夏圓 (熱門博主)
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.  The Spaceship House, a weird house in Chattanooga (TN, USA).

2. The Teapot Dome, a strange house in Zillah (WA, USA). It was built in 1922 as a reminder of the Teapot Dome Scandal involving President Warren G. Harding and a federal petroleum reserve in Wyoming.


3. The Boeing 727 House, a weird house in Benoit (Mississippi, USA). The plane set Joanne Ussary back $2,000.00, cost $4,000.00 to move, and $24,000.00 to renovate. The stairs open with a garage door remote, and one of the bathrooms is still intact. And let’s not forget the personal jacuzzi in the cockpit.


4. The Toilet-shaped house, in Suwon (South Korea). South Korean sanitation activists marked the start of a global toilet association right here on November 21, 2007, by lifting the lid on the world's first lavatory-shaped home that offers plenty of water closet space.


5. The Nautilus House, in Mexico DF (Mexico), is a seashell-inspired abode built by designed by Senosiain Arquitectos for a couple.

6.  The Shoe House in Hellam (Pennsylvania, USA). It was an actual guesthouse (3 bedroom, 2 baths, a kitchen and a living room) of a local shoe magnate, Mahlon N. Haines. After his death, it was an ice cream parlor for a while, and now it is a museum.



7. The Upside-Down House, in Szymbark (Poland). The house was created by Daniel Czapiewski to describe the former communist era and the present times in which we live.




8. The Cube houses, in Rotterdam (Holland). All of this 32 cube houses are attached to each other. Designed by architect Piet Blom in 1984, each cube house has three floors.




9. The Bubble House in Cannes (France). In the early eighties, fashion designer Pierre Cardin bought this atypical summer house built by architect Antti Lovag. 


10.  The Eliphante Art House, in Cornville (AZ, USA). Artist Michael Kahn and his wife Leda Livant built it from found materials piece by piece. 




11.  The Mushroom House, in Cincinnati (Ohio, USA).


12.  The One Log House, in Garberville (California, USA). It is a one-bedroom house hollowed out from a single log that came from a 2,100-year old redwood tree. After felling this 13 foot diameter forest giant, Art Schmock and a helper needed 8 months of hard labor to hollow out the log into a room 7 ft. high and 32 ft. long, weighing about 42 tons.




13.  The Fallingwater, in Pennsylvania (USA). It was designed by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 and built partly over a waterfall. 




14. The Steel House, in Lubbock (Texas, USA). Architect and sculptor Robert Bruno spent 23 years building this strange home that looks like a giant pig out of 110 tons of steel.



15.  The Pickle Barrel House, in Michigan (USA).




16.  The Strawberry house, in Tokyo (Japan).




17. The Errante's Guest House, in Chile.



18.  The Kettle House, in Texas (USA).



19.   The Kvivik Igloo, in Kvivik (Faroe Islands).



20.  The Walking House, a 10ft high home that's solar and wind powered and can stroll at walking pace across all terrains. Made by the MIT and a bunch of danish artists.

Source:  Cool Home Design


夏圓   5/21/2013





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閱讀 ()評論 (18)
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複石假裝的評論:

夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複頤和園的評論:
園園,到牛棚找我比較容易。找近期牛文-找我的留言-點擊我的照片-進入我的博客。 我有時也這樣找我自己,嘿嘿。;)


哪裏! 我很讚賞你的視角。 犯上作亂不知好歹的是我。 牛哥多有名? 我初入文城就亂逗牛,鬧得滿城風雨。幸虧牛哥大肚。。。

石假裝 回複 悄悄話 日本有個酷愛橘紅色的漫畫家,蓋房時外觀塗了橘紅色,小區居民起訴他影響小區視覺。要是蓋個歪樓不知會是什麽反應。
頤和園 回複 悄悄話 幸虧古靈精怪的圓圓今天貼了一大堆奇形怪狀的房子,入了小編的法眼,提到首頁,要不然俺今兒又得放狗上天入地滴搜圓圓。如今俺天天進文城,天天念叨圓圓的名句--知交半零落呀。。。謝謝圓圓不怪俺對設計師過於苛求,畢竟那房子忒有名啦,俺這是犯上作亂,不知好歹呀。嗬嗬。
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複頤和園的評論:


非常尊敬你的環保意識,所言極是。 要是人類都能達到園園思維的境界和高度,我們的地球有救了,她會變得自然,健康,美麗。。。
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複出來混,遲早要胖的的評論:
胖胖圓圓所見略同,我也最喜歡 The Nautilus House! 握肥爪!;)))
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複粉玫瑰的評論:
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複megchen的評論:
謝謝 Meg 美才女! 見到熟悉的朋友真開心!;)
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 回複維他命K的評論:


頤和園 回複 悄悄話 今兒是個好日子,在城頭一下看到圓圓、麗雅的倩影,還看到阿牛。先給小編讚一個,終於有進步了。

西門祝 回複 悄悄話 回複megchen的評論:

出來混,遲早要胖的 回複 悄悄話 最喜歡 The Nautilus House! 好玩兒又漂亮!
粉玫瑰 回複 悄悄話 喜歡Fallingwater house,住在裏麵應該很暇逸!
megchen 回複 悄悄話

西門祝 回複 悄悄話 回複西門祝的評論:

西門祝 回複 悄悄話 圓圓建築家!
逛大觀園 回複 悄悄話 牛堡集錦
維他命K 回複 悄悄話 嘿,沙發!