
漢代蜜瓜 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

Help: computer specialist needed!!

(2009-01-27 09:11:24) 下一個
GOD! I got a big surprise as my Chinese New Year gift!!!!

Last Saturday, I went to a friend's home for party and slept over with my daughter at another friend's home. Before I left, I shut down my laptop. Just after one night when we come back, I found I couldn't start my laptop!!! The power key does not work and the battery light still shows that it has power!!!

I tried again and again and failed. My daughter's computer even can't read Chinese.My friend told  me that I could download Nanjixing to read Chinese. I tried NJstar Communicator 2.73 8618, it doesn't work!

I am getting nuts now. I have just got into my blog by memory(Thank for wenxuecity to put my blog at first page) and copy my ID to sign in to post this article.

Help please!

Please reply this post by English, so I can read it.

Danm stupid man! Why did he install my daughter's computer without Chinese lauguage setting! He is out of country now!!!!!

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閱讀 ()評論 (39)
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 USB也是一個好辦法,多買幾個。

Tender 回複 悄悄話 回複唐朝胡蘆的評論:
You beat me. I type too slow.
Tender 回複 悄悄話 回複唐朝胡蘆的評論:
Do you mean flash drives? I got a 2G USB drive for my co-worker for $3 yesterday (Futureshop). They can only go cheaper nowadays. The problem for flash drives is they are not that stable (not that they die every day). I'd definitely make two copies of back-ups.
唐朝胡蘆 回複 悄悄話 4G USB $8.99 at
唐朝胡蘆 回複 悄悄話 回複唐朝胡蘆的評論:

如你主要是文章, 一個2G或4G的 USB 就夠了
唐朝胡蘆 回複 悄悄話 回複漢代蜜瓜的評論:

another cheap option for 數據備份,
如你主要是文章, 一個2G或4G就夠了。On sale 時10+刀。

你 can
1. goto the directory or fold you want to save
2. right click on mouse and select "Properties"
3. It will show you the total data volume in that directory.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複歌兒的評論:

歌兒 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,我來晚了,看起來危機已經解除了。
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複Tender的評論:


漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複鳳凰牌餐刀的評論:


Tender 回複 悄悄話 看來是電池沒電了.橙色燈是在充電,綠色燈是電池充滿了.明亮說的對,取出電池直接用電源,立馬就知道是不是電池的問題.
備份很重要.外接硬盤也不是完全保險.最好是硬盤再加上on-line back up.
鳳凰牌餐刀 回複 悄悄話 用牙簽戳一下筆記本電腦下麵的reset就好了。
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複明亮的評論:





漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複YanDangShan的評論:


漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複餅姐姐的評論:


明亮 回複 悄悄話 喲,蜜瓜,對不住來晚了。下回電腦有事直接到我博客留言不要客氣。你弄好就好,這道理是要切斷電源斷電重啟。電腦估計當時死機卡住了。有時把電池取出來不用在裝回去直接插電源,就可以的。電池和電源隻用一個,這樣容易判斷問題再誰身上。備份大家都說得對,你還可以找一些網上的免費網絡的storage,不過那樣rely他們的site。反正狡兔三窟,備份很重要。
YanDangShan 回複 悄悄話 數據備份:

1) 到Futur Shop買一個外置硬盤


2) 拷貝你的所有重要文件到外置硬盤。

餅姐姐 回複 悄悄話 oh my god!
hug you!
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複9斤的評論:


9斤 回複 悄悄話 You can buy an external backup harddrive, and it usually come with instruction and software. After install the driver follow the instruction, you could start the backup every night before you go to bed. It will backup everything on you computer so that even if the computer crashes, you can easily recover your data.

Go to any electronic store, and ask the people who work there and tell them you are looking for backup equipment for your pc, they should be able to help you to choose a product.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複9斤的評論:

往哪裏去BACK UP 啊?
9斤 回複 悄悄話 蜜瓜:

You need to backup your computer every night, especially because you have so much valuable information there. Don't you ever backup?
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複Shirleyu的評論:


Shirleyu 回複 悄悄話 To add Chinese to your daughter's computer:
1. go to /setting/control panel/Regional and Language Options.
2. Click Language tab
3. Check box of Install files for east Asian Languages.
It will ask you to put your window XP disk into your CD drive.
4. Once it done to installation, go to task bar right click language bar (the blue tab with EN), pick setting.
5. When the dialoge opens, pick 'Add'and then add the language you like.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複shuimaomao的評論:



shuimaomao 回複 悄悄話 要麽是主板壞了,要麽是顯示屏壞了
Most likely is 顯示屏壞了
To test it, you can use USB port to connect to another Display monitor and start your laptop and work from there.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 謝謝唐朝葫蘆和溫妮!!





溫妮 回複 悄悄話 Migua,

Good. I won't call my husband now. I guess the orange light is for the battery,not for the power line.Maybe it is orange because the battery is not fully charged.

Happy niu year.
唐朝胡蘆 回複 悄悄話 Looks like 溫妮 might work for customer service. Your steps are much clear and suit for 蜜瓜.
溫妮 回複 悄悄話 Migua,

I am not a computer specialist.That's what I usually do when I have similar problem.I am not sure why the power light is orange. Let me call my husband first.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複溫妮的評論:

GOD!!! It works!!!!!!

So simple!!! But you never know if nobody tells you!!!

Thanks a lot!!!!
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複溫妮的評論:

Is that OK that the power light is orange color? Why is it orange?
溫妮 回複 悄悄話 migua,

1,unplug the power line. You have done that.

2.take the battery out.put it back in. you have done that.

3,plug the power line in. you have done that.

4, press the power key to start the computer as you usually do.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 Before it was green.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 回複唐朝胡蘆的評論:

I did. And then plug the power in. Now the light becomes orange. What can I do?
唐朝胡蘆 回複 悄悄話 Unplug the power while you doing it.
唐朝胡蘆 回複 悄悄話 Try to take the battery out from the laptop and put it back in.
It might help.
漢代蜜瓜 回複 悄悄話 Can anyone go to comment area to ask "Wangguan" to put this article to first page of Wenxuecity to let more people know?