

譯文 - 聚眾追蹤騷擾

(2011-12-02 20:55:17) 下一個




相關的警示會被傳送到目標對象置身的各個角落,包括商店、租住的公寓、往後的雇主、目標對象所有當下所身處的社區、所拜訪的醫生、警察局、等等。此外,騷擾活動的組織者會啟動秘密調查,以及安排采用電子儀器。 這些電子儀器通常由平民告密者或平民間諜用作公開或秘密監視的輔助設備。


有關目標對象的身份以及其所附帶風險特征的資料必須要傳給可能與目標對象接觸的工作人員。 雖然工作人員有權知曉可能的風險,但重要的是他們要牢記不可以濫傳相關信息。

目標對象被貼了標簽但自己對此一無所知。在許多國家裏,這些標簽由“社區安全與健康法”所監管。 有時,雇傭單位、教育機構和社區中心會將無辜者貼上這類標簽用以報複、封口、 或控製。

瑪麗·布法曾經是位於底特律迪爾幫的福特世界總部人事部的雇員。她因在19992月她遞交了一個性騷擾的抱怨而被送去看心理醫生。她說:“你想,也許我有問題,但他們又為什麽要送我去看心理醫生呢!”福特被指定的心理醫生是中西部健康中心的愛德華·道斯。愛德博士的報告顯示布法的唯一的心理問題症狀就是焦慮。 報告中顯示看病的推薦來自福特醫務部,部分原因至少是因為她的性騷擾報告。醫生說推薦布法來看病的福特公司的醫生引用了布法幾個不正常現象。比如有人看到布法朝某個人喊叫、她還在一個健身中心“穿著比那項活動通常要穿的少的衣服。”


接下來等著她的是公開和秘密的監視。無論目標對象去哪兒,他們的名字都粘著標簽。在大城市裏,這就意味著成千上萬的人們會接到有關目標對象的警告。被貼標者將受到一周7天、一天24小時的追蹤。 部分監視過程由步行及駕車巡邏人員完成。 巡邏期間,他們用手勢語言輔助平民告密者相互交流。他們使用這種方式無聲地與目標對象進入的任何商店或其他地方進行交流。

聚眾追蹤騷擾對於被騷擾來說是一種精神攻擊。 這種經曆能夠隨著時間使目標對象無處藏身並將其徹底毀掉。這種隱秘的做法通常用來對目標對象進行騷擾、迫害、以及名譽破壞,可是,卻常常不會留下對平民間諜的訴罪證據。

這種操控行為與辦公室聚眾滋擾相似,但發生在辦公室之外的社區裏。這種行為通過有組織的社區成員群對目標對象進行一周7天,一天24小時的騷擾和監視。 聚眾追蹤騷擾由此得名。



一旦一個人被貼了標簽,整個社區就變得超度警覺。在這個結構裏,通常有一個目標對象和正在進行的非法協議騷擾活動。 電子儀器被用於監視、騷擾及折磨目標對象。當目標對象試圖描述所發生的事情時,聽起來他們就像有精神病一樣。事實是電子儀器被用來使目標對象看起來像是腦子出了問題。






這種貼標結構致使被騷擾的受害者非常脆弱。一旦某個社區進入了監視狀態,這些人們就非正式地開始工作,將目標對象驅逐出社區。這些可以通過迫使目標對象落入財務困境而實現。 第二級目的包括迫使目標對象精神被毀、失業、無家可歸等,主要的目的是誘迫目標對象自殺。

這些係統性地控製及騷擾有許多其他的叫法。 在聚眾追蹤騷擾運動下你會看到這樣的術語:社區集眾滋擾、代理騷擾、組織騷擾、因果騷擾、多種騷擾。不過,無論哪個都是同個騷擾模式下的一部分。 許多人沒有意識到的是聚眾追蹤騷擾隻是這種係統性控製方式裏的一個附件。 還有其他形式的控製壓抑方法,可以使目標對象無法越軌,部分包括:聚眾滋擾、諜報監視、THE BUZZSAW、隱蔽戰爭、電子騷擾等等。 這些都是些老戲新名兒。 他們隻是政府對付不知情公民的一種手段。





目標對象可能是任何一個人。過去,比如諜報運動(Cointelpro)時代,主要的目標對象是少數名族。 現在則可以是任何一個人。 直言不諱者、告發者、持異政者、企圖反對富裕的公司者、參與婦女組織者、婦女或單身婦女者、少數名族者、極端主義者、陰謀論者、反戰支持者、類似社區會議中被認為是有問題者、以及其他的無辜者。絕大部分的目標對象常常不知道自己正在被鎖定。當一個目標對象遷移時,相同的信息、謊言、謠言就會隨其一同被傳遞到新的社區,這種係統性監視及騷擾也就會繼續展開。


來自生活中各個部分的人都會參與。 因為一旦被鎖定者被貼了標,他們的資料就會廣泛地被傳遞給大量的個人、組織及社區。 人們來自不同種族、年齡、性別。 社會中你能想到的每一個部分都是這個運動的一部分。 部分平民間諜/告密者包括普通勞工、富人、騎自行車鍛煉的人、銷售毒品的人、吸毒的人、街上的行人、朋克、嘻哈文化、三K黨、黑人活動家、教會團體、青年人團體、消防人員、警察、律師、健康工作者、商店店員、女傭、房屋管理員、有線電視安裝人員、電話修理人員、郵遞員、鎖匠、電工等等。實際上沒有年齡限製。 最近英國有一篇文章說他們在招聘8歲兒童從事秘密人力資源工作。


很多人不明白或者說不在乎這種貼標的終極後果,這種協議騷擾旨在毀掉一個人。當今社會裏的很多人因為怕事而願意放棄個人自由,由此換取一種錯誤的安全感。 換句話來講,如果是要剝奪另外一個人的權利,這些人對這種做法會好無異議。


2、有的這麽做是為了交朋友及留住朋友。這種參與對他們來說即能社交又很開心。 他們喜歡那種通過監視及保護所帶來的特別的感覺。 很多人用單手手勢來交流,這種身體語言有效地消除了來自不同種族、性別、年齡、社交等方麵的障礙。這也讓他們知道誰站在自己的一方,誰是潛在的目標對象。



5、還有的是當地的打手或者告密者。這些人員已經在參與其他的活動,他們隻是臨時換過來參與社區健康與安全項目。 比如某些人隻能選擇為社區或警察監視目標對象,要麽就呆在監獄。

有些人則被告知有關目標對象的徹頭徹尾的謊言及謠言,被教唆去四處宣傳,從而毀掉目標對象的生活。比如,許多小心翼翼的家庭收到通知說某個人精神有問題,可能對他們的家庭及社區造成危險,為了社區的安全這個貼標是如何的必要。 同時,這些家庭被嚴禁透露相關交流。



通過日常刺激致使目標對象產生過敏反應。 在數月、甚至數年的時間裏,對目標對象進行日常刺激,致其對該類刺激產生負麵的過敏性反應,這些刺激物隨後被用來騷擾目標對象。這些刺激被安排在公共場所,向目標對象示意他們正在受到不斷的騷擾和監視。日常刺激的例子包括:聲音、顏色、圖案、動作等等。比如,紅、白、黃、條紋、鋼筆按壓聲、鑰匙聲、大聲咳嗽聲、大聲口哨聲、大聲拍打雙手、手機、筆記本電腦,等等。

一周7天,一天24小時監視。 這種做法包括貼標、跟蹤,無論目標對象置身何處均無處可逃。研究目標對象在哪兒購物、在哪兒工作、在哪兒玩兒、他們的朋友是誰、他們的家庭是誰。接近目標對象、搬入他們居住的社區或公寓、街對過兒、監視被鎖定者的電話、房屋、電腦活動。(監視政策)


c) 對目標對象實行孤立

這條通過派發報告來實現。 貼標的做法本意在於警告社區,但是做起來比造謠還要過分點兒。他們提供關於目標對象的行為及活動的單方麵評估。嚴禁目標對象講自己的故事或者洗幹淨自己的名字。 這種單方麵的評估可以包括錯誤報告、謠言、目標對象被陷害後的合法性巧合。周圍的人們收到通知說目標對象很瘋狂、危險、偷竊、吸毒、是妓女、有孌童癖、沾惹上了麻煩、需要被關注。這種貼標做法本身就足夠造成偏執、及對每天的巧合做出錯誤的解釋。



d) 噪音及譏笑活動。

對目標對象的生活進行幹擾,使他們與噪音、電動工具、施工、播放機、摔門聲同眠。 在公共場所談論目標對象的私事兒。 譏笑行為基本上是示意目標對象自己的生活正處於被關注狀態。對這些毫無訓練的眼睛來說,每天的幹擾中沒有什麽會是太開放的。 但是,隨著時間的推移,他們就會實現對目標對象心理上的侮辱和毀壞。

e) 對日常生活的幹擾及上演大街劇院

給車放氣、剝奪睡眠、給食品添毒、在私人物品上倒放垃圾、安排陌生人在公共場所激怒目標對象。 這些陌生人可能接到短信示意在具體時間、具體地點、做具體的騷擾動作。


這絕不是隨便的一本關於報複的書籍。 這是一本關於采用高科技秘方、驅人瘋狂的終極報複的書籍。 這本書由作者同專家合作而成。 斯科特弗蘭麵談過工程師、銀行櫃員、電話接線員、計算機技工、電台電視經理,要求他們道出陰暗麵,“你怎樣與某人打個平手?”他得到這樣一堆答案:電子儀器、化學藥劑、和可以把人逼到崩潰的知識。 發現如何利用激光器,休克器,斷路器,和鼓風機致人精神錯亂。用無聲器清除海灘、遠距離侵入電腦磁盤,避開電腦密碼,引爆電話亭、幹擾銀行。總之,要學習騷擾科學和技術、利用上帝賦予的權利,在任何時候,同任何人要交個平手。



盡管這種係統性地聚眾追蹤騷擾運動天生就是邪惡而非道德的, 但是,無論是在民主國家還是在非民主國家,這一類的項目總是由政府資助的。 這些組織是唯一有足夠的資金、調配能力、及權利來保證該體製的生命力的。這些調配力量將不同的人們凝聚在一起,從而實現係統性的控製與騷擾。







A Violent Person Registry

Some targets might find that they are being targeted because they have been placed on a Violent Person Registry. This means that they will have a flag that comes up anywhere they go listing them as violent or potentially violent. This can happen to anyone, for simple reasons and without your knowledge. This can go on for years. Please read Jane Clift's Story.

Many countries have similar lists. In Canada and the U.S. this type of listing falls under Occupational Safety and Health.

Air Stalking

This is when helicopters are used to track targets that are on foot, or in cars. They fly over head and follow the targets from one location to the next. Some will monitor the targets shortly after they leave their homes.


As targets walk on the street, usually at night, civilian spies/snitches will turn on their high beams. This might be flashed once or twice at targets.
This might be used to let targets know they are being watched, however these signals might also be a way for Informants in cars at night, to communicate with their fellow counterparts.
The foot patrols will then communicate back to the Informant in the car, using a combination of hand signals.

Car Accidents


Cell Phone Stalking




Directed Conversations

這類對話發生在公共場所,由陌生人就被鎖定者及其個人處境而引發。 比如,這些人會重複被鎖定者在自己家裏,或者在電話裏說過的事情。他們會將對話引到隻與被鎖定者相關而且涉及極其個人細節的方麵。比如:




Electronic Harassment

Electromagnetic weapons and frequencies will be used on a target on their homes. The purpose of using the EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) on targets and their belonging are multifaceted. Electronic frequencies can destroy electronic equipment.

Electronic frequencies can be used for monitoring and tracking inside the home, and at work. It can also be used for purposes of sleep disturbance. When those conducting these covert investigations feel that they have psychologically destroyed the target to where they are near breakdown they will start to use these weapons. They will also use these weapons if targets are not going along with their harassment protocol.




Emotional Sapping



你甚至不知道自己正在每天從情緒上、思想上及精神上受到折磨傷害。隨著時間的推移,這些東西變成了你的一部分,而你也就對其失去了抵禦能力。這個時候你可能注意到你更容易接受這種能源的流失。這是一個非常真實的現象,而且很容易被看出來。 一旦你的能量以這種方式流失殆盡,你就會注意到這些人便更加容易進入到你的生活,以其他方式對你進行傷害。有一些情緒隱蔽技術可以幫助防止這種現象的發生。 也有不少書籍是關於這些負麵




Fake Credibility Reports

Fake Credibility Reports. It's the opinion of Gang Stalking World, that fake credibility reports are being used to subtly discredit and attack legitimate websites, including the Gang Stalking World website. Under the guise of doing good for the community.

What's interesting about the fake credibility reports are which sites get targeted and which sites do not.

To find out more, please visit this thread. http://gangstalking.wordpress.com/2009/04/10/credibility-reviews-and-terms


It has been indicated that targets will have files shown to relatives, store keepers and friends. The files are usually not left behind, but they are used to show legitimacy and to further slander targets. These files can be used to engender the corporation of friends and associates of the targets.

The files might have a picture of the target, and information about some alleged crime that they might be under investigation for. The information is usually very convincing and helps to further get targets harassed by those around them.



·  Doing little things to try to make the target think that they are going crazy.

·  Coming into their homes, moving their furniture around.

·  Changing clothing that they bought and replacing it with similar, but inferior items.

·  Taking small items and then replacing them later on.


Spraying fumes or scents into a targets home. Tampering with their food to make them become very ill.

Heat and Vibrations

Sometimes targets experience vibrations and heat in the home. There can be many sources. I have been advised that informants use many objects. Radar guns, lasers, etc. However one of the most likely causes of the vibrations in the home might be transducers.

"And perps can purchase transducers of the type used in industrial sonic baths and mechanically fix them with screws to floor joists or wall studs underneath repaired drywall, completely hidden from view of normal inspection. The transducers will make your floors vibrate and probably create heat. They spend a lot of time hiding their stuff in houses or apartments so it won’t be found under simple visual inspection. If somebody really decides to start looking they *will* start finding these things. These tactics are part of the never ending “smoke and mirrors” routine. Apparently the perps get a “charge” out of inducing false perceptions."

Illegal Entry


·  To gaslight the target.

·  It's used to help profile the target.

·  To set up illegal surveillance.

·  It's a way to find out intimate details about the targets. This can be used later to set up the target by using people in photo albums, or by directed conversations about things in the targets apartment.

Illegal Surveillance

This involves setting up audio and some visual surveillance of the target.

·  Bugging the targets phone.

·  Surveillance in the targets residence

·  Listening to cell phone and hard line conversations.

·  Hacking into their computers and learning all about what the target is doing, sites they frequent.

·  This also helps to build a profile of the target, and it's also used for later psychological attacks against the target.

Illuminating Targets

This is something that the East German Statsi secret police did to targets. They would spray the targets clothing with materials that would make them glow, or they would irradiate the targets with X-ray machines so that targets would start to glow in the dark, making it easier to follow them. Some targets have reported extreme visibility at night. It's hard to believe countries outside of East Germany would use such a practice, but it's a possiblity that should not be over looked.

Illuminating Targets

This is one possibility that targets can examine.

Intimate Infiltration

This is where civilian spies/snitches will go out of their way to get into a targets life. They will try to form friendships with targets. They will try to form intimate relationships with targets.

They will get close to people that are affiliated with targets. Years before the target ever realises they are targets they will try to get into a targets life.

Eg. If they can't get into your life, but you have a best friend, their new significant other might just be a civilian spy/snitch. The same goes for siblings and the people that enter their lives.


For this harassment to be successful, it's important to be able to isolate the target from friends, family members, co-workers and even spouses. To accomplish this isolation many methods are used included, but not limited to: slander, lies, fake files, sabotage, anything that will get the target into a situation where they have no support system. This is important for them to succeed.

Laser Microphones

Laser microphones are microphones with a laser beam. They detect vibrations with a laser and convert it to a digital signal. Lasers are usually bounced off a window, or off any object near to the conversation monitored. Any object which can resonate/vibrate (for example, a picture on a wall) will do so in response to the pressure waves created by noises present in a room. The minute differences in the distance travelled by the light to pick up this resonance is detected interferometrically. Light that is subject to the varying distance is mixed with light that travels a constant distance. The interferometer converts the variations in distance to intensity variations and electronics are used to convert these variations to digital signals that can be interpreted as sound.

This technology can be used to secretly eavesdrop on people with minimal chance of exposure. However, specialized light sensors may be used to detect the light from the beam. It was designed by Ethal Hussenburn in the 1970s during the Cold War. During the making the technology was advanced by the NSA and CIA making it smaller and compact. The Shelby laser Microphone was then invented (Soruce Wikepedia)

Mail and Email tampering

civilian spies/snitches will steal your mail. They will delay the delivery of your mail, and they will also make sure that your mail does not arrive. The other thing they are known for is the tampering of email. They will delay email, delete email, and stop email that you have sent from arriving


This is trying to copy things in a targets life.

·  Leaving when they do.

·  Dressing like they dress.

·  Throwing out the garbage

·  Going to the bathroom

·  Doing whatever the target is doing.

This is all designed to be psychological warfare, so that the target again feels like they are under observation at all times.

Noise Disturbance

This will include anything from doors slamming above you and below you. Garbage disposal doors, car doors, loud stereos, stomping, moaning at specific times, loud coughing, pots slamming, water running, cupboard doors being slammed, fridge motor running all night, power tools, etc.


Targets will be observed and profiled long before they ever become aware that they are targeted for this sort of harassment. Profiles will be created on targets by:

·  Following them.

·  Following people close to them.

·  Breaking into their homes and going through their stuff.

·  Listening to their calls.

·  Hacking into their computers.

·  Gathering information from friends, and family.

·  Seeing where they like to shop and eat.

·  What are their weaknesses?

·  What things do they like and dislike?

·  What are their weaknesses?

·  What things do they like and dislike?

·  What can you bribe them with?

·  What can you blackmail them with?

·  How can you bully them?

·  How can they best be controlled?

This will all be used to put together a profile of the target and then to get them into situations for their detriment.

Random Encounters

This will be people on the street who you randomly and unexpectedly run into. It looks completely natural and it seems to be a random encounter.

They might ask for your phone number after engaging you in conversation. Ask you out, or just ask you where you are going. Anything from small talk to lengthier conversations.

All with the purpose of finding out something about you, or even just getting you to do something.

Ruined Relationships







Out in public they will follow him loudly and obnoxiously coughing at him. When he goes to stores they will get others to do the same. After months or years of this, Joe has become sensitive to this stimuli and it can be used to harass him without the names and the glaring looks. The association has been formed because of all the other harassment.



These are used around the home or the apartment of a target to let others know the location or room that the target is in. These can also be used on auto pilot. Eg. When a target trips a sensor it can turn on a silent alarm or even the sound of running water. This effect can be used when targets are in the bathroom to let them think that their movements are being watched and observed.


civilian spies/snitches will also communicate with each other on the street by using Statsi like signals. Below are some examples. SIGNALS FOR OBSERVATION

1. Watch out! Subject is coming - touch nose with hand or handkerchief
2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking - stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly
3. Subject standing still - lay one hand against back, or on stomach
4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened - bend and retie shoelaces
5. Subject returning - both hands against back, or on stomach
6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents - take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.


詆毀。 平民間諜會在被鎖定者背後造被鎖定者的謠言。通常是說被鎖定者在從事非法活動,或者是危險人物,或者由於一些不大清楚的原因需要被監視。


Sleep Deprivation

Depriving the target of sleep is a really good way of leaving the target stressed out. It's also a way of leaving them disoriented and functioning at less than 100%. Then the targets can be baited into reacting in public, or getting into a car accident.

Strange Encounters or Street Theatre

This is running into people that are acting very unusual, or people that are putting on a show or production, known as street theater.

Eg. This could be as minor as public rudeness, or people acting out a skit or skits for your benefit. There will usually be someone near by to see how you react to it. This is again looking for weakness or reactions. If you show an adverse reaction they will try to embellish on this and use it against you later on.

Telephone Redirects





The targets are tracked by various methods.

·  Targets are tracked on foot by foot soldiers.

·  They are tracked in their cars.

·  Targets can be tracked by using their cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. If their cell phone number is know, there are Internet programs that will track a target to within a few feet.

·  GPS tracking on their cars. These are all ways that targets are tracked where they go and their activities monitored.




If the target owns property this can be as simple as broken door handles, knobs, to actual slashing of tires. They will also break in and do small damage to items the target owns. Eg. If you buy a new sweater, they might break in and cut holes in it. Holes in undergarments.

If you go to a store to get a repair done check for damages. This goes for boots, and coats. Eg. Zippers and the heals of long heeled boots.


Also known as V2K. If you are hearing voices you might not be crazy. Eg. You can be in the room with someone else and be hearing voices and they will hear nothing.

There is a commercial version which can perform this task.


What targets have reported is however more advanced than this and can go directly through walls. What has been reported by targets is technology that can bypass the ears and send sound signals directly to the brain.

Wrong Number Calls

Targets will daily get wrong number calls. These can be automated or they can be persons pretending to be wrong number calls. Civilian spies will use this as a means to monitor and psychologically harass targets. They want to know where the target is at all times.

Effects of Cointelpro, Red Squad, Community Policing, gang stalking.


·  The target become hypersensitive, and yes in many cases paranoid. They can not understand how so many people could be doing this. The idea after all is to make them seem crazy when they try to get help, or tell others this is happening to them.

·  Targets become depressed and isolated, which is the key goal. If you don't isolate the target it can not work.

·  Targets becomes sensitised to stimuli. Colors, patters, noises, actions, etc.

·  Targets have their reputations ruined and destroyed due to slander campaigns, which are a big part of the harassment protocol. They want the targets credibility to come into question. The target apparently is unaware, but everyone else gets in on the action.

Fighting the new Cointelpro and Red Squads, AKA. Gang Stalking

Like other forms of harassment, it comes down to the what can I get away with factor. Here are some things that you can do to fight or bring awareness to the issue of gang stalking.

·  Write an article of share your story about the new Cointelpro.

·  Educate yourself and those around you about Cointelpro and Red Squads. The more people that know the better. Many members of society participate in this, without realising what they are really being a part of.

·  We need to get laws in place to fight this type of harassment.

·  Do not go along with this Cointelpro activity. Try to find ways to help the target.

·  Educate others that Cointelpro is wrong. Red Squads are police harassment.

·  Have open discussions about Cointelpro, Red Squads, Community policing and harassment.

·  Cointelpro is illegal, even when the police won't help, it's still illegal.

·  Take action on the new Cointelpro and the reemerging Red Squads for yourself and other targets.

·  We need local news paper articles, online articles.

·  We need postings on forums and other places of popularity.

·  Email awareness.

·  We need flyer's.

·  We need websites, making as many people aware of this as possible.

·  We need law suits period.

·  We need support from community based organizations worldwide.

·  People need easy access to their freedom of information records.


1. Gang Stalking World.

2. Targeted Individuals

3. Cointelpro2.

4. Gang Stalking United


Bag of dirty tricks

2. Third World Traveller

3. Indy Media

4. Red Squads are back

5. China liked snitches

6. Neighborhood Spies And Nightmares

7. Your friendly community spies

8. The Snoop Next Door

9. Red Squads

10. Protectors of Privilege


1. Gang Stalking Research

2. Bridging The Gap

3. Structure Of Our Oppression

4. Targeted Individuals

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