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trickle-down theory - ZT

(2017-07-13 14:14:43) 下一個
Top down, trickle down; bottom-up, hardly up?

已有 139 次閱讀 2017-7-13 08:40 |個人分類:Observation|係統分類:海外觀察    推薦到群組

Top down, trickle down; bottom-up, hardly up?
(2017-07-13 09:21:58)


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Note: This morning, I got this comment from my post: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-1066035.html  (Elite speaks his heart - integrity, honesty, and sympathy)


"We do expect elites save the world, save the society, save the planets, save the human kind, save the poor, save the rich, save the middle class, save the left, save the right - by balancing he saved us all. If you're elites, you claim to be, or crown as such, you gotta shoulder the heavy responsibility. Like Chief Justice John Roberts - Roberts combined two unholy strains of judicial agency: liberal activism and conservative pacifism."


Honestly, looking around, you'd see my point. It's still top-down approach - believe or not. Democracy - grass-rooted bottom-up is not effective - only on occasions triggered some movements of elites for changes - that's fact, not fiction, plain and simple.


In your career, if you want to move up - not your own bottom-up approach - you need a top-guy pull you up. Top down, trickle down; bottom-up, you dream of being up, just a dream - hardly get up.  Yes, it's true that as "Trickle-down economics, or “trickle-down theory,” argues for income and capital gains tax breaks or other financial benefits to large businesses, investors and entrepreneurs in order to stimulate economic growth." - until we get a better one, it's still the same top down - trickle down.


I studied what the reader's comment - as I didn't know much about - below as described my home-work note:


~~~ Who's 歐仁•鮑狄埃?


歐仁•鮑狄埃(Eugène Edine Pottier,1816年10月4日 - 1887年11月6日)是法國的革命家,法國工人詩人,巴黎公社的主要領導人之一,《國際歌》的詞作者。
 1816年10月4日鮑狄埃生於巴黎一個製作木箱和包裝的手工業工人家庭。。鮑狄埃從少年時代起,立誌為勞苦大眾的解放鬥爭貢獻力量,同時熱愛詩歌,以平民歌手貝朗瑞的歌謠為範本而開始創作。12歲起勞動為生,開始歌謠習作,他在艱難的環境裏刻苦自學,從他所能夠找到的書籍中吸取知識的營養。法國革命民主主義詩人貝朗瑞的詩,在他心靈裏留下深刻的印記。1830年七月革命爆發時,還在當學徒工的鮑狄埃參加了七月革命,時年14歲的他就寫出了他的第一首詩歌《自由萬歲》,並發表了第一部詩集《年輕的女詩神》,列寧曾讚揚其中的歌頌革命鬥爭的《自由萬歲》一詩,這首詩指出他一生詩歌創作的的總方向。七月王朝時期從事過木工、印花布圖案畫師等多種職業,接觸社會主義思想,寫了《是人各一份的時候了》《複活節蛋》等詩歌,要求平等,號召鬥爭,從此,他開始用詩作為武器,踏上了革命的征途,並逐漸由一個民主主義者向社會主義者轉變。曾參加1848年的二月革命和六月起義,很快就認清二月共和國的反動本質,在《該拆毀的老房子》中把它比作等級森嚴的住宅,發出“是拆毀它的時候了”的呼籲,並投身於巴黎六月起義,是勇敢的街壘鬥士。1865年加入第一國際巴黎支部,第二帝國垮台後,他在《1870年10月31日》一詩中提出“快成立紅色的公社”的口號,並於1870年加入了第一國際,成為第一國際巴黎支部聯合會的委員。1871年3月至5月,法國巴黎公社革命爆發了,3月28日,巴黎公社成立了,英勇的巴黎工人建立了第一個無產階級政權,在巴黎公社進行革命鬥爭的72天中,鮑狄埃奮不顧身地投入戰鬥,被選為公社委員,在巴黎公社期間,鮑狄埃先後擔任國民自衛軍中央委員會委員、二十區中央委員會委員、公社委員。他在擔任公社社會服務委員會委員時,被人們稱譽為“最熱情的公社委員之一”,和公社戰士一起在街壘浴血戰鬥,在五月最後一個星期,流血周中,鮑狄埃右手殘廢,仍堅持戰鬥,為保衛公社直戰鬥到5月“流血周”的最後一天。巴黎公社被反革命暴力鎮壓而失敗,5月30日公社失敗後的第二天,1871年6月鮑狄埃躲過敵人的搜捕,在郊區小巷一所老房子的閣樓上懷著滿腔熱血和悲痛,用戰鬥的筆寫下了震撼寰宇的宏偉詩篇,一首詩名為《英特納雄耐爾(Internationale)》的不朽的無產階級戰歌,即“全世界無產階級的歌”--《國際歌》,對馬克思主義革命原理和巴黎公社曆史經驗加以藝術概括,正式宣告向敵人“開火”;7月被迫出逃,1871至1880年,被凡爾賽反革命法庭缺席判處死刑的鮑狄埃,之後一直流亡國外,先後在英國、美國流亡近10年;1880年大赦後回國,參加了法國社會主義工人黨。在英國、美國流亡的十年期間,仍積極參加當地的工人運動,同時不懈地創作詩歌,宣傳革命思想,鼓勵全世界無產者團結起來奮勇鬥爭,就是在這個時期,他以紀念公社、揭露資本主義製度、反映無產階級的苦難和鬥爭為中心題材,創作《白色恐怖》《美國工人致法國工人》《巴黎公社》等大量革命詩篇。1887年出版了《革命歌集》,其中包括這首歌,是國際歌第一次公開發表,而世時他已經患了重病, 1887年11月6日, 他在貧困中與世長辭,巴黎的群眾為他舉行了隆重的葬禮。鮑狄埃發表過許多活頁歌片和詩歌小冊子,均已散佚,僅有《革命歌集》和《鮑狄埃全集》傳世。生前還發表了《少年詩神》(1831)、《社會經濟詩和社會主義革命歌集》(1884)、《革命歌集》等多種詩集。他的詩歌熱情洋溢,質樸有力,充分表現了革命無產階級的豪邁氣魄,列寧稱譽鮑狄埃是“是一位最偉大的用詩歌作為工具的宣傳家”。 中國於1937年出版中譯本《鮑狄埃詩選》,近年來又出版了鮑狄埃評傳。 https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/76366443.html  


~**~  Reference - Satan? God?


萊爾德 JOB-Satan-God

Reading this comment, I thought the reader's insightful! 要創造人類的幸福,全靠精英的良心.

[4]萊爾德  2017-7-13 21:46    [1] "從來就沒有救世主,也不靠神仙皇帝。要創造人類的幸福,全靠精英的良心。- 歐仁。包迪埃"

Satan testing Job, in the Bible Story... Here's a good reading on the order of Evil forces...
J?B.   -  by James Hercules Sutton

You know the plot. The Devil crashes a staff meeting and, when God mockingly asks him where he’s been, Satan says “around” and asserts there’s not one steadfast believer on earth. God takes the bet. How can he lose? He’s God.

    Satan gets cracking. Jōb gets boils. His sheep, camels, crops, servants and children die. He spirals into debt. His friends say he must have committed abysmal sins and indict him for not repenting. There’s a long give-and-take between Jōb and his false friends, but nobody knows anything about true righteousness except Jōb. He hangs in and doesn’t lose faith. God wins His bet.

   But Jōb is morbidly depressed and sorry for himself, so God shows up and gives him a lecture: Self-pity is its own woe, and Jōb has no right to feel more important than clay, which, by the way, no man had a hand in creating. Then as disgorgement or because He feels like it, God restores double of what was lost and grants Jōb sons, but not the ones he lost.

   When Jōb ponders God’s responsibility and asks for a debate, he dummies up when he gets it. This is wise, since anyone who debates God loses before he begins, particularly when God shows up in a dust devil.

If he had been an Existentialist, Jōb would have realized that he’d been given the greatest gift of all, knowledge that God exists, but his comforter didn’t think of it.

John Paul Satre could have profited from such knowledge, since he lived in doubt and was windy about it. For Jōb, his false friends, and Satre, the morals are obvious:

    (1)    Get on with it, and don’t blame God.
    (2)    Suffering is the human condition.
For us, there are more:
    (3)    God accepts collateral damage.
He’s willing to screw up a righteous man to win a bet He couldn’t lose.
    (4)    Sin consists of denying rightful choices to others.
Satan’s assault on Job is an assault on Free Will, which is an assault on God, which is why Satan does it. Unjust Dominion is sin for mortals, too, but we overlook it, since it’s the basis of Capitalism.
    (5)    The best suffer most. But being a little less righteous than perfect would have kept Jōb from being a target.

   The story’s premise is suspect: A perfect being wouldn’t stoop to being an accessory-before-the-fact. Then there’s Satan. He lost all powers, except speech, when tossed from Heaven, so his only power is power to tempt. This doesn’t present much of a problem, given the job he does on Jōb, but it raises the possibility that one could be tempted to blame Satan rather than getting on with God’s work. This has been known to fill pews.

~ ** ~

博主回複(2017-7-13 09:12)[轉載]楊鳳崗:信仰還是迷信:中國當代的宗教複興浪潮  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1247255&do=blog&id=1062629 中華民族是追求宗教信仰的民族。在台灣,宗教的多元化發展顯示中國人信仰興盛時代已然來臨,這是不以個人的意誌為轉移的發展趨勢。這個正在悄然來臨的宗教興盛不是簡單的回歸過去,而是在物質主義極致後的靈性蘇醒,是在現代化和全球化背景下,延續政治發展和經濟發展之後的靈性發展。(楊鳳崗)  


~~ ** ~~

Trickle-down economics - Wikipedia
A 2015 report on policy by economist Pavlina R. Tcherneva described the failings of increasing economic gains of the rich without commensurate participation by the working and middle classes, referring to the problematic policies as, "Reagan-style trickle-down economics," and "a trickle-down, financial-sector-driven ...


Trickle-down economics, or “trickle-down theory,” argues for income and capital gains tax breaks or other financial benefits to large businesses, investors and entrepreneurs in order to stimulate economic growth.
Trickle-Down Theory - Investopedia


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