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(2023-05-10 12:54:26) 下一個


可惜在加拿大,要幹到65 歲才到退休年齡。如果身體情況允許,也許工作著是一個更好的生活狀態。如今過了55歲,覺得自己的健康狀態每況愈下。特別是在多倫多生活了那麽多年,可以說是嚴重缺鈣。一年裏有半年是冬天不說,有陽光的日子是少之又少。偶爾遇到有陽光的日子,也不一定可以有機會出去曬曬太陽,而且冬天的陽光也是一點溫度都沒有的。夏天還好,晴天比較多,但通常是在辦公室裏一呆就是一整天。等到下了班,太陽也差不多落山了。


爭取再幹個5年吧,爭取60歲能夠退休。雖然退了休之後,經濟狀況一定不會有上班的時候寬裕了。不過到那個時候,吃也吃不了多少,穿也穿不了多少,一個60歲的小老太婆,就連化妝也會少很多了。這裏我要說,好多60 歲的女人,她們根本不能說成是小老太婆,因為她們看起來既年輕又漂亮。


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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
竹願 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Yu-Yuan17' 的評論 : 是的,說得精辟!一般情況65歲,如果自己原意多幹幾年也是可以的。也聽說有人幹到70多還在繼續工作。但我周圍的人好似大部分都想提前退休而不是推後。
Yu-Yuan17 回複 悄悄話 加拿大也是67歲退休吧。加拿大跟美國跟得可緊了。美國放個屁,加拿大也趕緊運氣。
竹願 回複 悄悄話 回複 '竹風_如火' 的評論 : 好建議,謝謝!
竹願 回複 悄悄話 回複 'CBA7' 的評論 : 謝謝你!
一個沒有驚豔的老樹 回複 悄悄話 無論什麽年齡退休,保重好自己的身體才是硬道理。
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 除了鈣片,你可能每天還需要補充大劑量的維生素D3。維生素D3和全脂牛奶同時服用,有利於吸收,因為維生素D3是脂溶性的。


elfie 回複 悄悄話 I don't want to retire until 70, to get the full benefits and pension.
lots of people are still working in their 70s. Some never want to retire until their death. I know a guy like that. He has worked for the military for decades, starting from 19 years old. He's 75 years old now, still working full time. You do the math. How many years has he worked for the U.S. government? He has done everything from a helicopter pilot, Army ranger to special forces to 'chair forces' now. Apparently he's not short of retirement money or pension funds. Why is that? For him, working is living, once it stops, it means lights out.
In this country people deteriorate quickly after retirement. It's like all of a sudden lost ground. To take away the major things that keep people going is equal to killing them spiritedly. I think I'd be among them. The fear of not working but idling all day is great. Old horses are scared when the yolks are gone. They fear the butchers and slaughterhouse. U.S is the most productive country in the world because people are being spurred to be the perpetual workforce. We dare not sit around. Even stay-at-home moms are being criticized or looked down on for not working and making money. It's considered a not healthy lifestyle. Well, what about a 60 year old able body decides not working anymore? You get punished for that too. You can't draw your pension without penalty.
helloworld1000 回複 悄悄話 無論什麽年齡退休,保重好自己的身體才是硬道理。
竹風_如火 回複 悄悄話 找一個parttime 做做,這樣曬曬太陽,種種花都可以實現,不要等。
人參花 回複 悄悄話 美國得67。你幸運呢。