
林旋風 OFFSENSE 圖解(dribble penetration/screen/isolation)

(2012-03-26 10:44:52) 下一個
定義Dribble penetration is one of the best ways to beat a good zone defense. If you are able to get by a defender and drive towards the lane, the defense will be forced to shift and this usually leaves someone wide open. If you can shoot well and be smart with your dribble penetration you'll always find a spot in the rotation against teams that play a zone defense. 哈哈,前兩天WAR 總長篇推出了一個聯防(ZONE DEFENSE)的好文,我看了又看。就琢磨著怎麽有一個形象的VIDEO,下麵這個LINK,看第一個,林如何用Dribble penetration。說白了吸引敵人注意力,把機會留給戰友。包初學者一看就懂。 任何戰術都可以破的,關鍵是隊員配合,還要隨機應變。 http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/18/sports/basketball/In-Lin-Knicks-Find-a-Textbook-Point-Guard.html 定義A screen is a blocking move by an offensive player, by standing beside or behind a defender, to free a teammate to shoot, receive a pass, or drive in to score. In basketball, it is also known as a pick. Screens can be on-ball (when set for the ball-handler), or off-ball (when set for a teammate moving without the ball to get open for a pass). The two offensive players involved in setting the screen are known as the screener (who blocks the defender) and the cutter (who gets free from the defender). 這個最近論壇討論很多,我就不重複了。 看下麵的LINK, 第二個 http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/18/sports/basketball/In-Lin-Knicks-Find-a-Textbook-Point-Guard.html 或者複習一下 LILAC的好貼【有圖有真相】大媽級林粉看NBA學英語(3)http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/sports/393647.html定義An isolation in basketball is where one player (frequently the point guard or shooting guard) is matched up one on one vs. one player on the opposing team; and the teammates of the player with possession of the ball move out of the way so that the ball handler can make is move and try to score a point. 我的白話文理解: 就是一個詞單挑, 同隊其他的人閃開讓道. 林小子好象recently 幹這個幹得少了。 個人覺得,少幹為好,弄不好被對方弄個惡意犯規,受傷多多。適當的運用啟動速度或者SPACE的一些優勢玩玩就可以。 單挑不是MELO 最強嗎,號稱和KOBE 單挑也不一定遜色。我怎麽看都沒看出甜瓜人人誇的速度和爆發力。 林有時脾氣來了,一發彪,反而敢入虎口。 具體的看下麵這個LINK, 第三個就是isolation, 圖文並茂. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/18/sports/basketball/In-Lin-Knicks-Find-a-Textbook-Point-Guard.html 有興趣的還可以對比看看 Durant’s Isolation (OKC Thunder)http://www.nba.com/video/channels/originals/2012/03/23/20120322_Durant_Iso.nba/index.html 不得不誇誇自己的學習精神。如有胡言,歡迎指正。
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