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(2010-04-18 11:56:15) 下一個
發表日期:廣州新快報世界觀“晚來嘮磕”專欄 (4/15/10)




  “I love Chinese food(我愛中國菜)。”每次聽帕緹這麽一說,我們總會盡力多炒幾個小菜滿足她。帕緹的要求並不高,簡單的番茄炒蛋就能把她香得合不攏嘴。跟帕緹幾次聚餐後,我注意到,她連一次性刀叉都舍不得扔掉。



  每年春夏,我們小區經常舉辦“車庫大甩賣”(Garage Sale),就是在周末上午,在車庫擺賣自己不用的二手貨,跟跳蚤市場似的。我們這家鄰居就經常把舊衣服擺出來賣。




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閱讀 ()評論 (23)
koelle 回複 悄悄話 俺就認識一家不差錢又特摳門的老美,他們不把這個當成摳門或者節儉,美其名曰responsible to money, 對錢負責?
gemini68amy 回複 悄悄話 回複zishuan的評論: true! always a good thing to use brain
zishuan 回複 悄悄話 Though physicians may not be as rich as certain businessmen, they are gernerally well off. Not all of them are frugal, but most are money-smart. They don't like some Chises doctors who need redbags/gray-income to supplement their income, but they don't waste their hard-earn money either. My friend is definitely one of them "being frugal" and don't care those who needs to show off to cover their more modest status: She paid off her loan, already paid off her house before her graduation from residency and now happily lives in a mansion.
gemini68amy 回複 悄悄話 回複zishuan的評論: cause they don't care about or in need of more labels. Branding is a powerful marketing tool to collect money from consumers who accept the idea and willingly pay more for "brand name".
gemini68amy 回複 悄悄話 回複zishuan的評論: cause they don't care about or in need of more labels. Branding is a powerful marketing tool to collect money from consumers who are accept the idea and willingly pay more for "brand name".
gemini68amy 回複 悄悄話 回複happylux的評論:what? #$?%?&@!
gemini68amy 回複 悄悄話 回複shaoaifeng的評論: check your grammar before posting. couldn't believe you are trying to make a point with that kind of lousy sentences. fyi, spending less on things is not equivalent to frugal; and frugal is an virtue.
gemini68amy 回複 悄悄話 回複曲線救國的評論: 煩請你把你關於老美的等級清單給列一下?
zishuan 回複 悄悄話 one of my white colleague and her husband are both physicians. She told me she bought "a load" of children's clothing for less than 100 bucks in Macy's clearance sale.
曲線救國 回複 悄悄話 你咋淨和這樣的老美混在一塊?
林韻 回複 悄悄話 不太具有代表性,大多老美喜愛shopping,非常浪費滴說~~~


china123 回複 悄悄話 Being frugal means "shopping for necessity, not for luxury or fun."
cleverpeach 回複 悄悄話 I really depends on the level of people you deal with. There are beggars and there are professionals. Each group has a different life style. It is a virtue when a millionaire is not over spending. It is foolish when a poor person spends more than he can afford.
happylux 回複 悄悄話 抱歉,不是picky,是真的我周圍的美國人沒這麽摳的。
happylux 回複 悄悄話 I had never seen this type of 美國白人 here. Are u day-dreaming? It make me feel if LZ had ever been to US?
何仙姑 回複 悄悄話 老美非常不節省 根深蒂固很難培養有我們父輩那樣的節儉意識
JNR 回複 悄悄話 well, Americans cheap like those you blogged here are mostly losers...
思無味 回複 悄悄話
對於像筆記本電腦之類的用品,本人可以接受二手貨(or Refurbished),
shaoaifeng 回複 悄悄話 It depends on the area. Americans could be trifty, but think about: who has the most income in the world and where all the full price items sold to. Americans are the largest group spending most of the money, they are just not in the in your level or around you.
草wxc 回複 悄悄話 生活習慣不同,吃穿老外很省,但人家有錢去旅遊
zmhappy8 回複 悄悄話 我的朋友他們也都是買2手衣服穿,對於中國人來說都很少穿2手的。然後我朋友還送了我兒子一個二手淘來的餐盤。我都不能想象,中國人一般不會送人二手貨的。我同事,中產階級,也是節儉的很,很少出去吃飯,買東西也買便宜的。大家都挺會過日子的。
zmhappy8 回複 悄悄話 其實很多美國白人都非常節省的。我的朋友和同事都很節省。