Of course it's relevant. It reminds people like you that when you go to New York, DC or California, and talk about "build the wall" or "lock her up" in public, you'll most likely get into a fight. The chance of you winning that fight is much slimmer than what Trump's winning votes in the electoral college suggested.
Is it even relevant that Hillary won popular vote by 3 million? There are infinitely many voting methods. Popular vote happens NOT to be the constitutionally designated voting method of the US presidential election. The relevant information is Hillary lost in a land slide in the election college vote which IS the constitutionally designated voting method. There are millions of hypothetical vote counting methods Hillary would have lost.
Even if the popular voting method is the presidential election method, there is no evidence to suggest Hillary would have won. When the rule of the game changes, it does not take a genius to know the players need to change their strategies. The campaign methods of both candidates would have been completely different. So nobody could have predicted the alternative outcome.
lanlandehu2017-01-09 13:08:09回複悄悄話
好來塢的左棍們怎麽不去譴責4個黑人對一個白人殘疾人的種族仇恨?他們怎麽不為自己的同胞被殘害,被虐待被侮辱發聲?怎麽去上街遊行呼籲 Al lives matter! Stop Hate crime? 他們真實地暴露了他們自己是典型的偽君子!他們隻把自己用漂亮的外衣包裝起來,他們內心的黑暗是看不見的!
ahhhh2017-01-09 12:57:15回複悄悄話
@ cyou, she also won 123% in Detroit. Big Win!
2,《The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life》(鍾形曲線) in 1994 by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray
4,Lynn, Richard; Vanhanen, Tatu (2002). IQ and the wealth of nations(《智商與國民財富》). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. ISBN 9780275975104.
5,J. Philippe Rushton(1995, 1997, 2000). Race, Evolution, and Behavior(《人種、進化、與行為》): A Life History Perspective.
Totally agree!
Of course it's relevant. It reminds people like you that when you go to New York, DC or California, and talk about "build the wall" or "lock her up" in public, you'll most likely get into a fight. The chance of you winning that fight is much slimmer than what Trump's winning votes in the electoral college suggested.
好萊塢歧視亞裔,她不放p, 殘疾白人被四個黑人打,她不放p, 卻選擇川普模仿殘疾人的手勢來攻擊川普,這種偏激偏見,利用殘疾人達到攻擊不同政見的人的行為極端醜陋,極端歧視,垃圾戲子
Is it even relevant that Hillary won popular vote by 3 million? There are infinitely many voting methods. Popular vote happens NOT to be the constitutionally designated voting method of the US presidential election. The relevant information is Hillary lost in a land slide in the election college vote which IS the constitutionally designated voting method. There are millions of hypothetical vote counting methods Hillary would have lost.
Even if the popular voting method is the presidential election method, there is no evidence to suggest Hillary would have won. When the rule of the game changes, it does not take a genius to know the players need to change their strategies. The campaign methods of both candidates would have been completely different. So nobody could have predicted the alternative outcome.
Geez, I thought this was common sense.
@justness: 不想和你爭論什麽,but here also is the fact: Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million. She also won 79% votes in New York City and 90% votes in DC.
智商(Intelligence quotient)是人類的遺傳屬性,低智商與犯罪貧窮呈正相關。由於政治不正確,受O8政權強烈打壓。該領域著名學者有Richard Lynn(理查德·林恩,1930-)(4),John Philippe Rushton(菲利普.拉什頓,1943-2012)(5)等。
2,《The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life》(鍾形曲線) in 1994 by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray
4,Lynn, Richard; Vanhanen, Tatu (2002). IQ and the wealth of nations(《智商與國民財富》). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. ISBN 9780275975104.
5,J. Philippe Rushton(1995, 1997, 2000). Race, Evolution, and Behavior(《人種、進化、與行為》): A Life History Perspective.
BTW, 伊斯特伍德還是老船的鐵杆呢,那也是好萊塢傳奇人物啊。:)當然,他沒上過耶魯,可是成為一個好演員和上名校毫無必然聯係。