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《鄉巴佬輓歌》(《Hillbilly Elegy》)是美國夢的最佳注釋

(2025-01-21 18:33:30) 下一個
May be an image of textMay be an image of 1 person and text that says 'J.D. VANCE grew in the Rust Belt city Middletown, Ohio, and the Appalachian town of Jackson, Kentucky, He enlisted n the Marine Corps after high school and served Iraq. graduate of the Ohio State University and Yale Law School, he has contributed the National Review and pal at leading Silicon Valley investment firm. Vance lives San Francisco with his wife and wo dogs. princi- Available HarperAudio and HarperCollins Discover authors, exclusive offers, and more hc.com. Jacket designb Jarrod JarrodTaylor Taylor Jacket photographs: Joanna Cepuchowicz/ EyeEm/ Getty GettyImages:? Images: negatronservizl/Getty ?megatronservizi/GettyImage Images (flag) Author photograph Naomi MeColloch HARPER AnImprinroy/HarperColia/Publube Imprint'總統就職典禮的前一天讀完了副總統J.D.Vance的《鄉巴佬輓歌》(《Hillbilly Elegy》),明白了為什麼這本書會成為紐約時報No.1暢銷書。這本書讓我看到了美國中部地區「Hillbillies」的社會人文特點,對該地區人口遷徙對美國中產階層的形成和影響有了新的認識和了解……
Vance的童年有太多惡夢,他母親吸毒酗酒動盪不安的生活以及他父親的離棄曾給他帶來難以忘卻的創傷?? 幸虧自幼他的爺爺奶奶就是他的靠山,奶奶的家是他最後的退路和避難所,他上高中後,成績和整體表現嚴重下滑,奶奶終於站出來,結束了自己的女兒對孩子成長的不良影響,把他留在自己身邊。高中近四年,都是奶奶在養育他。奶奶是他得以從創傷中振著的保障?? 他的夫人Usha是他在哈佛法學院的同學,麵對他表現出來的Hillbillies特質,她給了他最大限度的理解和關懷。沒有Usha,他的人生會很不一樣。用中國人的話說,她是他人生中的貴人…… J.D. Vance的人生經歷很獨特,他的成功是美國夢的最佳注譯。May be an image of 9 people, the Oval Office and textMay be an image of 2 people and people smilingMay be an image of 2 people and people smilingMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 4 people, the Oval Office and textMay be an image of 4 people, the Oval Office and textMay be an image of 5 people and text
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