
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~

What turns you off on a first date?

(2011-07-26 11:06:09) 下一個

Kim和我的weekly singles nite out. 下班各自找朋友玩, 事後也不需要跟對方報告. 好處是保持personal space和神秘感, 不好的是有次竟然在相同的Bar碰到, Kim和他狐朋狗友們還搞笑的裝不認識過來搭訕. 每次gals nite都是美酒美食美景美女美麗心情美妙話題美好記憶, just love it! 上周談到一個很有趣的話題, 寫下來跟大家分享, 也許你也曾經遇到過以下幾條呢? 

人物介紹: 8 close girlfriends
年齡範圍: 25—29
種族: Asian, Caucasian & Mixed race
職業: Music editor,Film PR,Food channel buyer, Pharmacist,CPA, Lawyer, Ibanker, Hotel Mkting
Status: All singles except me
Topic: What turns gals off on a first date?

以下就是我們過去無數dating中親身經曆的first date turns off list:

1. Late !!!

2. Shows up with wing man

3. He wasn’t a chivalrous, didn’t offer pick up, open car door, pull a chair for his date. etc.

4. No table manners, makes noises and like he’s in a hurry when he eats, burps at the table

5. Doesn’t look like the picture he sent, at least 10 years older or 30 lbs bigger, 4’’ shorter

6. Criticize her makeup and pointing out the "ugly outfits" around

7. Dress inappropriately , bad shoes and socks with sandals

8. Bad manicure or lack thereof, long nose hair

9. Bad teeth, bad breath, body odor or mainly smoking smell and didn't wear deodorant

10. Calls his date by the wrong name

11. Went to a cheap little place, stuffed his face and barely talked

12. Forgot his wallet after dinner

13. A loud club trying to get to talk to the date over the music

14. Drunk or trying to get the date drunk.

15. He doesn't know where he is going and takes the date to.

16. Boasts and brags on what a good catch he is, or over exaggerating, how much money he makes and what toys he has

17. Narcissism, constantly talks about how good looking he is, and his friends are the mouth pieces but he is the eye candy that pulls the gals in

18. Constantly complaining, like food too cold, too spicy too blan, waiting too long in line

19. His actions don't match his words

20. Too sexually aggressive, hands on, touchy feely & sex talk. Try to approve he is a good kisser

21. Racist / ignorant comments

22. Being rude to waitstaffs, name calling, making fun of others and being judgmental

23. Constantly texting or using the cell phone

24. He is married or has a girlfriend

25. Self-centered behavior but finding out he's a mama's boy and lives with his mother

26. Checking out other women, flirt w/ waitress and can’t keep eyes off the waitress' chest/ass,

27. Constantly watching the TV If at a sports place

28. Talking about his ex and only himself or badmouths his ex

29. Decide on behalf of his date. Order or open straw for her and treats her like a glass doll

30. Too needy and clingy

31. Whole time he was trying to find out what his date’s salary was

32. A push over, doing anything he's told to do, apologizing all the time (like 7 times for stepping on her foot is ridiculous) and behaves in a way that seems desperate and pathetic.

33. Keeps asking when he gonna be official boyfriend

34. Silent, unresponsive, boredom and submissive (except only to those who has deepness, guys who seldom talks but his words would definitely hits gal at the moment he talks)

35. Dominates the conversation or talks about controversial topics

36. Try too hard to impress his date

37. Talks how poor or rich he is, and lays all his problems on her

38. Dishonesty or entitlement issues.

39. Tells embarrassing stories from high school

40. No eye contact or too much inattention

41. Ask if his date had implants

42. Nosey, ask too many personal questions before he even gets to know the outer shell of his date

43. A bad tipper, especially if the server was awesome

44. Over compliments.Makes she doesn’t believe what he's saying

45. Uses fowl language in front of ladies,"drama," "psycho" or C, F & S word too.It’s plain trashy

46. Too shallow with lack of substance

47. Frequent farting 

48. Loves his dog more than anything and the world

49. Fell asleep at the theatre

50. Yawn and check his watch during the conversation.

為了感謝大家沒有嫌棄已婚女士還繼續陪我玩single ladies nite, 我可以享受每周一次的假單身快樂, 就主動答應回家問Kim 關於此話題男士版下周再跟她們update.  Sun Tzu says know yourself and enemy, then you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.

2, 我問Kim “What turns guys off on a first date?” 他說不漂亮不性感不會打扮的女生”.

沒有其它原因?” 我好奇的問
女生都可以很輕鬆的列出50條原因, 你們竟然隻有一條?” 我很失望
男生都是很簡單vision animal, 加上我們都很忙不會浪費時間
忙事業, 忙賺錢, impress 那些我們想impressdream gals”
“Dream gals? such as?”
“Megan Fox, She’s the dream of a billion men”
“Includes you?”
“Honey, I just curious why didn’t u marry a gal like Megan Fox?”
“Babe, there’s always a difference between dreams and reality, whether we deny it or not”
“Oops! Am I in the doghouse now?”
“ What do you think?”
“I'm afraid so. Would u pls tell me how can I make it up to u, Babe?”
“Honey, I’d love 2 make ur dreams come true” I threw a Maxim which has Megan Fox on the
cover at Kim “why don’t you stay in the REAL doghouse w/ your dreamgal for a week?”
“C’mon, it’s just a joke. Megan Fox won’t set me on fire anyway”, Kim snapped his fingers with an evil smile “it’s so obvious that my gal drives me crazier, mentally and physically, cos my switch stuck in the on position since I met her, head to toe, it kills me….”
“Get out of here,
 bastard!” I slapped his back, giggled from the side and smirked at Kim, he sniffles. Suddenly, Kim tackled me down to the ground and started tickling me, I tried to escape, swirled around…. Till the moment I stopped resisting, he batted his eyes and took the side of my hip with one of his hands, I hugged him close, inhaling his cologne, my lips was inches away from his lips. The sparklers inside of me started to roll and I closed my eyes for the kiss that made me fall in love with him all over again.


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煎餅加油條 回複 悄悄話 寫得很好,很有營養。

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百惠千我 回複 悄悄話 Ha ha! Very funny and very sexy! You two little happy gophers!