
曉海平靜 (熱門博主)
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(2016-03-10 01:39:23) 下一個

阿山 (龐靜譯)二零一六年三月七日









March 7, 2016 – No better option

Today, I had the chance to rotate with obstetric anesthesia. Those who know me know that I am very interested in pediatrics, and I can’t walk past a baby without testing my neck’s range of motion. But today, my focus was on the mothers. It was a slow day, not many babies were being born. I got to meet only a few patients, but there was one that has overwhelmingly entangled my imagination.

She was only 21 had just given birth to her third baby. I’m not here to expound upon the cases and arguments about contraception, health care access and education, women’s reproductive rights, moral standards, yada yada yada the topics that many with much more expertise have presented before me. I’m simply here to reflect on my thoughts about her thoughts.

Why did she fascinate me so much? I had extremely limited interaction with her: I only palpated her spinal landmarks for her spinal anesthesia injection and helped her off the operating table… after her elective bilateral tubal ligation. Here she was, 3 years younger than me, when I still feel very much like a child, yet she was already the mother of 3. And here she was, making the decision to end all possibility of another baby in the future.

Why was she making this decision? There are so many contraceptive methods available nowadays, and scouring through her medical record, I can reasonably make the deduction that she had very little exposure and education about those methods until her pregnancies. The simple answer would have been: 3 babies are enough, she doesn’t need or want more.

I couldn’t resist looking at her face and into here eyes during her tubal ligation. A blue drape separated her face from the rest of her body. The look in her eyes was just as distant and disconnected as she was physically with her reproductive future. I wondered, what if the answer wasn’t simply: 3 babies are enough?

What type of fear or emotional anguish did she experience during her pregnancies? What type of future did she envision for her 3 children and herself? Where was her family through all of this? No matter what the answer was to these questions, I realized the tubal ligation would have still felt like a good decision to pursue.

I figured out what had struck me most. I can confidently say we come from vastly different backgrounds in terms of privilege. I’ve always had abundant opportunity, had the means to pursue any choice I made, and felt confident I would be okay no matter the consequence. Mostly and recently, I’ve gained great appreciation for the fact that I have available options, and I’m mostly free to pursue them as I learn and grow and change. What type of life and experiences would somebody have had to gone through to willingly give up this option at such an early age?

I watched her get wheeled out of the hospital with her new baby, without the flowers and balloons that I had become so accustomed to seeing at Michigan. And I realized I lost the opportunity to talk to her, to maybe get to learn her perspective. We were told that we could learn something from every patient we encounter. Even in this brief day, she’s challenged me to think differently. I just wish I had learned more. And so I also lost an opportunity, despite being ridiculously miniscule compared to what she gave up.

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