Perfectionist No.1


Benny Goodman's Carnegie Concert and Legends in Concert

(2016-06-21 05:51:20) 下一個

    近年我越來越喜歡聽Jazz music,曾試著寫帖子,可終究還是感覺到自己的一知半解。於是,這兩天我正在讀《Jazz - an introduction to the histroy and legends behind America's music》。

    我們大都欣賞folk songs,民謠是植根於每個國度每種民族的悠遠古樸的音樂形式。美國相對算年輕的國家,美式民謠的曆史大概也就能追溯到一百年多一點的時間。country music是最早的白人民謠,黑人民謠則以南北戰爭之後南方黑奴在勞動時喜歡哼唱的African-American-style Blues (布魯斯或稱藍調音樂)作為起點。藍調衍生出兩大著名黑人音樂風格 ---Jazz and Gospel music(爵士音樂和教堂音樂)。

    要欣賞Jazz就需要先理解這種音樂的個性所在。跟據書中的描述,Jazz key elements 包括了rhythmic expression (節奏式表達), improvisation(即興), call-and-response(呼應式演唱) and narrative techniques(敘事技巧), and interactive spirituality(靈性互動)。

    為我們熟知的最早的Jazz legend無疑是黑人音樂家Louis Armstrong,但今天我要介紹的"King of Swing" - Benny Goodman是一位芝加哥白人音樂家,他是三十年代第一個把爵士音樂帶進白人世界、從此讓爵士成為美國的主流音樂形式之一、並讓爵士登上大雅之堂 ---Carnegie Hall的一位了不起的爵士界傳奇人物!


Benny Goodman Orchestra - "Sing, Sing, Sing"(1937 movie “Hollywood Hotel“)

Benny Goodman at Carnegie Hall (1938): The Performance of a Lifetime

Benny Goodman - Legends in Concert

The following footnotes are copied from the original poster of this video.

This entertaining programme shows performances from Benny Goodman and his band, with some of their all time favourites. The show Benny Goodman's final concert at the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark. Featuring well-known classics, including 'Lady Be Good,' 'If I had You' and 'The World is Waiting For The Sunrise.' There are also two guest appearances from Svend Asmussen and Jimmy Maxwell.

1. Lady Be Good
2. Poor Butterfly
3. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise
4. I'm Confessin' That I Love You
5. Medley: Don't Be That Way / Stompin' At The Savoy
6. I Should Care
7. If I Had You
8. Improvisation
9. Send In The Clowns
10. So Easy To Remember, So Hard To Forget
11. Airmail Special Delivery


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