
輕吟淺酌過日子 合家歡樂夫妻子 平安健康一輩子


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在伊利諾誒(Illinois) 旅遊指南書中專有介紹芝加哥建築的一節, 開篇有一段引人注目的話:


If Mrs. O’leary’s  infamous cow did indeed kick over the lantern on the night of October 8,1871,  to start the  Great  Chicago Fire, she unwittingly gave Chicago’s builders a clean slate.  


In the wake of the massive conflagration, talented architects arrived with bulging portfolios and large ambitions.  They set about replacing tinderboxes with sturdy structures of stone and steel, rebuilding Chicago as a city meant to last.


(在1871 108 日夜裏,如果真的是鷗萊瑞夫人的那頭臭名昭著的母牛踢翻了油燈,引發了舉世矚目的芝加哥大火;那麽她在無意間給了芝加哥的建設者們一片空白地。







* * * 讀罷,不由得想對那場大火一探究竟。


1837年第一部城市憲章被批準通過,芝加哥被正式設立為一個市。 當時它是一個小的貿易商棧,擁有5000居民。到1850年,芝加哥的城市人口增至30000人。而在1871年,大火前夜,它擁有330000 人口,位居美國第四 短期內急劇的人口增長,讓這個城市的建設匆忙簡單,危機四伏 絕大多數建築物是用易燃的木材搭造的,而且沒有配置滅火設施。一些資料顯示,1871 年夏天,芝加哥平均每天發生兩場火警,200多名消防隊員疲於奔命,防火器材故障頻出。 正如那位十九世紀曆史學家A.T. Andreas指出的:" Nature had withheld her accustomed measure of prevention and man had added to the peril by recklessness.(這個城市客觀上不具備防火的條件,而主觀防火意識也不很淡薄。)"  彼時的芝加哥已經顯現出大禍臨頭的預兆。


據說在1871108 日(星期天)晚上9點鍾,在城西南邊鷗萊瑞夫人的畜棚附近,在那個幹燥大風的夏末,在那個草率建設且疏於管理的城市裏,一支火苗驟然升起,輕快地掠過周圍的簡陋小屋,工棚和其他建築,借著風力以不可阻擋之勢向東北市中心方向迅速蔓延。當時的火警值班員,判斷錯了火源的方位,指令發給了一個較遠的消防站。而火源現場的居民鷗萊瑞夫人和她的鄰居們居然沒有報警。更意想不到的是本已晚到的消防車卻發生了故障! 時機的一再延誤,讓星星之火燃成燎原之勢。從這個滅頂之災的一開始,每一件事情都不對了。其實,芝加哥大火的真正原因似乎從沒有定論,明理的人都清楚,那隻牛蹄僅是摧毀芝加哥的一個充分而非必要條件而已。






午夜130 市府大樓燃起來了, 巡夜人隻能沿著燃燒的樓梯扶手滑出大火。 此時市政官員們意識到了這幢樓要保不住了,便立即打開了位於地下室的監牢大門,釋放出所有在押的犯人。 緊接著,大樓坍塌,樓頂的大鍾垂直落下。這時候的芝加哥城裏,成千上萬的居民從夢中驚醒,被火驅趕著, 棄家離所,匆匆忙忙向北逃亡。


淩晨300,大火吞噬了坐落在Huron Street街的Rumsey homes








回到市南看看,嶄新豪華的Palmer House 連同旁邊的芝加哥論壇辦公樓已夷為平地。正是在大火前一個月,芝加哥論壇曾發出警告:If the city did not fall down, it was liable to burn――Chicago is a city of everlasting pine, shingles, shams, veneer, stucco and putty(芝加哥如果不倒塌的話,也容易被火燒毀――這個城市僅僅是用木材,膠合板搭起來後在表麵塗著裝飾泥灰而已)。遺憾的是,這個警告在當時並沒有引起芝加哥人足夠的重視。



Variations on a Theme: The Burning City

Variations on a Theme: The Burning City


Variations on a Theme: The Burning City

Variations on a Theme: The Burning City




109日(星期一),火勢仍然不可控製,它繼續向北蔓延著,肆虐著。芝加哥市中心化為一片汪洋火海。當時的目擊者是這樣形容的:It was like a snowstorm only the flakes were red instead of white 那是一場火紅色的暴風雪。”






* * *那麽,這場大火到底給當時的芝加哥人造成多少損失呢?


從麵積來看受災區長4 英裏,平均寬度4分之3 英裏, 折合2千多英畝;被毀壞的街道28英裏,人行道120英裏,燈柱2000多個; 市區所有的植被被一掃而光;市中心建築群被徹底摧毀 18千多幢建築物倒塌;合計20億資財化為灰燼;城市商業完全垮台;300多人喪命;10萬居民無家可歸。 芝加哥大火被視為19世紀最悲慘的事件之一。


Ruins of the Mammoth Store of Field & Leiter 




損失慘重,打擊沉痛,可芝加哥人並沒有垮:“It is important to remember how much of the city did not burn.”位於城西的重工業和牲畜業沒有受到影響; 鐵路係統並沒有受到致命的毀壞,雖然火車站已夷為平地; 最最重要的是芝加哥得天獨厚的地理位置沒有改變 —它是西部終端站,它是密西西比水係的門戶,它是美國主要的鐵路中心,它是工業大發展時期中西部的主要城市。其地理位置決定了芝加哥將不可避免地成為美國經濟中心以及社會生活中心。




* * * 早在大火燃燃之際,芝加哥的自救重建已經展開了。


109日(星期一)早晨在城西的一個教堂裏芝加哥公共理事會(the Common Council)主席Charles C.P. Holden召集了一個部分官員和市民代表的聯合大會,會議中,這個教堂被設為第一個臨時政府服務機關以幫助難民渡過難關,並提供食品和飲用水。


下午,市長Mason 做了一個簡短講演,鼓勵芝加哥人民勇於麵對困難, 充滿信心,振作起來重建家園。緊接著,一些非常重要的臨時政策出台:比如製定麵包價格;嚴禁運輸等行業抬價;禁止任何場合抽煙;嚴格限定娛樂業酒吧的娛樂時間等等。


同時,芝加哥公共理事會還成立了一個由市民代表和三方官員代表組成的救濟協會(Relief Committee專門負責管理和分配各地捐贈的錢財及物品(資料記載,來自全國各地及全世界的捐贈總價值達5百億美金)。


然而趁火打劫乃是一小撮人類渣滓的惡習之一。對於從大火裏逃生的芝加哥人來說,危險並沒有結束。一位名叫Cassius Milton Wicker的市民在寫給朋友的一封信中說:With the close of the fire, or rather conflagration, our troubles have not closed. Roughs and thieves from all parts of the country flocked here for plunder(我們的紛亂並沒有隨著大火的熄滅而消失,全國各地的流氓無賴都集聚到芝加哥來趁火打劫了). 微弱的芝加哥滋生著並吸引著大批流浪扒手,夜盜,和無賴混子 - 殺人,搶劫,縱火,酗酒頻頻上演在街頭巷尾


在這個生死存亡之際, 市長Mason 作出了就拯救芝加哥的兩步至為關鍵性的決策:


第一,1010日全權委托內戰英雄人物Philip Sheridan中將維護城市安全和秩序。





     (內容見下)                   Lieutenant-General Philip H. Sheridan, ca. 1876




The preservation of the good order and peace of the city is hereby intrusted to Lieut. General P.H. Sheridan, U.S. Army.

The Police will act in conjunction with the Lieut. General in the preservation of the peace and quiet of the city, and the Superintendent of the Police will consult with him to that end. The intent being to preserve the peace of the city without interfering with the functions of the city government.

Given under my seal this October 11, A.D. 1871.

R.B. MASON, Mayor ]

很快Sheridan中將抽取了正規軍,市民,以及警察中的少數精英分子組建了一個混合軍隊 芝加哥第一自願團(First Regiment of Chicago Volunteers)並頒布了宵禁令等一係列非常時期的治安製度。這支軍隊日夜巡邏在芝加哥的大街小巷,守護著救濟品倉庫,監督 執行治安製度。 


  一位自願團崗哨在給他的妻子談到這段特殊經曆時非常自豪:“I have not had my clothes off for a week, the city is paroled [sic] every night, you should have seen me last night paroling our alley with a loaded revolver in my hand looking for incendiaries for there are many about function forumSelected() { var forumId = $("#forumId").val(); if(forumId == null || '' == forumId) { alert('請選擇論壇.'); } else { } }

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The first of three songs in this Library by George F. Root, of the Chicago firm of Root & Cady. To be sung "con fuoco" (with fire).

"Passing through the Fire"
in MIDI Format
Con Fuoco.

1. Flames! flames! terrible flames!
How they rise, how they mount, how they fly.
The heavens are spread with a fierce lurid glare,
Red heat is filling the earth with air,
While, mercy! mercy! We hear the despairing ones cry.

chorus: (Moderato) for alto, tenor, bass, and the air, and piano accompaniment

Passing thro' the fire! passing thro' the fire,
And it is our Father's hand,
Tho' we may not understand
Why we're passing thro' the fire,
passing thro' the fire!

2. Flames! flames! terrible flames!
How they sweep, how they rush, how they roar.
See the hideous tongues round the roof,
tree and spire,
As swells their wild carnival higher and higher,
Till falling! crashing! Our glorious
city's no more.

3. Flames! flames! terrible flames!
What a fearful destruction they bring.
What suff'ring and want in their train follow fast,
As forth on the streets homeless
thousands are cast,
But courage! courage! From the mid'st of the
furnace we sing.

如秋方 回複 悄悄話


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A waltz published in Boston in 1871.


"Pity the Homeless"
in MIDI Format
1. Pity the homeless, pity the poor,
By the fierce Fire fiend forced to your door;
List to their pleading, list to their cry,
Pass them not heedlessly by....
Roused from their slumbers, peaceful and sweet,
Hastening in terror into the street,
Leaving behind them treasure most dear,
Flying in anguish and fear......


Pity the homeless, pity the poor,
By the fierce Fire fiend forced to your door;
List to their pleading, list to their cry,
Pass them not heedlessly by.

2. See how the Fire king leaps in his joy!
As his dead minions haste to destroy;
See how the homes, once peaceful and fair,
Wrapped in the flames, melt in air......
Haste then, and help them, who from their home
Shelterless, foodless, wearily roam,
Pity their anguish, list to their prayers,
Lighten their labors and cares.......