


(2012-09-11 16:23:47) 下一個

我今天早上7點半開始跑步。今天天晴,有風。我跑的路線基本和昨天的一樣,基本是兜一大圈回家。從小區出發,我沿著附近樹林裏那條大約半公裏長的power line(不知道中文如何說),朝山坳那邊跑去。路旁草叢小蟲呢喃,仍沒見秋入橫林。 聽說秋天要在9月中才開始呢。不過很多詩人應該開始吟詩了吧,反正我不是詩人,不明白這個。原以為會很涼,所以出門前我把那件花裏呼俏的薄外套披上,結果沒跑幾步就熱起了來,我就把它係在腰間,就這樣一路輕舞飛揚氣定神閑地跑,像是跑出了一點氣球的感覺了,可是當我看到地上我短小的影子時我又感覺自己像隻木桶在挪動。 過了大約5分鍾我突然想轉個方向 --往山頂跑。 到了山頂,讓我眼前一亮的是在陽光照射下那泛著粼粼波光的一泓海水。更遠處,山外有山,島外有島,那就是大西洋的邊角了。平林漠漠煙如織,寒山一帶傷心碧,江山如此多嬌,就是沒有一寸土地是屬於我的。不過沒關係,我學著Tom Buchanann 那樣大手一揮,大半個地球就被我劃了下來了。指點江山的感覺也不過如此。繼續跑。。。

I started running at 7:30AM. Today’s weather is Sunny but windy. I ran the same route as yesterday - starting from my subdivision, passing through a half kilometer power line towards the valley. Along the way there are patches of green grass with birds chirping. Autumn has yet to come. It is believed starting in September. Nevertheless, it will not prevent poets composing. I wouldn’t know as I’m no poe

Thought it might be cold so I donned on a colorful jacket. Few steps into the running, I started sweating, I tied the jacket on my waist and keeping running freely, feeling like a balloon in the sky. Suddenly I saw my own shadow on the ground, looking like a moving cask. Five minutes later, I made a turn and ran towards the hill. On the top of the hill, my eyes were brightened by glowing reflection from the sea water under the sunlight. Far, far away, mountain after mountain, island beyond island, it is the edge of Atlantic Ocean. Forests, mountains and beautiful lands, none of these are mine. That’s not a problem. Like Tom Buchanann moving his broad flat hand, I will move my tiny fine hand, just like that; half of the earth is under my feet. Ha, that’s how it feels. Keep running…

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