
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句漢譯英》一周總匯 (15)

(2011-12-11 20:17:43) 下一個

來源: 同學小薇2011-12-11 15:50:06
URL: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/zhongyiingfanyi/128478.html

事態還會變得更糟糕嗎?我指的是特別糟糕的情況 —— 像大蕭條 或世界大戰那麽糟糕?按照我們這一代人所接受的教育,這種巨變隻會在曆史書上出現.


Could things go bad again? I mean really bad – Great Depression bad, world war bad? The kind of cataclysmic event my generation has learnt to think belongs only in the history books.

穀歌(Google Inc.)計劃加大進入迅速增長的互聯網零售業的力度,試圖藉此挑戰亞馬遜(Amazon.com Inc.)的霸主地位.

Google Inc. is aiming to challenge the supremacy of Amazon.com Inc. by diving deeper into the fast-growing world of Internet retailing.

上周五發布的一項蓋洛普民意調查顯示, 53% 的美國人支持同性婚姻合法化,而在一年之前,有同樣多的人對同性婚姻表示反對,形勢發生了明顯的逆轉。

Fifty-three percent of Americans support making gay marriage legal, a Gallup poll showed on Friday, a marked reversal from just a year ago when an equal majority opposed same-sex matrimony.

《臨床營養學》( Clinical Nutrition )雜誌二月期上的一篇研究報告稱,與專心吃東西的人相比,吃東西時分心的人會吃得更多,而且在午餐後的飽腹感較低。

A study in the February issue of the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found people who ate while distracted ate more, and felt less full after lunch, than those who focused on eating.


L ike Weather, one's fortune may change by the evening.


 Experts are worried that particulate matter in the air, which is in higher concentrations in North China because of the heavy fog since the weekend, may lead to various respiratory diseases including lung infections and cancer.


Despite the fact that nearly 40% of China's elderly suffer from depression, according to a recent report from state-run Xinhua News Agency, most Chinese have upbeat outlooks for their retirement.


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