  • 博客訪問:

12/27 星期六

(2008-12-27 03:13:09) 下一個
明明油價已經降了很多,為什麽機票的fuel charge還是那麽貴???今天給幾個機票代理店打電話,得出的結論都差不多,如果直飛Munich,機票6萬多,燃油charge要5萬(靠!幹脆明搶好了!!!)。即使轉機也要9萬多,中途要麽在倫敦,要麽阿姆斯特丹,要麽哥本哈根停一次,這麽折騰也沒便宜多少。看來我要重新考慮了,究竟該不該在這個時候去德國?Tom都給我做好旅遊計劃了,從柏林到斯圖加特,他現在住的城市,然後慕尼黑,我隻要買好機票,人到柏林機場,剩下的都由他全權負責,不是沒有吸引力的。我現在很需要離開東京的散心旅行,而且行程完全不需要我操心,我相信Tom的安排,沒有人會比他更適合做plans. 隻是這樣的時候,真的適合“逃到”德國,到他身邊去嗎?

昨晚和Dave臥在Starbucks的沙發上,我也跟他提到我的顧慮,簡而言之,我不喜歡被rescue的感覺,而且我覺得在自己比較脆弱的時候,容易做出錯誤的判斷。我和Tom之間的關係本來就很微妙,我不希望自己因為感激或依賴感而愛上一個人,我希望我愛一個人,不是出於需要對方為我做什麽,而是我自己主動願意為對方做什麽。Dave問我,Why u dont like to be rescued? So if you in my situation, you wouldnt ask me for help? 我想,那不一樣,Dave是朋友,向朋友求助可以接受,但是男朋友不一樣,if there is a bf who always helps me to clean my mess, I would become too dependent on him, then the relationship is not in good balance any more. Oh fuck it, why cant I just be a little girl like others, accept the favor offered by a guy who likes me? Nothing wrong with that, right?

Well, to mention my current situation, I lost the job, but the good thing is that they would pay until the end of Jan 2009, so without crazy shopping this few months, I think I am able to survive for a while. Was quite pissed off, and depressed for about 1 week, then got over the awful mood, now getting myself back together for the next round job hunting once the new year holiday is over. At the same time, trying to do something I always wanna do but had no much time for, go swimming, read books, clean room, and study German (didnt improve much yet... shame!)...

I wish a better 2009, hopefully all mess I could make had been made this year. I cant see clearly through the chaos yet, but I have the feeling that I am getting close.

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朱珠兒 回複 悄悄話 wish you a better 2009.
btw, the picture you have for your home page - who did that painting? what is the name of it? I want to buy one for my room.
songwaimai 回複 悄悄話 不怎麽更新了?
歡迎來 www.douban.com
jgey 回複 悄悄話 Thank you! :)

Happy New Year!

theoracle 回複 悄悄話 Happy New Year! Wish you the best!
11Roses 回複 悄悄話 新年快樂~~

前輩加油,You are the best!