
MichaelC (熱門博主)
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(2009-09-25 19:57:01) 下一個



他在2000-2008當美國總統八年,犯過很多錯。其中包括,疏忽防恐政策、沒有阻止9.11,誤打伊拉克等等。但他最大的錯誤是沒有對地球變暖這個世界性環境問題加以重視,甚至輕視。這是一家網站對他的環保政策的評價:(his environmental policiesdismantling safeguards, ignoring climate concerns, marginalizing sound science and catering to industries that endangered Americans' health and natural heritage.

他一上台就把克林頓總統時公布的好幾個環境命令廢除掉。他以會影響國內經濟為理由,拒絕簽訂有141個國家簽字的Kyoto Treaty,使美國成為西方發達國家裏唯一沒有簽訂Kyoto Treaty的兩個國家之一(另一個是澳大利亞)。他不僅不願做二氧化碳減排的世界領導,反對Kyoto Treaty,還公開引起發達國家和發展中國家之間為減碳的爭議、相互指責。結果誰也不想走出減碳的第一步。這種影響很深遠。直到今天,減碳也舉步維艱。就好象在一條已大量入水的船上,船員們不去排水、堵洞,卻仍在為誰該為漏水負比較大的責任而爭論不休。

人類已走到了一個幾乎不可能回頭的邊緣。這一百多年裏,人類把地下深埋的碳燃料燒了接近一半。再過50-100年可能再把另一半也快燒完。地球變暖後對世界的影響是全球性的,隻和排碳總量和總速度有關,而和國家之間曆史上排碳的相對多少沒有關係。隨著時間的推移,因為沒有哪個大國家站出來領導減碳,我們已離Point of No Return越來越近。







Making Energy Policy

EPA shelves bad-news report about auto fuel efficiency until after energy bill vote (07/26/05)

Former oil lobbyist employed by White House leaves to join ExxonMobil (06/15/05)

Industry buys access to Bush inauguration (01/20/05)

President Bush touts "environmental benefits" of nuclear power (01/10/05)

Lobbyists rub elbows and tee off with federal policy-makers at industry junket (01/05/05)

Bush oil and gas drilling policy forces taxpayers to pay a heavy cleanup price (12/26/04)

BLM whistleblower pays price for reporting mining pollution (11/10/04)

White House stifles global warming data, says NASA top official (10/27/04)

Energy and Public Lands

BLM makes environmental cleanup optional for oil and gas companies (08/05/05)

Interior Dept. may allow increased natural gas drilling in Utah canyon (08/02/05)

Interior Dept. drills away environmental protections (07/21/05)

BLM pays oil and gas industry to work on drilling permits (07/08/05)

BLM limits citizen input on drilling on public lands (06/30/05)

BLM opens Otero Mesa for oil and gas development (06/07/05)

Energy development not hampered by lack of drilling permits (04/28/05)

BLM underestimates wildlife threats from drilling in Colorado (04/21/05)


Clean Vehicles

White House proposes weak fuel economy standards for gas guzzlers (08/23/05)

DOT perpetuates the dual-fuel fraud (02/18/04)

EPA touts new, cleaner cars (01/26/04)

United States and European Union teaming up on hydrogen fuel cells (06/16/03)

EPA reports record drop in fuel economy (04/30/03)

EPA cracks down on diesel pollution (04/15/03)

Bush administration slightly raises SUV gas mileage requirements (04/01/03)

White House fuel cell plan ignores today’s oil insecurity (02/06/03)

Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency

Bush administration expands popular energy conservation program (07/10/05)

Federal court rejects EPA snowmobile standards (06/01/04)

Department of Energy agrees to enforce higher efficiency standards for air conditioners (04/02/04)

EPA overestimating fuel economy data, environmentalists charge (04/02/04)

USDA grant program makes energy the new cash crop (12/12/03)

Bush administration opposes renewable energy requirement (07/19/02)

Bush administration rolls back air conditioner energy efficiency standards (05/23/02)

DOE to fund biomass research (09/19/01)


Power Plant Pollution

EPA to keep new Clean Air Act regulations that increase pollution (06/02/05)

EPA's mercury pollution plan won't meet reduction targets on time (04/21/05)

EPA weakens mercury reduction requirements for power plants (03/15/05)

EPA issues rule to reduce power plant pollution in many states (03/10/05)

Congressional watchdog agency concludes EPA distorted mercury analysis (03/07/05)

Bush administration air pollution plan would exempt 58,000 industrial sources (03/01/05)

EPA mercury proposal favors industry, says agency's inspector general (02/03/05)

Clear Skies would let plants pollute more, study concludes (01/13/05)


Diesel Emissions

EPA finally agrees to set standards for stationary diesel engines (07/15/04)

Non-road diesel roadless rule to save lives by reducing pollution (05/10/04)

EPA calls for cleaner diesel trucks (03/04/04)

Bush administration refuses to crack down on diesel pollution (06/07/02)

EPA upholds Clinton decision to clean up diesel pollution (02/28/01)


Global Warming

Bush admits humans cause global warming, but rebuffs action (07/06/05)

EPA scuttled global warming videos to avoid White House wrath (07/01/05)

White House white-washes global warming data (06/08/05)

Bush points to technology as key to climate change fix (02/17/05)

EPA environmental report to include global warming data (02/03/05)

Bush administration impedes progress at international global warming talks (12/18/04)

Bush administration accepts global warming science but balks at solutions (11/24/04)

Bush administration agrees to capture methane gas (11/16/04)


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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
firm 回複 悄悄話 地球變暖完全就是左派媒體鼓吹的口號。
樓主: 1,沒有常識。2,僅有的一點知識也是被媒體灌輸的概念。自己腦袋早失去應有功能了。
eav 回複 悄悄話 Bush是不怎麽樣, 但打伊拉克是從美國整體利益出發,你更本沒看懂。 不要妄加評論! 5歲的小屁孩。
明夷 回複 悄悄話 如果說打阿富汗是不可避免,那麽之後侵占伊拉克就是徹頭徹尾的錯誤。原因很簡單:1)薩達姆與本拉登和基地組織沒甚關係,他更加懼怕這些伊斯蘭極端分子對他世俗政權的威脅;2)薩達姆沒有大規模殺傷性武器,無法對美國和盟國構成嚴重威脅(伊朗北朝鮮更有研發核武器的條件);3)出去對於維護自己極權統治的需要,薩達姆不容許極端分子在其國土內活動,他的殘暴統治對於極端分子的震懾比美軍更有效;4)薩達姆是阻止伊朗暑促伊斯蘭革命的重要勢力。薩達姆倒台後,伊拉克成為各種極端分子為所欲為的樂園,也除去了伊朗輸出伊斯蘭革命的勁敵,美軍也分身在兩個戰場上同時廝殺,美國內的納稅人(不僅僅是美國公民)要付出更加高昂的代價,美國和自由世界也要冒更加顯著的風險。如同潘德拉的盒子,打開了就很難收場。
都市紅塵 回複 悄悄話 我很為這種民主製度打問號。
vwbeetle 回複 悄悄話 從兩位發表的言論來看,版主麥克西是比布希聰明很多!
vwbeetle 回複 悄悄話 布希很不聰明!!!
hzgg 回複 悄悄話 Bush might not be very intelligent. You sound much more stupid than him.
偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 Well said! 誤打伊拉克---小布什犯的最大錯誤.
5speed 回複 悄悄話


