2014 (50)
2015 (77)
2016 (96)
2017 (111)
2018 (132)
2020 (108)
2025 (1)
無論下單買HUD房,還是貸款,primary residence都有優惠。作為投資人,兵不厭詐,占點便宜行嗎?我建議您小心。
先講一下後果:Penalties can be up to a fine of $100,000 and/or 10 years in a federal prison.
罪名:"Bank fraud" and "Mortgagor Fraud"
證據:spend time in it, driver's license, car registration, cable providers, insurance company, utilities, credit reports, tax billings, other related public filings, name/address search 多單元住宅,可以出租主居以外單元,甚至可以出租主單元某房間,本人也不必每天住裏麵。但主居單元必須符合主居定義
監管部門: FDIC, Comptroller, CUNA, State Bank Examiners, all do audits. These government agencies have police powers at the state and federal level.
監管方式:政府監管銀行,銀行通過private compliance auditors監管貸款人 銀行不會預先通知貸款人要audition,等你知道結果audition已經結束,有違規定論才會通知你。
警報解除:Your occupancy requirement generally falls off after 12 months, it may also be waived if circumstances beyond your control should arise