
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

lord of Shanghai

(2018-08-25 18:43:35) 下一個


character leads, integrity, justice, temporal and spatial judgment, call to action - 

fast pace more Hollywood style

電影《上海王》是由上海電影(集團)有限公司、上海胡氏文化傳媒有限公司、上海國際文化集團出品,由胡雪樺執導,胡軍、餘男、鳳小嶽、秦昊聯合主演的動作片。該片於2017年2月17日在中國上映 [1]  。該片根據作家虹影同名小說改編,講述了20世紀初上海灘十裏洋場黑幫勢力的角逐紛爭,紛雜亂世中奇女子筱月桂與三代上海王之間充滿傳奇色彩的愛恨情仇的故事。?



????? ??... ?.??
Guang Fuu Ming Man of Determination
What is truth and what is fiction. Even a lie can be truth. A truth can be a lie. Most people would probably say “what”? You lost me at what....... Events in movies are portrayed by characters who resemble closely to those “real” characters of the past. Or are characters playing themselves? Most lay people call them actors or actresses. The true word here is character! Not type of person. Often a person in different clothes and environment may be seen differently and even feel differently. But a true “test” of character. What is truely inside oneself. Will always be that person. In this movie, “true” characters were witnessed. Often in glamour town, an actor/actress does not do a REAL character any justice. As that actor/actress had no matching true character to begin with. Watch this movie again and you will see true character. 100 years ago or 1000years ago. True Characters don’t change. Only shitty actors/actresses who are possessed by trappings of other false non ABLE characters. Peace Love. Keep the faith. Be your true self.?
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Amore Azione
This movie is flawed by a too fast rhythm, a inharmonius timing of the different chapters of the story (some plot lines remaining undeveloped while others appearing too extensive), a hasty chaining of events; no information is provided to the historical background, which only a well educated person would know, and the subtle ideologies and beliefs represented by each character. Even more worth of criticism is the abrupt, almost unjustifiable switch of the plot and setting, which brings us from mysterious traditional China, swords and martial arts, to a bizarre setting reminiscent of New York's gangster movies. From heroes fighting villains we see scoundrels shooting other scoundrels - but maybe that's what the director wanted: to show the general climate of materialistic drive which pervaded China ever since the fall of the empire.And yet, despite these weaknesses, this movie leaves one with a sense of strength, of hope, of deeper understanding; chinese cinema has the power to speak at the core of every man's beliefs, to reinvigorate them and to glorify them through a powerful visual, and musical, experience.?


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