Burpees 

2. Rev Lunge to front kick, side lunge to side kick (R)

3 Rev Lunge to front kick, side lunge to side kick (L)

4.  Hand release pushup w/Superman

5. Rev plank w/ drop


Here's the Day 26 exercises:

1. Three high knees and two plyo jacks 

2. Bulgarian split squat (R)

3. Bulgarian split squat (L)

4. One leg pushup (alternate)

5. Seated legs over weight


Here's the Day 27 exercises:

1. Hop twice to right, twice to left 

2. Around the world lunges (R)

3. Around the world lunges (L)

4. Staggered hand pushups 

5. Scissors


 here's the day 29 exercises:

1. Long jump forward, three small hops back

2. Reverse lunge, hop, hop (R)

3. Reverse lunge, hop, hop (L)

4. Plyo pushup w/plank jack

5. Full extension (body hollow)

TBC : Total Body Conditioning hits all major muscle groups to
improve strength and endurance and to tone your body。
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