The Yale Commencement

Yale University Three Hundred Ninth Commencement
May 24, 2010, New Haven, Connecticut
Yale Commencement 1702-2010
The first Commencement of the Collegiate School was held on September 16, 1702, in Saybrook, Connecticut, in the house of the Reverend Thomas Buckingham, one of the founders of the institution.
The Reverend James Pierpont, minister of the First Church of Christ in New Haven (Center Church), was one of the leaders in founding the school and served as a fellow from 1701 to 1714. The first Commencement in New Haven, with a graduating class of five, was held at Center Church in 1717. Except for private ceremonies during the War of the Revolution, the exercises were conducted in the church until 1895, when they were transferred to Battell Chapel. In 1903, Commencement was held for the first time in Woolsey Hall and continued there until 1950, when the postwar increase in the size of graduating classes necessitated a move to the present location on Old Campus.
On September 10, 1718,at the first public ceremony of Commencement, the institution was named YALE COLLGE in honor of its first benefactor, the Honorable Elihu Yale of Wrexham, Wales. The name YALE UNIVERSITY was authorized in 1887.
Academic Procession
The procession is under the direction of members of the faculty and administration appointed annually to serve as marshals. Candidates in Yale College assemble in the courtyards of their residential colleges and march,behind their individual college banners, to Cross Campus, where they join the candidates for graduate and professional degrees to await the formation of the procession. The senior marshal and procession marshal,the colors, the President’s banner, and the band leave from the Noah Porter Gateway and proceed down Elm Street to the New Haven Green, followed by the Yale College candidates. Upon entering the Green, the files of candidates separate, move to the edges of the walk leading around Center Church, and continue until they reach College Street opposite Phelps Archway. They then stand facing the walk to await the Corporation party (University banner, Corporation marshal, chief marshal, University officers, Corporation members, and honorary degree recipients), which leaves from Woodbridge Hall, passes through the groups of candidates for graduated and professional degrees who are assembled on Cross Campus, and proceeds down Elm Street followed by the Yale College banner and Dean. When the Corporation and Yale College parties reach the Green, they pass between the files of seniors, who thereafter follow in procession through Phelps Archway and down the center aisle of Old Campus.
In the meantime, after the Corporation party has passed through Cross Campus, the candidates for graduate and professional degrees proceed via Blount Avenue and the Noah Porter Gateway to Elm Street and enter Old Campus through Miller Gateway and the High Street Gate under the direction of their faculty marshals.
The national, state, and city flags, the University, Yale College, and President’s banners, and the banners of the residential colleges, the Graduate School, and the professional schools are led by the senior marshal in procession to the platform.
Academic Costume
Academic gowns represent a tradition handed down from the universities of the Middle Ages. These institutions were founded by the church, and the students, being clerics, were obliged to wear the prescribed gowns at all times. Round caps later became square mortarboards; the hoods,originally cowls attached to the gowns, could be slipped over the head for warmth.
Many European universities have distinctive caps and gowns that differ from those commonly worn in this country. Some of the gowns are of bright colors,and some are embellished with fur. Members of the Yale Corporation wear blue velvet caps patterned after headgear of the University of Amsterdam.
The usual color for academic gowns in the United States is black. Yale masters and doctors, however, may wear Yale blue. The bachelor’s gown is worn closed; the master’s and doctor’s may be worn open or closed. The shape of the sleeve is the distinguishing mark of the gowns: bachelor’s, long pointed sleeves; master’s, oblong sleeves open at the wrist; doctor’s, bell-shaped with three velvet bars on each sleeve. Yale candidates for professional degrees requiring at three years of graduate study, such as the J.D. or M. DIV., are permitted to wear the doctor’s gown.
Caps are black, as are the tassels for B.A. and B.S. degrees; tassels for the PH.D. degrees are gold, and those for other graduate and professional degrees may be the color corresponding to the border of the hoods.
The hoods are lined with the color of the institution which awarded the degree to the wearer. The color of the border or cellar of the hood designates the degree: Liberal Arts, white; Science, golden yellow; Philosophy, dark blue; Architecture, blue-violet; Art and Drama, brown;Divinity, scarlet; Engineering, orange; Forestry & Environmental Studies, russet; Law, purple; Management, sapphire blue; Medicine, green; Nursing, apricot; Public Health, salmon.
Honorary degree hoods are distinguished as follows: Doctor of Fine Arts(D.F.A.), brown; Doctor of Science (SC.D.), golden yellow; Doctor of Medical Sciences (MED.SC.D.), green; Doctor of Social Science(S.SC.D.), cream; Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), scarlet; Doctor of Music(MUS.D.), pink; Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) and Doctor of Letters (LITT.D.), white; Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), purple.
University Insignia
The University Mace, emblem of the authority of the President and fellows,is carried by the chief marshal. It was given to the University by Professor Samuel Simmons Sanford, M.A.H. 1894, and has been used in academic processions since 1904. The mace, made of silver gilt, weighs twenty-four pounds and is forty-seven inches long. At the foot of the shaft is an acorn, out which come oak leaves, the symbol of strength.These leaves surround a sphere on which appear the seal and name of the donor. On the shaft are engraved the names of all the Presidents of the University. Above the main shaft is a spherical section with a design of raised elm leaves surmounted by a cup that bears the arms of the University, of New Haven, of Connecticut, and of the United States.On the rim of the cup are four winged figures which represent art,science, law and theology. Rising above these figures is a deep blue sphere of lapis lazuli topped by a small pinecone, ancient symbol of immortality.
The President’s Collar is of gold, silver, and enamel. There are eleven cloisonné and champleve roundels which bear the arms of the Graduate School and the professional schools and three shields which bear the arms of the University and Yale College and the Great Seal of the United States.From the collar is suspended a jewel composed of a pair of carved and polished glass medallions, back to back, between which floats a gold fragment embossed with the arms of the University. The gold mountings for the jewel are set with cloisonné enamel plaques, which bear the Hebrew charaters אורים ותמים, referring to the sacred lots of the Bible, and the University’s motto, LUX ET VERITAS, based upon an ancient Latin rendering of the Hebrew.
The senior marshal of the faculty carries a mace presented to the University in 1948 by Loom is Havemeyer, PH.B.1910, PH.D.1915. It is believed to be an eighteenth-century Dutch Bandmaster’s baton. The shaft is of wood with a richly decorated silver knob.
The corporation marshal’s mace is a heavy ivory knot with a brass shield inset, bearing the engraved inscription “Horace Andres from Class1841.” In that era, each class selected its “Bully” or chief defender and supplied him with an appropriate weapon for use in riots, class rushes, and other social occasions. Andres served as the “Major Bully”of his class until the end of the second term of junior year.
The procession marshal’s mace consists of a wooden shaft surmounted by the head of a “yale”-a fabulous and mythical beast of ancient lineage-made and formerly carried in processions by the late Theodore Sizer, M.A.H.1931, professor of the history of art and pursuivant of arms to the University.
The Old Campus marshal carries a mace fashioned from a slender staff surmounted by a section of the old Yale Fence in miniature.
The faculty marshal of each residential college carries a distinctive macee specially designated for that college, while the student marshals carry wooden batons. Distinctive maces are also carried by faculty marshals of the Graduate School and the professional schools.
Each college and each school of the University has its own heraldic banner.Derived from the arms (illustrated on these pages) and carried by students, many of these banners were designed by Professor Sizer.
The order of the presentation for the conferring of degrees in course and that for the presentation of candidates for honorary degrees appears on the following pages. Student marshals go to the platform to receive symbolic diplomas for the degrees in course as they are announced.
When the benediction has been pronounced, the band begins the recessional.Following the banners, the President and chief marshal lead the corporation party off the platform. The new graduates are then led from the campus. They return to their respective colleges and schools, where they receive their diplomas individually.
The first bachelor of arts degree was awarded solely on examination to Nathaniel Chauncey (Fellow 1746-52) in 1702. John Hart, B.A. 1703(Tutor 1703-5), received the first degree in course. The first doctor of philosophy degree awarded in the United States was conferred at Yale in 1861. Other degrees was first conferred as follows: Medicine 1814, Law 1843, Engineering 1860, Divinity 1867,Master of Arts in course 1876, Fine Arts 1891, Music 1894, Master of Science 1899, Forestry 1902, Public Health 1920, Nursing 1926, Drama1931, Architecture 1942, Management 1978, Bachelor of Liberal Studies1984. The bachelor of philosophy degree was conferred from 1852 to 1931.
The tradition of awarding honorary degrees at Yale was begun in 1702 with the award of four master’s degrees. Since then Yale has conferred the following honorary degrees: 95 Bachelor of Arts; 6 Bachelor of Philosophy; 1 Bachelor of Law; 599 Master of Arts; 20 Master of Science; 187 Doctor of Medicine; 2 Doctor of Philosophy; 48 Doctor of Fine Arts; 116 Doctor of Letters; 46 Doctor of Music; 138 Doctor of Humane Letters; 203 Doctor of Science; 16 Doctor of Medical Sciences;266 Doctor of Divinity; 642 Doctor of Laws; 30 Doctor of Social Science; 3 Doctor of Humanities. In addition, the master of arts degree has been awarded privately to 2,004 senior members of the faculty and to fellows of the Corporation who had not received Yale master’s or doctor’s degrees.
Order of Exercises
Yale Memorial Carillon: Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs
Processional: Yale University Concert Band
Thomas Christopher Duffy, D.M.A. Conductor
March Processional Nino Marcelli, 1890-1967
Crown Imperial (Coronation March) Sir William Turner Walton, 1902-1983
Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral Richard Wagner, 1813-1883
Tocatta Marziale Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958
Sicut Incipiat Robert W. Parker’82, 1960-
Apotheosis, Opus 15 Hector Berlioz, 1803-1869
Richard Charles Levin, PH.D. President of the University
Sharon M.K. Kugler, M.A.University Chaplain
Presentation of candidates for degree from Yale College
Mary Ellen Miller, PH.D. Dean of Yale College
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Announcement of undergraduate prizes
Presentation of candidates for degrees from the Graduate School and the professional schools
Robert A, M. Stern, M.ARCH. Dean of the School of Architecture
Master of Architecture
Master of Environmental Design
Robert Storr, M.F.A. Dean of the School of Art
Master of Fine Arts
James Bundy, M.F.A. Dean of the School of Drama
Master of Fine Arts
Doctor of Fine Arts
Robert Lewis Blocker, D.M.A. Dean of the School of Music
Certificate in Performance
Artist Diploma
Master of Music
Master of Music Arts
Doctor of Music Arts
Margaret Grey, D.P.H. Dean of the School of Nursing
Certificate in Nursing
Post Master’s certificate in Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Science
Peter Robert Crane, PH.D. Dean of the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Master of Forestry
Master of Forest Science
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Environmental Science
Sharon Oster, PH.D. Dean of the School of Management
Master of Business Administration
Harold W. Attridge, PH.D. Dean of the Divinity School
Master of Arts in Religion
Master of Divinity
Master of Sacred Theology
Robert Charles Post, PH.D. Dean of the Law School
Master of Studies in Law
Juris Doctor
Master of Laws
Doctor of the Science of Law
Jon Butler, PH.D. Dean of the Graduate School
Master of Science
Master of Arts
Master of Philosophy
Paul David Cleary, PH.D. Dean of the School of Public Health
Master of Public Health
Robert Alpern, M.D. Dean of the School of Medicine
Master of Medical Science
Master of Health Science
Doctor of Medicine
Jon Butler, PH.D. Dean of the Graduate School
Doctor of Philosophy
Psalm LXV: Thy praise alone Tune: York
This hymn was sung in 1718 at the first Commencement after the naming of Yale College and has been sung in every century since. The second verse was sung at Yale’s Bicentennial. The Fourth verse was composed by Robert Blocker,Dean of the School of Music, for the Tercentennial Convocation.
Thy praise alone, O Lord, doth reign
In Sion thine own hill:
Their vows to thee they do maintain,
And evermore fulfill.
For that thou dost their pray’rs still hear
And dost thereto agree:
Thy people all both far and near
With trust shall come to thee.
Of thy great justice hear, O God,
Our health of thee doth rise;
The hope of all the earth abroad,
And the sea-coasts likewise.
We dedicate our live anew that
Light and truth will shine
Throughout the world, O God, we pray,
To all of humankind.
Conferral of honorary degrees
Richard Charles Levin, PH.D. President of the University
Peter Salovey, PH.D. Provost of the University
Hymn: O God, beneath thy guiding hand Tune: Duke Street
These words were written by The Reverend Leonard Bacon, B. A. 1820, minister of the First Church of New Haven from 1825 to 1881 and member of the Yale faculty and of the corporation, to mark New Haven’s Bicentennial in 1838.
O God, beneath thy guiding hand,
Our exiled fathers crossed the sea;
And when they trod the wintry strand,
With prayer and psalm they worshipped thee.
Thou heard’st, well pleased, and song, the prayer:
Thy blessing came; and still its power
Shall onward, through all ages, bear
The mem’ry of that holy hour.
Laws, freedom, truth, and faith in God
Came with those exiles o’er the waves;
And where their pilgrim feet have trod,
The God they trusted guards their graves.
And here thy name, O God of love,
Their children’s children shall adore,
Till these eternal hills remove,
And spring adorns the earth no more.
Harold W. Attridge, PH.D. Dean of the Divinity School
Recessional: Yale University Concert Band
British Eighth Alonzo Elliott, 1891-1964
March from Second Suite in F Gustav Holst, 1874-1934
Posted 星期六, 06/26/2010 - 05:29 by Fishville at (