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【專輯藝人】:Thomas Bergersen《托馬斯·伯格森》
【音樂標籤】:Thomas Bergersen
【專輯風格】:Trailer Music/Epic/New Age/Neo-orchestral

【專輯簡介】 · · · · · ·

作為Two Steps from Hell的創始人之一Thomas Bergersen,這是他用了3年時間完成的首張獨行發布的專輯,專輯裡麵的合唱以女聲為主!融合了來自世界各地的民族風味的傳統西方管弦樂團和合唱團。包括了愛爾蘭民間合唱團,Armenian Duduk,日本尺八,奈伊長笛和世界著名愛爾蘭愛爾蘭風笛演奏家Chris Bleth。最值得一提的是專輯大多數曲目收錄於大家期待已久的複仇女神2之中!整張預告片音樂的風格寄予了復仇女神當中悲壯的氣質!有一種彷彿目睹了古羅馬戰爭的尾聲!悠遠而雄壯!比較新意的是部分曲目融入了部落元素!

"Illusions" blends traditional western orchestra and choir with ethnic flavors from around the world, including Bulgarian folk choir, Armenian Duduk, Japanese Shakuhachi, Ney flutes, Irish whistles performed by world re-knowned wind player Chris Bleth, and world class vocal talent from all the corners of the world. Written, arranged and orchestrated by Thomas Bergersen, the man behind the incredibly successful motion picture advertisement music company "Two Steps From Hell" and best-selling classical album "Invincible" has spent the last 3 years writing 19 lyrical pieces for orchestra, vocals and choir. "Illusions" is the hallmark of Thomas Bergersen's musical output and his proudest productions to date.Vocal performances by Merethe Soltvedt, Elitsa Todorova, Kate St. Pierre, Jenifer Thigpen, Colin O'Malley, Vladislava Todorova and more."Illusions" also features the magnificient cello work of superstar cellist Tina Guo.

【曲目試聽】 · · · · · ·

《Thomas Bergersen - Illusions 幻影》

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