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首先第一,最重要的一點是, 要完成作業。通常情況下,學生交作業掙分數,交的越多分數越高。這是個既簡單又實用的策略。如果老師不給過量的作業,那麽完成作業一般並不難。此外,完成每項作業可以更好地理解教材,因為要正確回答問題,有時得查查筆記,讀讀的課本,或上網搜索研究有關的主題。於是學習就圍繞著老師教授的重點進行,因為老師布置作業一般是要強調他們希望學生理解和記憶的內容。這樣理解和結構化的學習方法,對考試幫助很大。由於有這些綜合益處,完成所有作業, 絕對是嚴格關鍵的一點。

第二,集中注意力。在課堂上要集中注意力,理解教學內容和捕捉各種細節信息,例如,哪些作業占分數最多,什麽時候考試測驗。這兩件事, 理解教學內容和捕捉各種細節, 都得要集中注意力。我是在老師講課時集中精力理解教材,過後就不必再花太多精力。上課時我差不多總是睜著眼睛支著耳朵,並把重要的細節記下來。

第三,記筆記。記筆記很大程度上是因人而宜。有些全A 生是每節課都記很多頁筆記,而有些人則是一節課還記不上半篇兒。記筆記的量並不是最重要的因素,本來也用不著記下老師講的每句話。實際上,寫得太多反而效率不高,因為會分散精力,沒法集中理解學習內容,結果是 , 如果有困惑,以後還得花更多精力學習。我記筆記的目的,是為了記下那些當時能理解,但以後可能記不住的內容。比如曆史課,我會記下名字,日期,不同的事件如何相互影響,等等。而數學課,我可能會寫下方程、 公式,和對幾個複雜問題的詳細解答,包括每個步驟。這樣重點突出、簡潔地記筆記很有效率。


Grade Point Average


To earn a high grade point average, a student must carefully select classes and consistently do well in those classes. To the extent possible, good teachers and subjects that interest the student should be chosen. Once classes begin, five important factors come into play:  assignments, attention, notes, studying, and tests.
First, the most important factor is completing assignments. Usually, students earn points by turning in work, and more points turn into higher grades. It’s a simple and proven strategy. If the teacher doesn’t give excessive amounts of work, then finishing every assignment rarely becomes unmanageable. Also, finishing each assignment allows me to better understand the material, because to answer questions correctly, sometimes I have to review my notes, read the textbook, or research topics online. Studying becomes structured around what the teacher believes is most important, as teachers usually give homework to emphasize the content they want students to understand and remember. This understanding and structured studying helps tremendously for doing well on tests. Because of these combined benefits, completing all assignments is absolutely critical.

Second, while in class, the focus is on understanding the content and catching various tidbits of information, such as which assignments are worth the most points and when tests will be given. Accomplishing these two things require paying attention. I focus my attention during the teacher's lectures to understand the material so I don't have to study too much later, and I almost always keep an eye or ear open for important tidbits of information so I can write them down.
Third, note taking is largely based on personal preference. Some straight-A students take pages of notes every class, while others take less than half a page of notes each class. The amount of note taking is not the most crucial factor, and it's unnecessary to write down everything the teacher says in a lecture. In fact, writing too much is usually ineffective because it takes away focus from understanding the content in the lecture, causing confusion and more studying required later on. The purpose of my notes is to remind me of information that I understand but may not be able to remember later. For a history class, I might write down names, dates, how different events affect each other, etc. For a math class, I might write down equations, formulas, and step by step solutions for a few complex problems. This type of focused, concise note taking is very effective.


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