
電影 “My Left Foot' 觀後感

(2012-03-17 15:45:00) 下一個
Last week I watched the movie “My left foot”, which tells the true story of Christy Brown, an Irishman born with cerebral palsy. He was so crippled that he could control only his left foot, and yet became a successful writer and painter despite his physical disability.

I always have a soft spot for “freaks”. Watching them often makes my eyes hurt and my heart ache. I remember when I was a child, the kids in my neighborhood made fun of a mentally retarded girl and a boy crippled by polio. At young age, I sometimes thought to myself, if I were them, I would rather not live.

As I have gotten older, I have realized that every life is precious and worth living. Now I know a little bit about biology and genetics, and understand that there is always a chance that a baby is born with a birth defect, which may be caused by an unpredicted or random event but with significant consequences. I often wonder how a cruel twist of fate can change the lives of a person and the family forever.

When a child is born with a terrible disease, he or she, fortunately, is also likely to be granted with some kind of gift or talent. However, most of these children are either institutionalized or ignored at an early age, and rarely have chance to cultivate and develop these talents. Christy Brown was one of the fortunate few. His parents refused to put him in an institution; he was surrounded and nurtured by his loving parents and siblings; he met a few professionals who recognized and cultivated his talents; most importantly, he had the mental power and inner drive that helped him succeed against all odds.

This movie makes me think that every person is born with a vast genetic potential, but it is rarely explored and tapped. For example, because we don’t need to use our left feet for purposes other than walking, our left feet never reach their full potential as that of Christy Brown did. We never unleash the full potential of our brain power, because we are often mentally lazy and idle. Christy Brown’s story reminds me of those of Helen Keller, Stephen Hawking, and many others, whose physical handicap had prompted them to utilize their mental resources and willpower and succeed in writing, arts, and sciences.


I would like to thank 非文學青年 for recommending this wonderful movie to me! Please see her review of this movie

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
NewVoice 回複 悄悄話 回複非文學青年的評論:

"come to realize" is much better. Thanks! Sis. Good night!
非文學青年 回複 悄悄話 剛又想到見過come to realize, 可能姐姐想說得是這個。
NewVoice 回複 悄悄話 回複非文學青年的評論:

謝謝妹妹的好磚!讀的真仔細, 真是個火金眼。犯的兩個語法錯誤簡直不可饒恕。除了段落方麵的建議,其它都根據你的意思改了。段落方麵我明天想想怎麽組織好。再謝妹妹的推薦! 妹妹晚安!
非文學青年 回複 悄悄話 姐姐寫得真好!很高興姐姐喜歡這個電影。
As I have gotten older, I have become to realize that every life is precious and worth living. -> As I got older, I have realized that... realize 本身就有這個從不知到知的過程,所以不要become我覺得更好點兒。
I often wonder how a cruel twist of fate can change the lives of a person and the family forever, and how unfortunate are these people who are the victims of such cruel fate. 後麵這個賓語從句應該是how unfortunate these people() are. 做I often wonder的賓語意思上也有點不通,建議把第二部分弄成單獨一個句子。
he had the mental power and inner drive that help him succeed against all odds. --> that helped
our left feet never reach their full potential as those of Christy Brown did.-->that of CB did.
And yet when a child is born with a terrible disease, he or she is also likely to be granted with some kind of gift or talent. However, most of these children are either institutionalized or ignored at an early age, -->yet,however,兩個句子兩個轉折有點兒多,第一個句子可以改成:When a child is born with a terrible disease, he/she, fortunately, is also likely to be granted with...
Paragraph 2 裏用了三個always,有點多。
差不多就這麽多磚頭了,第一句,個人習慣的話,我會把last week放最前麵,讓my left foot和從句在一起。
整個文章的結構上,我覺得可以把Paragraph4放到第一段後麵,感覺P3和P5關係更緊密一些。個人習慣,姐姐take it with a grain of salt, 晚安!