

羊脂玉淨瓶 Storm -- after brief ending of novel \'If this is Love\'

(2014-12-03 14:06:19) 下一個
musicOfLife2014-12-06 00:14:31回複 '羊脂玉淨瓶' 的評論 : 半夜醒來,習慣性地刷刷瓶,刷出新的一篇,對自己的刷屏激情挺滿意。不多說了,怕影響你思路。多抖些料啊,可不能再急著結局了,要看他們糾纏個沒完沒了才過癮呢。哈哈。

--- After she posted "Sorry" --

Dear little sister, please allow me using this. I can not input Chinese here. But I really feel like you are a little sister somehow, and we are all so proud of you.
Most of us still refresh our screens to see your update. We all want to see the old you (the one who is hard-working, and have a unbelievable target of finshing N number of words by the end of anniversary) and the new you (the one who realize your strengh and weakness in the new level) come out this incident.

Can you treat the "ending" as your own comment? Please finish your dream novel with the great ending, no matter how others define the greatness.
You can do it, and there is no need to post it before you finish it as you desired. We want to see the growing process, the dynamics of the three people, by your own pen, using your own language. THe "begining" of the story is so enchanting with Xiao's words, and we haven't seen how those words are related to the story so far.

You said initially, you want to give a surprise ending, not the ones suggested by the warm-hearted and cold-hearted readers. I am fully supportive of this idea. Lots of your followers, fans, just like me, are hoping that now. Since the readers are judging peng/xiao/tan's behaviors and decisions by their experience, or their friends' experience, and they are trying to stop the Peng girl from suffering more, just like some Mothers try to made marriage decisions for their kids, and most of those decisions will make the kids suffer more.

This "If this is love" story is your favarite baby among others, and you wanted to finish it with flying colors. This incident should not be the killer, and please try to forget about it, and move on. We know you wanted peng to become a persistent girl. To be persistent in love relationship is harder than persistent in pursuing one's dreams, since love involves two people, and the later is in our own hands.

--- The night after she briefly finished her novel out of surprise:




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