

(2010-05-12 08:42:53) 下一個
Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent
Satoshi Kanazawa

London School of Economics and Political Science

Correspondence: Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom; S.Kanazawa@lse.ac.uk.

The origin of values and preferences is an unresolved theoretical question in behavioral and social sciences. The Savanna-IQ Interaction Hypothesis, derived from the Savanna Principle and a theory of the evolution of general intelligence, suggests that more intelligent individuals may be more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences (such as liberalism and atheism and, for men, sexual exclusivity) than less intelligent individuals, but that general intelligence may have no effect on the acquisition and espousal of evolutionarily familiar values (for children, marriage, family, and friends). The analyses of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Study 1) and the General Social Surveys (Study 2) show that adolescent and adult intelligence significantly increases adult liberalism, atheism, and men’s (but not women’s) value on sexual exclusivity.

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