
蒲匯塘漁夫 (熱門博主)
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在中國大陸Gmail 也被封了

(2011-10-17 21:44:19) 下一個
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iflyswa 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,我知道了為什麽bidu的股票會漲了。
都市紅塵 回複 悄悄話 樓主應該搞清楚,先折騰的是google自己。對這種公司早就應該封
Lammermoor 回複 悄悄話 不會貼圖。這兒是步驟說明。

Collecting Gmail-based email from Hotmail
In this scenario, Hotmail will be the main email account and Gmail is the secondary account. You will use Hotmail to collect email that was originally delivered to Gmail.

1) To collect your Gmail from Hotmail, you'll need to first ensure that POP3 access is enabled in Gmail. At the time of this writing, you configure this setting from Options | Mail Settings | Forwarding and POP/IMAP | POP Download from within the Gmail web interface.

You have two settings to configure here. First, you'll need to enable the POP protocol, and you have two choices, which amount to "for all mail" (i.e. include all of the email that was previously delivered to Gmail) or "for mail that arrives from now on" (i.e. excluding all of the previously delivered email). After choosing one of those methods, you'll need to determine what Gmail does with email that is collected from the primary (Hotmail) account. There are four choices: Keep Gmail's copy in the inbox, mark Gmail's copy as read, archive Gmail's copy, or delete Gmail's copy.

Looking at my own needs, I would elect to only deliver new messages from Gmail to Hotmail because of the absurd amount of email I've received over the years. (Though I will be looking separately at backing up my Gmail-based email archives later.) And I would choose to archive Gmail's copy, since that will ensure I have a second copy of any Gmail-based mail, and it won't clog up the Gmail inbox. Your needs may vary.

Whatever you choose, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page when you're done.

2)In a separate browser window or tab, logon to your Hotmail account. Select Options | More Options | and then Sending/receiving email from other accounts (under the section Managing your account). Click the link titled Add an email account.

In the provided form, enter your Gmail address and password and click Next. (There is an Advanced options link that will let you configure server settings manually, but this isn't necessary for Gmail.)

Hotmail will attempt to configure the account. When it's done, you'll be presented with a second page in which you can configure where Gmail-based email will be delivered. You choose from existing folders (like the Inbox, which I personally prefer) or create your own folder. You can also colorize these Gmail-based emails so that they are visually distinct from Hotmail-based email.

When you're done configuring these options, click Save. Hotmail will configure the email collection and then return you to the Hotmail inbox.

3) There's one more step to endure before this email management solution is complete: You need to reply to a verification email that Hotmail sent to your Gmail account. This ensures that you're actually who you say you are, of course. If you return to Gmail, you will see (or will soon see) an email titled Windows Live Hotmail: Verify your email address. Open this and click the provided link. Once you do so, Gmail will allow Hotmail to collect your email.

You may also want to revisit the Sending/receiving email from other accounts area in Hotmail Options. (Remember, it's in Options | More Options | and then Sending/receiving email from other accounts). Now, you'll see that Hotmail is configured to collect email from Gmail. You could also choose to collect email from more accounts or, if you wish, to remove the Gmail account you just attached.

Also, when you send email from the Hotmail web interface, the From address has a drop-down symbol next to it, indicating that you can change from "From" address, on the fly, to any configured account. In this case, that will include your main Hotmail account as well as your secondary Gmail account.

Note: There is one limitation to this approach. When you send email from Hotmail as if it were from Gmail, Hotmail will note in the From information that it was sent from your Hotmail account on the behalf of your Gmail account. This may not be how you want that to read, but to my knowledge there is no way to suppress that note.
Lammermoor 回複 悄悄話 我用hotmail,沒問題。如果有擔心,可以事先在設定好,把gmail的郵件集中到hotmail來收閱。可以選擇gmail裏留備份,這樣兩邊都可以看。

我是一元黨 回複 悄悄話 回複蒲匯塘漁夫的評論:
snstalk 回複 悄悄話 use email at:
我是一元黨 回複 悄悄話 回複世界旅行者的評論:
我是一元黨 回複 悄悄話 封網的確很惡心。不過對於我們不怕黨國監控的人來說,QQ郵箱就足夠了。
福娃2009 回複 悄悄話 可能是針對性的吧。我侄女的一直好好的在用呢。可能是針對他們認為比較敏感的人群才封的吧。這也沒法子,誰讓人家那麽小肚量呢。
世界旅行者 回複 悄悄話 回複風行水上的評論:
風行水上 回複 悄悄話 不存在,有時不好上而已,在美國上中國的126也是十次有八次上不了,難不成美國趕也封了中國的郵箱?太敏感了吧。
蒲匯塘漁夫 回複 悄悄話 你上動態網去,下載整套的,都要帶上,因為不知道那個到時候好使。現在比較好用的是逍遙遊,自由門,無界。其他兩個我自己也沒試成功。
無核蜜桔 回複 悄悄話