
Pjiang 請幫忙解讀USCIS 來信 (EB2, PD:Feb, 2005, RD: June 2007)

(2009-09-08 07:04:10) 下一個
在我用USCIS公布的方法給他們打電話查詢我的485 case (EB2, PD:Feb, 2005, RD: June 2007) 後,收到如下來信:

The processing of your petition/application has been delayed. All petitions received by this Service are required to have routine security checks that are resulting in delays of adjudication of petitions/applications. We can give no definite indication of when they will be completed. We apologize for the delay

這難道是說我的 Name Check 還沒有過嗎?或是其他什麽? 我能做點什麽加速這個過程嗎?實在是太慢了。

在我太太打了相同電話後,USCIS 回信:
Our records indicate that we recently made an appointment for you go to one of our application support centers for processing associated with this case. your case is currently suspense until you complete this process. A copy of the scheduling notice for your information will be mailed within 30-45 days. Please follow any instructions on that notice.

這是需要做fingerprint 嗎?我是主申請人,我們就做過一次fingerprint. 難道這個notice 需要30-45 天才能收到?

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