

以殺人(中國人)開玩笑- 美國的主流媒體在做什麽?

(2013-10-25 08:52:11) 下一個



cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living thing).



大 規模的,不說遠,西特勒殺猶太人,日本人殺中國人,盧旺達胡圖族殺圖西族。。。。大規模殺人的方法可以說層出不窮,日新月異。還記得那些黨衛軍微笑著注視 一群群猶太婦孺光著身體進入毒氣室的情景嗎?還記得日本人拿著血淋淋的刺刀挑著中國嬰兒開心大笑的照片嗎?這些照片可以幫助你理解什麽叫做殺死,進而視覺 化殺死所有中國人時候可能的某種畫麵。

如 果你是哪個被殺死,或者被指應被殺死的對象,你覺得這可笑嗎?這種玩笑可以開嗎?殺死所有美國人怎樣?殺死所有穆斯林怎樣?殺死所有基督徒怎樣?殺死所有 中國人就可笑了?就童言無忌了?如果你認為不必大驚小怪,那麽你需要清醒一下了。中國有句話說防微杜漸,又說千裏之堤潰於蟻穴,我們寧願是反應過激,也不 能無動於衷。某種原則需要堅守。






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Jimmy Kimmel’s recent Kid’s Table Show about government shutdown has
disturbed my family and Chinese community. The show promoted the idea of
killing the Chinese so that the states do not need to pay back the national

Kimmel asked several kids in the show how to solve the problems of the
National Debt. Several kids said directly that we should kill all the
Chinese so that we do not need to pay. Kimmel and ABC aired the show to the
public and treated it like a joke. The kids are innocent. However, ABC
management and Kimmel are adults. If you switched the Chinese race in the
show to any other race in the states and made the same statement, the show
would not have been aired. It is very disturbing and unacceptable. In
history, Nazi Germany used the same rhetoric to demonize the Jewish people
before Hitler was in power. Kimmel used the innocent kids to make a
statement that he could not say in public. At least, by airing the show,
Kimmel and ABC management have endorsed the racially inflammatory statement
made by the kids. I cannot let my children see this negative content
towards their race, and I am sure many parents feel the same way.

Conscience is a necessity in any industry, especially in a media company
like ABC. I am extremely disappointed by this show. I have made a White
House Petition to investigate this racial hatred. Tens of thousands of
emails and letters were sent to politicians, the FCC, and to ABC. The
Chinese community will arrange a rally in front of the ABC headquarters if
this distasteful show is not taken down and a sincere apology issued.
Chinese contribute to the community and the country, just like any other
group in this country. It is disgusting to use some innocent kids to make a
racially biased statement. Thank you for your assistance.

Your name

3. 發抗議信給媒體:

Dear Media:
As Chinese, I am deeply offended by ABC Jimmy Kimmel’s show (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRztij26Tfc).
The show publicly aired “kill all Chinese” remark. Such a hateful remark is as discriminatory as saying” kill all Jews, Arabs, Gays and others”.
We demand that ABC apologize to the American and Chinese people, and Jimmy Kimmel be fired.    
We believe that it brings shame to the American values in which “ all men are created equal.”

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