
  • 博客訪問:

We Can 一首好歌

(2006-08-29 06:22:23) 下一個

人們總是嘲笑夢想,總想阻止我們夢我們所想,但是他們卻無法將信念抹殺。他們用疑惑灌輸頭腦;他們說我們無法實現夢想、說我們太過奇怪,但是他們無法使我們退縮。讓他們說去吧,我們將無視一切障礙,向夢想進發。即使他們用一座高山擋路,我們也有移山之力。因為我們堅信可以將不可能變為可能。而那能力就在我們手中,我們已改變墨守成規的生活,用一顆心,一雙手,一種聲音。我們,不,我也可以。改變就從今天起,我相信我可以。We can, I can.


they'll try to stop the dream we're dreamin'
but they can't stop us from believing
they will fill your head with doubt
but that won't stop us now
so let them say we can't do it
put up a road block
we'll just run right through it.. cause...
we can, do the impossible
we have the power in our hands
and we won't stop 'cause we've got
to make a difference in this life
with one voice, one heart, two hands, we can

they say the odds are stacked against us
but that can't hold us back, we will be relentless
there's a voice they're gonna hear
a voice so loud and clear
so let them say we can't do it, give us a mountain,
and we're gonna move it.. cause..
we can, do the impossible
we have the power in our hands, and we won't stop
cause we've got to make a difference in this life
with one voice, one heart, two hands, we can
we're gonna make a change today (make a change today)
because we've got the faith it takes
to win this race, so let them say we can't do it
put up a road block
and we'll just run right through it cuz..
we can, do the impossible
we have the power in our hands and we won't stop
cos we've got to make a difference in this life
with one voice, one heart two hands, we can
i can (oh i can)
do the impossible (do the impossible)
i have the power in my hands, and i won't stop
cause i've got to make a difference in this life
with my one voice, one heart, two hands, we can


2006.08.29 23:10

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
天眉 回複 悄悄話 謝謝,工作要慢慢找,腳踏實地。我隻是把歌詞翻譯了一下。嘿嘿^^
001 回複 悄悄話 要做一番大事業了?祝你成功!
