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How to plant, grow and care for Rhododendrons

Rhododendrons are best known for their spectacular clusters of large, showy and often fragrant flowers. These are typically tubular, funnel, or bell-shaped and available in a range of colours spanning reds, yellows, pinks, purples and even white. Most rhodos flower in spring but there is also a growing range of summer flowering varieties perfect for adding charm and beauty to your garden, whilst deciduous azaleas also offer beautiful autumn foliage colour. Originating from the Himalayas, Rhododendrons have long been a mainstay of the woodland garden since being introduced into Britain by Victorian plant hunters. They are acid-loving shrubs, generally growing well in partial or dappled shade and combining well with the likes of Pieris 'Forest Flame' and Euphorbia 'Tasmanian Tiger'. There are a huge range of rhododendrons with over 900 varieties spanning low growing ground cover plants to specimens that can reach 6 metres tall. Larger varieties make great hedges, screens and foundation plants whilst dwarf alpines are highly effective in rock gardens and compact hybrids look excellent in containers positioned in a shaded spot of the garden.
杜鵑花以其壯觀的大花簇、豔麗且芳香四溢而聞名。它們通常呈管狀、漏鬥狀或鍾形,有多種顏色可供選擇,包括紅色、黃色、粉色、紫色甚至白色。大多數杜鵑花在春季開花,但也有越來越多的夏季開花品種,非常適合為您的花園增添魅力和美麗,而落葉杜鵑花也提供美麗的秋季樹葉顏色。杜鵑花起源於喜馬拉雅山,自從被維多利亞時代的植物獵人引入英國以來,長期以來一直是林地花園的支柱。它們是喜酸灌木,通常在部分或斑駁的陰影下生長良好,並與“森林火焰”菜粉蝶“塔斯馬尼亞虎”大戟等植物很好地結合。杜鵑花種類繁多,有 900 多個品種,從低矮的地被植物到高達 6 米的杜鵑花品種。較大的品種可以製作出很好的樹籬、屏障和基礎植物,而矮高山植物在岩石花園中非常有效,而緊湊的雜交品種在放置在花園陰涼處的容器中看起來非常出色。


Rhododendrons Pink Flowers

Pink rhododendron flowers with orange throats


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Rhododendron Planting Guide



Finding the right location

  • Rhododendrons are a bit fussy, so it's worth spending some time to make sure you get the planting location right at the outset.
  • Large-leaved varieties must have partial shade (a sunny spot that receives a couple of hours of shade in the morning and early afternoon is ideal) or dappled shade. On the fringe of an open tree canopy is good but avoid positioning rhododendrons in deep shade directly below a densely branching tree. Some shade in the height of the afternoon is particularly important for locations in the south of the UK that are a little hotter.
  • Azaleas are much more tolerant of full sun and in fact dwarf alpine varieties actively prefer it. However, it is still important to prevent the soil surrounding azaleas from drying out.
  • An acidic soil is essential, ideally humus-rich, moist yet free draining. If you have an alkaline soil, we recommend growing rhodos in a container, rather than trying to alter the acidity of your soil, which is not straightforward as the change is only temporary.


Ericaceous Compost

If growing rhododendrons in containers, use an ericaceous compost


  • Rhododendrons don't like having wet feet; in fact, soggy, waterlogged ground is the most common cause of failure. If you have a heavy clay soil, plant your rhododendron in a mound of improved soil as described below. On the flip-side, rhododendrons do like lots of moisture so avoid planting under the eves of building were rainwater won't find it's way to their roots. Azaleas are a bit more forgiving of soil conditions but again acidity is key.
  • Avoid planting too close to large trees, hedges and shrubs which will steal moisture and nutrients from the surrounding soil, as well as walls and fences. Look at the eventual spread of your preferred variety to determine how much space to leave between your plants and surrounding objects in your garden.
  • Choose a location protected from strong, cold or drying winds and frost pockets. If your garden is particularly exposed, plant on the north side of a building or leeward side of a windbreak as flower buds are liable to dry out and die if they're left exposed. Rhododendrons will tolerate a more open site in less windy locations.


Rhododendron flower bud opening

Rhododendron flower buds starting to open in the spring


Garden Design & Spacing 花園設計與空間

  • Rhododendrons look best when grown in groupings to create block colours. Grow groups of 3-5 of the same variety in loose drifts and choose an overarching scheme of around 3 colours if you have a larger area to plant up.
    杜鵑花成群種植以形成塊狀顏色時看起來最好。在鬆散的土堆中種植 3-5 個相同品種的組,如果您有更大的種植麵積,請選擇大約 3 種顏色的總體方案。
  • Check the eventual height and spread of your preferred varieties to determine how far apart to plant them. In theory plants should be positioned the same distance apart as their eventual spread, although it's possible to reduce this by up to 20% if you want more of an instant effect and/or want your plants to merge into blocks of foliage and flower colours over time. For example, for rhododendrons with an eventual spread of 2.5 metres, you could get away with planting 2 metres apart.
    檢查您喜歡的品種的最終高度和分布,以確定種植它們的距離。理論上,植物的放置位置應與其最終傳播的距離相同,但如果您想要更多即時效果和/或希望植物在一段時間內融合成樹葉和花朵顏色塊,則可以將距離減少最多 20%。時間。例如,對於最終蔓延 2.5 米的杜鵑花,您可以間隔 2 米種植。


When to plant 何時種植

  • Containerised rhododendrons can be planted at any time of the year but if you're able to choose, either October or between March and April is best.
  • Autumn planting has the benefit of giving them time to settle in and grow new roots before winter, so they are well-established by spring and can really start putting on some growth.
  • On the other hand, by waiting until March-April you'll have the advantage of being able to see the colour and size of the flowers when you buy them (if you choose to visit our garden centre in Staffordshire to buy them of course).
    另一方麵,等到三月至四月,您在購買花朵時將有一個優勢,可以看到花朵的顏色和大小(當然,如果您選擇訪問我們位於斯塔福德郡的花園中心購買它們) 。
  • Plant at a time when the ground is not frozen or waterlogged and ideally when it's not excessively windy. If planting in the spring it's best to wait until all risk of frost has passed.


Frozen ground

Avoid planting rhododendrons when the ground is frozen or waterlogged


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Soil preparation 整地

  • Before planting your rhododendron, start by clearing any perennial weeds and grass from your planting site.
  • Dig in plenty of ericaceous (lime free) compost or acidic organic mater into the soil. Good choices of materials are decomposing pine needles, composted tree bark, leafmould, chopped, composted bracken or peat substitute. Composted Christmas tree branches are also ideal. Do not use animal manure which is too strong for sensitive rhododendron roots or mushroom compost which is too limey.
  • Rhododendrons are shallow and reasonably wide rooting so it's important to mix this well into the soil both at and around the planting site. You'll need to build in at least 10 litres of compost for dwarf rhododendrons and 20 litres for larger hybrids, even on good soils. For specimens work on the basis of 60 litres per plant.
    杜鵑花的根係較淺且根係較寬,因此將其充分混合到種植地及其周圍的土壤中非常重要。即使在良好的土壤上,您也需要為矮杜鵑樹添加至少 10 升堆肥,為大型杜鵑花添加至少 20 升堆肥。對於標本工作,每株植物需要 60 升水。
  • If you have an alkaline soil, one option is to increase the acidity of the soil using wettable sulfur or ferrous sulphate. Avoid using aluminium sulphate as it is toxic to rhododendron and azalea roots. At Jackson's Nurseries we actually advise against trying to make alkaline soils more acidic because it's not straightforward and any change will only last for a limited period with the natural alkalinity returning over time. Instead, grow a compact hybrid in container or install a raised bed, using a humus-rich ericaceous compost in both cases.
  • If you're planting a full border, cultivate the whole area, rather than digging individual holes.


Brown pine needles

Pine needles are ideal for incorporating into the growing mix


How to plant a rhododendron


Diagram of how to plant a rhododendron


  • Dig your planting hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. You will be aiming to plant at the same level as your rhododendron was in the pot with the roots just very slightly below the soil.
  • Next, take the root ball out of its container and gently tease out any roots that may have started to circle around the base of the pot by pushing your fingers into the bottom edge of the rootball and pulling outwards. Doing this a few times will loosen the roots and encourage them to spread into the surrounding soil once planted. If roots are difficult to loosen by hand, make four shallow cuts into the root mass near the bottom with a sharp knife. This will promote growth into the surrounding soil.
  • Give your plant a brief soaking in a tub or bucket of water until the air bubbles disappear. Gently shake the root ball to allow excess water to drain off before positioning it in your planting hole.
  • Planting too deeply, particularly in wet soils, will cause the roots to rot and invariably lead to failure. A good trick is to use a cane laid across your planting hole before backfilling to check the exact planting depth. If your plant sits too low, take it back out of the hole and add some soil back into the base. If it sits too high, dig your planting hole a little deeper. Again, the number one reason for rhododendrons failing is due to wet feet and this is most commonly caused by planting too deep so that lower stems are buried below soil level.


Using cane to check depth of rhododendron planting hole

Use a cane laid across your planting hole to check the planting depth


  • Next, start backfilling the dug soil, securing the soil around the roots with your hand as you go along. Once half filled, water well to settle the soil before continuing with the rest of the soil.
  • Mulch with acidic material such as pine needles, bark or conifer clippings once complete, leaving a 2 inch (5cm) gap between the mulch and the base of your plants to reduce the risk of disease. Do not stand on or compress mulch - it should be kept well-aerated rather than packed down.
    完成後,用鬆針、樹皮或針葉樹剪草等酸性材料覆蓋,在覆蓋物和植物基部之間留下 2 英寸(5 厘米)的間隙,以降低患病風險。不要站在或壓縮覆蓋物上——它應該保持通風良好,而不是壓緊。


Planting Rhododendrons in a mound of improved soil in very heavy clay conditions

  • If you have a heavy clay soil, plant your rhododendron in a mound of improved soil above the base clay soil. This is required because if you dig a hole in very heavy soil and fill it back with a light soil mixture, you'll effectively just end up creating a bucket in the ground made of slick clay, which will hold too much water.


Diagram of how to grow rhododendrons in heavy clay soil


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Rhododendron Garden Care 杜鵑花園護理



Weeding 除草

  • Keep your rhododendrons clear of perennial weeds during the growing season. Weeds are best removed by hand rather than using a hoe which could damage the shallow roots of your plants.


Watering 澆水

  • Rhododendrons are native to areas with high rainfall, so they are naturally suited to moist soils. They are also shallow rooting so won't compete with nearby deeper rooted plants for moisture. Watering will be required during prolonged periods of hot, dry weather in late spring, summer and early autumn.
  • A rough guide is to water your plants if there has been less than 1 inch (2.5cm) of rain per week. Shade-loving annuals such as impatiens can be planted around or in front of your rhododendrons as companion plants to help indicate when water is needed.
    粗略的指導是,如果每周降雨量少於 1 英寸(2.5 厘米),請給植物澆水。喜蔭的一年生植物,如鳳仙花,可以種植在杜鵑花周圍或前麵,作為伴生植物,以幫助指示何時需要水。
  • Rhododendrons do not like the calcium from tap water in hard water areas as this neutralises the acidity of the soil. If you live in a hard water region, water your rhododendron plants with collected rainwater where possible.


Watering rhododendron


Mulching 覆蓋

  • Rhododendrons benefit from a generous mulch of pine needles or bark each spring. This has four key benefits:

1) Helps to retain moisture by preventing evaporation from the surface of the soil
1) 通過防止土壤表麵蒸發來幫助保持水分

2) Suppresses weeds around your plants which would compete for water and nutrients
2) 抑製植物周圍的雜草,這些雜草會爭奪水分和養分

3) Acts as insulation to protect the roots from harsh frosts in the winter

4) Provides a gradual stream of nutrients to your plants as it decomposes
4) 在分解過程中逐漸向植物提供養分

  • Leave a 2 inch (5cm) gab between the mulch and the base of your plants to reduce the risk of disease.
    在覆蓋物和植物基部之間留出 2 英寸(5 厘米)的間隙,以降低患病風險。
  • Do not use weed suppressing matting or gravel which prevents air from reaching the roots and impairs drainage.


Feeding 喂養

  • Rhododendrons and azaleas should be fertilised sparingly because excessive applications can burn the roots.
  • Sprinkle some slow-release ericaceous plant food around the base of your plants in early spring, just as the flower buds are starting to swell. As always, follow the instructions on the package but 70 grams (half a handful) per square metre is about right.
    早春,當花蕾開始膨脹時,在植物基部周圍撒一些緩釋的杜鵑花植物食物。與往常一樣,請遵循包裝上的說明,但每平方米 70 克(半把)就比較合適。
  • Avoid feeding rhododendrons with bone meal as it contains too much calcium.


Feeding Rhododendrons with Ericaceous Plant Food

Feed rhododendrons with slow release ericaceous plant food


Pruning 修剪

  • Rhododendrons do not require any pruning other than to remove any dead, damaged and crossing branches.
  • The only other reason you might need to prune is to reduce the height and spread of your plants to within required bounds. It is much better if you can check the space you have available and choose a variety with an appropriate eventual height and spread at the outset because if you do need to prune an established bush heavily, it may not bloom again for two to three years.
  • If you need to reduce the size of your plants, prune after flowering has finished in the spring. Do this by making clean cuts using a sharp pair of secateurs. Feed with a slow release ericaceous plant food after cutting your plants back, if you haven't already.


Deadheading 死頭

  • Deadhead spent flowers once they have faded to help encourage a second flush of blooms. Deadheading also keeps your plants looking tidy and will prevent seed production once flowering is over, so your plants focus their energy on developing fresh leafy foliage instead.
  • Remove flowers carefully as next year's flowering buds are immediately below the current season's flowers and if you cut them off by accident you'll have no display the following year. Do this by snapping off spent flower stalks by bending them over until they break away.


Deadheading rhododendrons

Deadhead rhododendrons with loppers or secateurs


Cold Protection 防寒

  • Rhododendrons are frost hardy in most of the UK with evergreens normally only requiring protection during severe winters. This can be achieved by wrapping a few layers of horticultural fleece around your plants.


Problems, Pests and Diseases


Moisture Issues 水分問題

  • Leaf drop - leaves falling to the ground following a period of dry weather. Usually proceeded by the leaves starting to droop down and roll up.
    落葉- 經過一段時間的幹燥天氣後,樹葉掉落到地上。通常,葉子開始下垂並卷起。
  • Bud blast - if your rhododendrons fail to flower successfully, the most likely cause is a lack of moisture the previous summer when the buds were starting to form. Dry conditions at this time will cause buds to fail or partially form then drop off.
  • Recommended Solution: Mulch to help retain moisture and water regularly during prolonged periods of hot, dry weather.


Insect Issues 昆蟲問題

  •  Vine weevil - insects that can infest your plans and destroy the leaves. They develop from grubs which eat the roots.
    藤象甲蟲- 可以侵擾您的計劃並破壞葉子的昆蟲。它們是由吃根的幼蟲發育而來的。
  • Caterpillars - can infest rhododendrons and will munch through particularly large leaved varieties quite quickly.
    毛毛蟲- 可以侵擾杜鵑花,並且會很快咀嚼特別大的葉子品種。
  • Leafhoppers - another form of insect that suck sap out of your plants, causing a pale mottling on the foliage.
    葉蟬- 另一種昆蟲,會從植物中吸取汁液,導致葉子上出現蒼白的斑點。
  • Scale insects - suck sap from your plants and excrete a sticky honeydew substance which often leads to the growth of black, sooty moulds.
    介殼蟲- 從植物中吸取汁液並排出粘性蜜露物質,這通常會導致黑色、煤煙狀黴菌的生長。
  • Recommended Solution: Treat with a bug killer spray.


Fungus Issues 真菌問題

  • Powdery mildew - a fungal disease causing a white or yellowish dusty coating over foliage, flowers and stems.
    白粉病- 一種真菌病,會在葉子、花朵和莖上形成白色或淡黃色的灰塵塗層。
  • Rust - one of the most common of garden diseases characterised by orange, yellow or brownish spots on leaves. Usually seen from mid- to late-summer and autumn.
    鏽病- 最常見的花園病害之一,其特征是葉子上出現橙色、黃色或棕色斑點。通常出現在仲夏末和秋季。
  • Petal blight - another form of fungal disease that develops in flowers and is brought on by moist, damp conditions. Identified by brown flecks on petals that rapidly merge to form blotches and, if left untreated, will continue to engulf your flowers until they die and fall to the ground.
    花瓣枯萎病- 另一種在花朵中發生的真菌病,由潮濕的環境引起。通過花瓣上的棕色斑點來識別,這些斑點會迅速融合形成斑點,如果不加以處理,將繼續吞噬您的花朵,直到它們死亡並掉落在地上。
  • Recommended Solution: Treat the affected areas with a fungus killer. If your plants have suffered from petal blight in a previous season, we recommend using a fungus killer as a preventative measure once a week from when the flowers open. Otherwise, by the time you've actually spotted the issue it'll probably be too late.


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Comments  評論

A very detailed and well explained useful information on growing rhododendron. As I am considering planting these evergreens this April I will definitely follow these guidelines as best I can. Very grateful to the author, a big thank you.
A thousand times better than any other explanation I've ever gotten to grow these.


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