

(2019-03-15 19:04:36) 下一個

這次UCLA和UT Austin中招,但它們絕對不是躺著中槍!這兩所都是美國最富裕的1% 家庭(年收入$63萬以上)熱衷的州大。

UCLA還不是超富家庭娃最集中的。前5名州大是Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas (all fun & party & sports flagship schools). UCLA位列州大~15。UCB也在前20榜上。

私校榜上,They are the usual suspects: NYU, USC (前兩所一東一西,是釣老錢金龜專校), Penn (藤校中老錢最集中的), BC, Vandy, BU, G-TOWN, GWU, WUSL, ND, Cornell, SMU, Duke, Stanford, TCU, Northwestern, Brown, BYU, Miami, Wake Forest, Syracuse, Villanova, Emory, Harvard, Tufts, Yale, Tulane, Baylor, Dartmouth, Denver, Lehigh, Middlebury, Fordham (川總母校之一) , JHU...

Interesting top elite schools missing from the top ~30ish list: MIT, Princeton, UChicago, Caltech - all academically super rigorous schools. Columbia is also missing - guess the Columbia Core does scare away people.

Where America's TOP 1% richest families sent their kids for college

(Family income >=$630,000/yr)

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