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Don’t learn from experts who know the most. Learn from experts who communicate the most clearly. Don’t learn from prodigies who were naturals in their fields. Learn from overachievers who overcame a lack of talent or opportunity.
So, I'm here at WXC, as learning from those grass rooted bloggers, ordinary human beings.
睜眼看世界, 會眼花瞭亂,無處外立足,心神無寧, 殫精竭慮,枯念無言。閉目靜思,卻天高地寬任我馳騁,天藍地綠空氣清新,妙思潮湧,下筆波濤。
John McCain vs. Obama illustrated that: 我們可以屬於兩個政黨,有完全不同的政見,但是,我們的競爭是以交流和尊重為基礎的。
When you look at the world in a blink of an eye, you will have a mess, nowhere to stand, no feelings, no thoughts, no words. Closed eyes and quiet thoughts, but the sky is wide and I am allowed to gallop, the blue sky and the green air are fresh, the thoughts are tidal, and the waves are waved.
John McCain vs. Obama illustrated that: We can belong to two political parties and have completely different political views, but our competition is based on integrity, dignity, character, communication and mutural respect.
@AdamMGrant Aug 24
Insecure leaders ridicule others. Secure leaders laugh at themselves. Great leaders take their work seriously, but don't take themselves too seriously. The ability to make fun of yourself is a mark of humility and a catalyst for learning from mistakes.
夜深,一個人靜靜的偎依在陽台的躺椅上,悠然的燃上一枝香煙。凝視那翻騰的霧狀冉冉升起,仰望浩瀚銀河飄渺無跡的夜空。浮華的社會,喧囂的鬧市,我是WHO?我又在哪? 當黎明的曙光再次催醒睡眼惺忪的人們,我不得不又得千裏征程。金戈駿馬,伴著一縷情絲,一兜懷念,一腔熱血與夢想,征程到魂牽夢繞的故鄉。 曾幾何時,也是沉靜在陽台上,自嘲式的剖析自己:君如萬千人兒一樣,執著的追求於財富、美女、權力、欲望與夢想。隻是在這基礎上永遠想尋覓出這一輩子真正真摯真實的感情。追求那種同生死、共患難的浴血兄弟;追求那種非血緣關係卻更勝於血緣關係的友誼;追求那種心心相惜心有靈犀的愛情;追求那種神交已久,空的境界,互相激...
太多的感受, 在紛繁複雜中 尋找自己的聲音。 太大的慣性, 在步履匆忙中 邁出自己的足跡。 睜開眼睛, 看到你我他的 每一分痛苦, 或者每一寸成長。 彷徨之中, 停下來, 聽一聽心聲, 靜待答案來叩門。 迷茫之時, 走出去, 看一看四周, 風景也許就來了。