
瑜伽筆記之四 -- 生命之路,放鬆與醒悟

(2011-10-17 12:04:58) 下一個
-- Richard Hittleman's "YOGA 28 day exercise plan" 之摘錄

Relaxation to yogi does not mean lethargy, collapse or escape. Itimplies becoming much more "alive"  and aware thanwe usually are.
At first, the delightful experience of letting go may beconfined solely your yoga exercises. But gradually this feelingbegins to carry over more and more into your ever dayactivities.

Tension is a tightness or a squeezing that occurs in the organismmentally, emotionally and physically. When we get "up tight"emotionally we feel uneasy; we can "contract" ourselves physicallyand the result is a multitude of aches and pains.

Ideally, one should be able to maintain the "letting go" feeling atall times since it is in this state that our best work is done.Tasks can be accomplished with ease.
Less anxiety that goes into a job, the more successfully that thejob is done.

A housewife usually works under a certain amount of continualpressure and she must be able to handle this pressure day afterday; she usually needs to function with more continuous, sustainedenergy than her husband at the office! To cope successfully withpressure, to find pleasure, meaning and some degree of fulfillmentin her work, her physical and psychological conditions must beparticularly healthy.
At any time in the day when her work is "getting her down" thehousewife can devote a few minutes to her Yoga routines and findherself refreshed and energized.

Work is not exercise. It is true to a certain extent but rest willnot work out those conditions of tension, sluggishness andstiffness in the back, shoulders and legs that have resulted fromthe day's activities. Suggest at the end of the workday spend fiveminutes to ten in performing the Chest Expansion, Back Stretch,Simple Twist and Complete Breath to relieving tension and releasingnegative energy.

The procedure for "letting go" is as follows: as you observe thetensed muscles it is necessary to issue a calm (not angry or stern)order to these muscles to "relax". You actually tell them to do so.By repeating this self-observation process frequently and issuingthe "relax" order you will be able to change the pattern and habitsof the tensed muscles so that they decontract when not being used.This physical decontraction, not only frees a great amount of tiedup energy but leads to emotional and mental relaxation.

One of objectives of Hatha: awaken a great power that lies dormantin the organism and utilize it for developing one's own unique,individual potential; that is, to achieve self-realization. Thispractice of awareness is an exercise in feeling, not thinking. Yousit quietly and focus your full attention on how you feel. Whateffect have these profound physical movements had upon yourorganism? What is your body saying to you. How revealing is thatmoment when you are able to transcend your ordinary mind and reachdeep into your center; when you begin to achieve"self-realization!"
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