
I lived WuXia with the Push-and-Pull.

(2021-07-25 18:17:46) 下一個

I learned this move in the section in my library where Henry showed escapes from

half a dozen common chokes. Inside the opponent's guard, the Push-and-Pull(PnP) 

choke was taught as a way to counter his cross-collar choke(CCC). By itself, it

could be used to open the guard.


To execute, I grab my opponent's lapel a few inches from his chin with the 

choking hand _over_ his same-side arm, wrap the collar around his neck, and

push. My other hand grabs the second lapel slightly deeper than the first and

pull. The first hand goes across his throat so that he can't pull from the same

side horizontally and can hide behind the second lapel. When the pressure from

my arms is not enough, I can jump up on my toes and put my bodyweight behind the

straightened choking arm. The situation looks scarier than it really is.


The past week, I successfully executed the PnP in the guard four times sparring in

my BJJ school. Phil tapped, George was saved by the bell, and big Ed was saved by

his long torso. Only Pablo the champ countered with the right move, i.e., uncrossing

his legs and pushing me away with his feet. In every case, I was able to foil my

opponent's attempt of a CCC.


It was just like in some WuXia novel!

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