  • 博客訪問:

8/28 星期二

(2007-08-27 23:26:13) 下一個
午飯又是SUBWAY的shrimp&avocado, 因為熱量低, 隻有292Kcal. 幾周前曾經連續幾天午飯吃這個, 我的臉色都跟avocado似的. 最近無聊得很, 又開始強烈痛恨身上每一絲多餘的肉. 9月份辦公室換地方, 我已經打探好了, 新辦公室附近有一個GYM, 價格還算公道, 就是POOL太小, 隻有2個道, 都心嘛, 沒辦法. 我準備即時加入, 在家運動的頻度不如在GYM, 畢竟GYM是按月付錢的, 不去太虧, 於是為了make my money worth, 也會拚了老命的去運動. To live a healthy life, 不是件容易的事, 首先, 控製飲食就很難, 我戒了油炸食品, 戒了零食汽水, 現在又在戒咖啡... 困啊, 不喝咖啡, 真是和自己過不去. icecream and cheese cakes, 我是絕不能放棄的, 所以相應的份隻有靠運動, 但運動也很累啊... 所以, George said, working out and keeping fit shows good self-discipline, 我完全同意.

There are a few questions I have been thinking about this few days. First, is it possible to separate love from sex? I think yes, there is pure physical sex, like one night stand, you might not even remember the partner on the very next day. Second, does love make difference in sex? I think yes, with emotional attachment, sex becomes some ritual of love making, and the partner becomes exclusive. Third, when you in love with one person, is it possible to have pure physical sex with someone else? This is the toughest one, I dont know how to answer it, honestly. I know the right answer is supposed to be NO, according to the second question and answer, love should make sexual behaviors exclusive. But back to the first question and answer, if its just physical sex without any emotional attachment, should it be considered betraying the love??? I guess this really depends on personal attitude to sex, for someone who thinks sex has to be attached with love, and who says NO to the first question, it would be much easier to answer the 3rd question, simply NO. Maybe i should think over my attitude on this matter, if I cant clear this issue, I wouldnt be able to commit emotionally and physically.

Ok, back to work.

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
songwaimai 回複 悄悄話 啊,別揭露我呀,

songwaimai 回複 悄悄話 啊,別揭露我呀,

jgey 回複 悄悄話 你這寫得什麽啊...前言不搭後語的,還全是語法錯誤...
songwaimai 回複 悄悄話 ドラゴンボールがすげー読みてぇくなってきた!!