
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~

For you, I will---(4)

(2012-09-18 15:36:39) 下一個

回到家,坐在沙發看電視,我就裝著很無意的問KIM晚餐前和男生們聊什麽? KIM就笑著說"nothing else but u""what?" "just kiddin'…" 我接著感覺很無意的問他對Shawn印像? KIM就很漫不經心的說"I guess he's a decent guy who respects the code""what code?""guy code, don't tell me u dunno that?"他邊捏我的臉邊取笑, 我就抱住他深情的說"honey,I love u!""I love u 2, but can I have some privacy in the bathroom? I really have to pee…" KIM又開始搞笑了,我就笑著放開他…

睡覺前,KIM坐在旁邊看Road & Track默默的不講話,我不放心的問"r u ok?""yup…"他頭也不抬"r u mad?""why would I?"還是那種漫不經心的語氣"I smell a rat…"我有點鬱悶不安.過1會,他卻像轉移話題的遞給我那個magazine 讓我看2014 Ferrari Enzo的介紹,突然我就有點莫名的生氣了"u don't care about me anymore!"說完就跑到樓下冷靜.

過了1會,KIM跟下來,坐在我對麵的tea table 很輕柔的問"what made u think of that?""u didn't jealous..."我悶悶的說,他想了想就笑著問"guess u dunno why r guys so crazy about Ferrari?"又想轉移話題? 看我不理,他笑笑繼續說"cuz she just satisfies guys' fantasies,the color, the shape, the horsepower, the engine…""the vanity!"我實在忍不住臭他,真是太無聊,我又不是男的,講這些做什麽啦?

他很拽的笑"its true, guy loves attention just like woman in some way, but u gotta take care of some challenges as Ferrari owner,such as huge money, sophisticated drivin' skills, high maintenance and deal with jealousy from others… not everyone can handle it……but why drive a Honda if u can afford a Ferrari?" 他鬼鬼的笑,我突然就明白他想要表達的意思…

I teased "so what kinda car do u have?""I don't care what people think,I’m definitely drivin' an Enzo and it's pretty normal attracts countless eyes, cuz it's Ferrari, babe! why would I jealous of someone who peek on my car but can't have it?!" "have u ever felt worried about having your car stolen or scratched?""game over sooner or later if we ain't meant for eachother, right? why waste the time to worry about all the things that I can't control? I don't even know what I'm gonna eat tmw morning?""I like this one, anything else u wanna share?" I couldn't help but laugh."nope,that's it!""r u sure?" "yup!""I'm not gonna ask u again, but I think this is the best time to let her know since we're here…""who? about what?" KIM acted like a dumb "when lightning struck the Enzo in the rain? may I know your thoughts? "I reminded him softly……

It felt like a century had passed, KIM started murmuring and his eyes showed very little sorrow "it was like diving into a pool w/o water…I didn't know what to do and how much longer I could take…I wanted to set her free but held her tighter… I gave my word to make her happy but I screwed up…""no,u didn't, it's just a test from God, faith in her and trust yourself! she'll never fail u no matter what, cuz u're her heart and always!" I couldn't help but stood up and tenderly held his head into my chest,rubbed his back and stroked his hair in comfort "…so I just keep my faith and let her decide…" his voice was thick with a bit emotion and his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, bathed me in his magic smile and cast me adrift in his clear and strong black eyes……

Who is the person who captured that moment in time?! Just so glad to know that he just....is my man and always. He makes me warm fuzzies every time he watches me… 9 years later and I'm still smitten just like the first time we met.

I closed my eyes and then I saw God smiling down upon us, and I suddenly realized that true love doesn't need proof, the eyes told what heart felt, nothing can bring us down, we just might be in the best position to watch the sunrise…

"Honey,I think she just told me that she'll do anything to make u happy ……"I tried to jazz the conversation up "anything?" KIM stared at me with wide eyes "anything~!" I nodded and smiled "well,it would be a great honor if my name can be tattooed on this scar....." KIM輕輕的摸著我左腳的scar (那是我在Ghana被蛇咬後,抽毒手術留下的很小的scar,我曾經跟KIM說要去紋小蛇來記念,沒想到他竟然記住了)

聽到完我差點就快笑出來,男人真的好假! 10分鍾前,還很漫不經心的說1點都不jealous, 10分鍾後馬上就說出超jealous的要求."I'm sure she'd be happy to do that!"我微笑的答應了,KIM抱著我,開心的從tea table站起來,臉上帶著勝利的笑容. 望著他,我默默的在心裏說"I'm happy to see u happy,so I'll do anything to make u happy"

幾天後, 我收到Shawn的email,他寫的有點長但很真實. 最後他寫"Thank u so much for helping me escape from my evil,I love u but I gotta admit he's the luckiest guy in the world, I'm happy for u……"


版權所有, 請勿轉載, 非常感謝!

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大姐 回複 悄悄話 寫的真好,那份真情實意,感動了像俺這把年紀的人。

but, "don't even jealous"? a typo?
陽光下的貓 回複 悄悄話 偶也快要哭了。祝福你們3個人自由快樂!
5043 回複 悄悄話 I continue to have strong faith in you, too. Can't wait for the rest of the story.