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以前在國內,政治學習是工作的一個組成部分。記得那時,政治學習是每天早上十點,持續一個小時。不外是領導們讀報或者讀文件,再加一點信息通告。氣氛沉悶,昏昏欲睡。多年過去,政治學習早就成了一個遙遠的曆史記憶。因為疫情,在家工作,每周部門要遠程聚會一次,除了每人通報自己的工作,上司通報重大事項,還有一個內容是讀書匯報討論。讀的書是統一布置的,每周一個人介紹一章,然後大家討論,談感觸,說體會。已經讀過的一本是Daniel H. Pink(丹尼爾· 平克)的《Drive》(驅動力)。現在正讀的是《To Sell Is Human》(銷售有關人性)。作者不是浪得虛名之徒,其著作都榮登了紐約商務暢銷書名單榜首。下麵是他的簡曆:



曾任美國前副總統阿爾•戈爾的首席演講撰稿人,美國前勞工部部長羅伯特• 賴克的得力助手。





第 九章 服務




在肯尼亞,小型公共汽車是長途旅行的主要交通工具。 小巴士的司機在開車時非常瘋狂,因此坐小巴士是非常危險的。難怪肯尼亞是世界上人均交通死亡率最高的國家之一。



在實驗組中,研究人員放置了五張貼紙。  所有的貼紙都敦促乘客在司機瘋狂開車時,要大聲喊叫、大聲抱怨。

令人驚奇的是,這種方式非常奏效。 實驗組裏大聲抱怨的乘客比對照組的多了三倍。  不過,最不可思議的是,實驗組裏的小型巴士的保險理賠費用要比對照組的少得多。 特別是涉及傷害或死亡的索賠下降了至少50%。



如何達到服務的目標? 從貼紙示例中,作者提供了兩種方法:與人相關和目的性。


1. 與人相關



放射科醫生不直接與病人打交道。 他們隻分析X光片、CT和MRI,這會使他們感到跟人不相關和機械性。 甚至會消極地影響他們的工作表現。

一位名叫耶霍納坦·特納的以色列年輕放射科醫生,想出了一個辦法,來激勵他的同事們工作。 特納拍攝了大約300名接受CT掃描的患者的照片。 患者的照片會與病人的掃描捆綁在一起。 當放射科醫生分析CT掃描圖像以進行評估時,他們會看到圖像旁邊的病人照片。作了這種改變之後,放射科醫生對病人有了更多的同情, 而且他們的工作質量有了巨大提升。

在放射科醫生中,區分是否出色的標準是能否獲取"偶然的發現"。"偶然的發現"是意外的發現,並不跟醫生最初尋找的病症直接相關。 特納挑選了81張放射科醫生90天前附帶照片的掃描結果,並將其分配給同一組放射科醫生。 這一次,病人的照片被從掃描中刪除。 結果不可思議。這次,在所有的已經報告的“偶然發現”裏,80%漏掉了。

這個案子告訴了我們什麽? 它告訴我們,如果放射科醫生看到病人的照片伴隨著掃描,他們會覺得他們是在與有血有肉的人打交道,而不僅僅是一個物理圖像。 使工作跟人相關將提高他們的表現,提高工作質量。

跟人相關有兩麵性。 一種是認清買你的東西的人,另一邊是把自己放在你試圖要賣的東西的後麵。丹尼爾 · 平克用另一個故事來解釋這一點。 一天,他和他的家人去嚐試一家新餐館。 在大廳裏,他發現了一個鑲嵌了餐館老板照片的相框,上麵有如下信息。


這表明,這個老板願意對自己所銷售的東西負責。 作為一個人,他願意為他所賣的食物背書,他把服務跟人緊緊聯係在一起。 



2. 目的性



防止這種情況發生的邏輯步驟是鼓勵醫護人員經常洗手。 然而,美國醫院的洗手頻率相當低。

如何鼓勵醫護人員洗手? 我們醫院有健康培訓課程,每個團隊成員每年必須受訓並通過。關於洗手的條款就包括在課程中,不過不確定是否有效。 亞當·格蘭特和大衛·霍夫曼做了一個研究,看看他們能否找到更好的方法來推動醫院員工改變他們的行為。


  1. 保持手的衛生可以防止你感染疾病。
  2. 保持手的衛生可防止病人感染疾病。
  3. 擦上洗手液, 洗手。


9個月後,他們又開始了另一個實驗。 這一次,他們隻使用前兩個標誌。 結果第一個沒有任何效果,但第二個(防止病人得病 )讓洗手的比率提高了10%。  這些發現表明,健康和安全信息不應關注自我,而應該關注目標群體。

人類不僅會考慮自身利益,而且也會為社會考慮。  為了幫助我們理解這一 點,讓我們 看下麵的示例。

研究人員將參與者分為三個小組。 第一組閱讀為什麽拚車有利於環境的信息,第二個閱讀為什麽拚車可以節省錢的信息,第三個閱讀有關拚車的一般信息。 他們閱讀信息後,被要求填寫一些無關的調查問卷。然後,他們被告知離開,並丟棄任何剩餘的文件。 有兩個垃圾箱可供選擇。 一個是常規廢物箱,另一個是回收箱。 令人驚訝的是,大約90%的第一組選擇了回收箱,但第二組和第三組隻有50%選擇了回收箱。這說明,討論一種有利於社會的生活方式會影響人們普遍的的行為方式。

作者 介紹了"仆人領袖"一詞。 這個術語是由前美國 AT&T 公司一個中層管理人員羅伯特·格林利夫創造的。   對羅伯特·格林利夫來說,一個最有效的領導人不是一個英勇的、負責的指揮官,而是一個安靜而謙遜的指揮官。 這種類型的領導者把服務放在第一位,首先傾聽,接受和同情而不是拒絕。 把這個原理應用於推銷,那就是理想的銷售應該是如仆人一樣推銷。 先服務,再推銷。推銷的本質是改善世界,為這個世界提供它不知道它所缺少的東西。


Chapter 9  Serve summary


In Kenya, a small bus is the main transportation vehicle for long distance travel.  The drivers of the small bus are quite wild when they are driving and therefore seating in the small bus is very risky.  That might be one of the reasons why Kenya has one of the highest per capita rates of traffic deaths in the world.

The government had tried many ways, such as reducing speed limit, repair roads, encourage seat belt use, install speed bumps and so on,  to solve the problem,  but the problem is still there due to funding shortage.

Two Georgetown University economists designed a method to change the behavior of the drivers. They recruited 2,276 drivers and divided them into two groups, control group and experimental group.

In the experimental group, researchers placed five stickers.  All of the stickers urged passengers to take actions like yelled out and complained loudly when the drivers driving crazily.

It is amazing that this way worked very well.  The passengers in experimental group were three times as likely to heckle drivers as those in the control group.  In the end, the small buses with stickers had much less insurance claims.  Especially the claims involving injury or death fell by more than 50%.

This case proved that the stickers moved the passengers and the passengers moved the driver, which offers a way to understand the final skill: To SERVE.

Sales and non-sales selling are about service. Service is not only an exchange of resources  but also improve others’ lives and, in turn, improving the world.

How to reach the goal of service?  From the sticker example, the author provided two ways:  Make it personal and make it purposeful.


1. Make it personal


Again, Daniel Pink used a story or an example to express his point of view. 

Radiologists don’t deal with the patients directly.  They read the X-rays, CTs and MRIs, which can make them feel impersonal and mechanical.  And even have negative impact on their performance.

A young Israeli radiologist named Yehonatan Turner had an idea to move his fellow practitioners do their jobs better.  Turner took pictures of about 300 patients who came for a CT scan.  The pictures would be associated with the patients’ scans.  When the radiologists read the CT scan to make an assessment, they would see the photo next to the image.  After this change, the radiologists felt more empathy to the patients.  The results show even dramatic changes.

Outstanding radiologists are able to identify “incidental findings”. “Incidental findings” are something else abnormal that are not the physician was originally looking for.   Turner selected 81 of the photo-accompanied scans that the radiologists had found incidental findings 90 days ago and assign them to the same group radiologists.  This time, the patients’ photos were removed from the scans.  The outcome was 80% of the incidental findings were not reported.

What does this case tell us?  It tells us if the radiologists saw the patients’ photos accompanied with the scans, they would feel they are dealing with the real human being instead of just a physical image.  Make their jobs personal would boost their performance and increase the quality of care.

Make it personal has two sides.  One is to recognize the human being behind what you are selling and the other side is to put yourself personal behind whatever you are trying to sell.  Daniel Pink used another story to explain this.  One day, he and his family went to try a new restaurant.  While in the lobby, he found a framed sign with a photograph of the restaurant’s owner. 

“If you had anything less than a great experience, please call my cell 703-624-2111”.

This framed sign indicated that the owner was willing to be accountable for what he was selling.  He, as a human being, was behind the food that he was selling and he made the service personal. 

This reminds me what Aristotle said “Persuasion is achieved by the speaker's personal character when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him credible.”


2. Make it purposeful


It is unbelievable that about 1/20 hospitalized patients contracts an infection in a US hospital and 99K patients died because of this and $40 billion loss a year.

The logical step to prevent this from happening would be to encourage the providers and staff to regularly wash their hands.  However, the frequency of hand washing in US hospitals is pretty low.

How to encourage the clinical providers and staff to wash hands regularly?  IU health has the training courses, which include hands washing that each team member has to take and pass each year.  Not for sure if it works.  Any way Adam Grant and David Hofmann did a research to see if they could find a better way to move the hospital employees to change their behavior.

They designed three signs.

  1. Hand hygiene prevents you from catching disease.
  2. Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching disease.
  3. Gel in, wash out.

Their team went to a US hospital to post the signs next to 66 of the hospital’s soap and hand-sanitizing gel dispensers.  After the two weeks, they found that the most effective sign was the 2nd one.


9 month later, they started another experiment.  This time, they used the first two signs only.  The result was the first one did not have any effect but the 2nd one (prevent the patients from catching diseases) boosted hand washing by 10%.  These findings suggest that health and safety messages should focus not on self but rather on the target group.

Human beings are not just motivated by self-interest but also by prosocial or self-transcending.  To help us understand this, let’s see the example below.

The researchers assigned the participants to three groups.  The first one read information about why car sharing is good for the environment, the 2nd one read why car sharing can save money and the 3rd one read general info about car travel.  After they read the info, they were asked to fill a few unrelated questionnaires. Then they were told to leave and discard any remaining papers they still had.  There were two bins available for them to choose.  One is marked regular waste and the other one for recycling.  Amazingly, about 90% of the first group chose the recycle one but only 50% of the 2nd and 3rd groups chose recycle.  Discussing purpose in one case moved the people to behave differently in the 2nd case.  This indicates that human beings can be motivated by prosocial.

The author introduced the term “Servant Leader”.  This term was created by former AT&T executive Robert Greenleaf.   According to Robert Greenleaf, a most effective leader is not a heroic and take-charge commander but a quieter and humbler one.  This type of leader put service first, respond by listening first, accept and empathize rather than reject. Use this principle to apply to selling, the ideal selling should be servant selling.  The people who move others aren’t manipulators but servants – meaning serve first and sell later. The nature of selling is to improve the world and to provide that world with something it didn’t know it was missing.

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