

(2011-06-05 18:12:18) 下一個
和bf同居後,我那段時間晚上去college拿課學習programming, 是為了和engineers工作得更默契協調。因為我的專業是界麵設計不編程的。當時那個star tup使用.net這個語言的。我就讓bf教教我。他搗鼓一下.net後說這是什麽垃圾語言啊。然後開玩笑說我和他在一起是為了學編程。我一聽就火大了,威脅要把他掃地出門。他認識到玩笑開大了,於是就有了那封唯一的道歉情書。

Cara mia,

On the way back on the Bay Bridge I was thinking it is a perfect time to express what you mean to me and write you a love letter. I know I cannot take back that careless stupid joke I made as much as I wish that I could take it back. I feel I failed and hurt you.

I will tell you how precious you are to me and how important our relationship is to me. You gave my life a new dimension. You opened up a new world to me. you made a blind man see. My surroundings are sharper with you,my experiences more intense. But the most important gift you had for me was the opportunity you gave me to share, to share my knowledge, to share my time. I started to realize with you that I can make somebody else smile, laugh, that I can make somebody else happy.It is said that teaching is the noblest profession and you are the noblest teacher I had. You taught me all your experience and you have done it with kindness, gentleness and patience. I don't have words to express the many ways you have changed me. I was a very selfish, self-absorved man and you made me be understanding and caring, you helped me gain another perspective and you showed me the important things in life.

Baby, I love you. I love your smart, knowing and kind eyes. I love your wonderful hair, I love every inch of you. I love you. So don't push me away. I know it's easier to let go than to hold on but you and I we have a wonderful magic going between us that is worth keeping and holding on to.


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