Up to now
It sounds to me that "P" paused not long enough.
來源: beautifulwind 於 2012-04-04 07:43:30
Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.
g 的·發音應該稍微卷舌。
three 發的不清楚。
n in own 似乎沒聽到。
來源: tingfeng 於 2012-04-04 10:09:15
Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.
only, o 發得再慢一點
pigeons, /i/ 應該是短音
three, th不到位
requests, prounanced like "requestis" it should be /riqests/
own, sounds like /old/
來源: bingli 於 2012-04-04 14:16:39
from是不是應該隻發成一個音節?還有最後一句“he has begun his own private telephone service”
private 後麵應是upside down e,聽起來象是ei,service也是同樣的問題。
來源: 非文學青年 於 2012-04-04 14:25:00
Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.
來源: 同學小薇 於 2012-04-04 19:18:22