
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

Lesson 22 Faith

(2011-10-09 21:51:54) 下一個

Lesson 22: Faith

My reading:

316. Most Americans are Christian.

317. I don’t like going to church.

318. There are different religions all over the world.

319. Religion is important to many people.

320. It’s hard to define what is a superstition.

321. Faith is often a cause for some people to fight.

322. Some people believe in miracles.

323. Fear often causes non-believers to pray.

324. It’s comforting to believe in a life after death.

325. Faith can keep people from doing bad things.

326. I was wondering if you would like to go to the church with me this coming Sunday.

327. It’s just that I’m not very religious.

328. The past few years I've really become an agnostic.

329. I just thought you might like my church’s Sunday service.

330. Even though you aren’t religious, are you any particular religion?

Model Reading:

來源: 小麥熊2011-10-08 19:29:12 


316. Most Americans are Christian. (ARE的卷舌音還是可以再清楚一點,似乎CHRISTIAN的S被吞掉了一點)

317. I don’t like going to church.(CH是卷舌音,感覺愚公有發成平舌音的傾向,CH打頭你好像沒問題,在詞尾的時候有些問題,可以重點加強練習)

318. There are different religions all over the world. (同前麵)

319. Religion is important to many people. (考慮連讀,可以加強N音)

320. It’s hard to define what is a superstition. (這裏的N不夠給力)

321. Faith is often a cause for some people to fight. (這裏有連讀,但是N還是不夠清晰)

322. Some people believe in miracles. (試著在這裏連讀)

323. Fear often causes non-believers to pray. (依舊是N的問題)

324. It’s comforting to believe in a life after death. (試著三詞連讀)

325. Faith can keep people from doing bad things. (R不清晰)

326. I was wondering if you would like to go to the church with me this coming Sunday.(WOULD有些OFF和吞掉了,CH同前麵)

327. It’s just that I’m not very religious. 

328. The past few years I've really become an agnostic. (EW有點吞掉了)

329. I just thought you might like my church’s Sunday service. (這裏有點慌張的感覺,哈哈)

330. Even though you aren’t religious, are you any particular religion? (AREN'T沒發完整;PARTICULAR第一個音節的AR一般來說都ER但是如果不讀這個可以讀成SCHWA,愚公讀得太偏AH音了)

來源: beautifulwind2011-10-08 19:31:35


316. Most Americans are Christian. 美音,應該卷舌。  s似乎沒聽到。

317. I don’t like going to church. 稍微卷一點點舌。

318. There are different religions all over the world. 可連讀。

319. Religion is important to many people.

320. It’s hard to define what is a superstition. r應該卷舌

321. Faith is often a cause for some people to fight. 可連讀。

322. Some people believe in miracles. r的發音建議聽聽我今天轉貼的小千廣播。

323. Fear often causes non-believers to pray.

324. It’s comforting to believe in a life after death.   in a 可連讀。 f似乎沒讀。

325. Faith can keep people from doing bad things.

326. I was wondering if you would like to go to the church with me this coming Sunday. ch的發音可稍稍卷點舌。

327. It’s just that I’m not very religious.

328. The past few years I've really become an agnostic.  ew發音不到位。

329. I just thought you might like my church’s Sunday service.

330. Even though you aren’t religious, are you any particular religion? 沒卷舌。

來源: 非文學青年2011-10-08 22:07:02




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